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Table 4

Distribution of sample based on microscopic evaluation result of wet slide and fluid culture results, treatment phases and groups

PCulturePMicroscopic Evalution
*<0.00135(100%)<0.00135(100%)Before treatment
**NS24(68.6%)NS28(80%)7 day After treatment
***<0.00125(71.4%)<0.00128(80%)14 day After treatment

*<0.00135(100%)<0.00135(100%)Before treatment
**NS28(80%)NS32(91.%4)7 day After treatment
***<0.00130(85.7%)<0.00132(91.4%)14 day After treatment
*Before & 7 day aftertreatment;
**7&14 day aftertreatment;
***Before & 14 day aftertreatment.