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Internet image search outputs propagate climate change sentiment and impact policy support

A Publisher Correction to this article was published on 18 November 2024

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A critical step in tackling climate change involves structural, system-level changes facilitating action. Despite their ubiquity, little is known about how internet search algorithms portray climate change, and how these portrayals impact concern and action. In a sample of 49 countries, we found that nationwide climate concern, but not nation-level climate impact, predicted the emotional arousal caused by climate change Google Image Search outputs, as rated by a naive sample (n = 383). In a follow-up experiment we randomly assigned another sample (n = 899) to receive the climate change image outputs resulting from searches conducted in countries high or low in pre-existing climate concern, and found that participants exposed to images from countries with high pre-existing concern (compared to low) became more concerned about climate change, supportive of climate policy and likely to act pro-environmentally, suggesting a cycle of climate sentiment propagation systemically facilitated by internet search algorithms. We discuss the implications of these findings for climate action interventions.

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Fig. 1: Study 1 procedural and analytic flow in four stages.
Fig. 2: The link between subjective climate change concern and emotionality of climate change outputs from Google Image Search.
Fig. 3: The links between subjective climate change concern, climate action support and emotionality of climate change outputs from Google Image Search.
Fig. 4: Example stimuli used in study 2.
Fig. 5: Language used by participants during the free response phase after exposure to climate change internet search outputs.
Fig. 6: Effects of image condition (high concern versus low concern) on climate-change-relevant outcomes.

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Data availability

Raw datasets from the current work are available via Zenodo at (ref. 81). Study 1 was not preregistered. The preregistration for study 2 can be accessed on AsPredicted:

Code availability

Analysis scripts (in R) used in the current work are available via Zenodo at (ref. 81).

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This project was supported by the New York University Research Catalyst Prize awarded to M.V.

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M.B.-W. designed and executed studies, analysed data, created figures and wrote the manuscript. R.G. analysed data and reviewed the manuscript. R.T. created materials and reviewed the manuscript. M.V. conceived and designed studies, analysed data, created figures and wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Michael Berkebile-Weinberg or Madalina Vlasceanu.

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Berkebile-Weinberg, M., Gao, R., Tang, R. et al. Internet image search outputs propagate climate change sentiment and impact policy support. Nat. Clim. Chang. 15, 44–50 (2025).

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