firefighter holding up a scoop of grain

Since 2014, Nationwide has been collaborating with industry leaders and agricultural professionals to host Grain Bin Safety Week, an annual event held the third full week of February.

Grain Bin Safety Week 2025 (February 16-20) raises awareness about the dangers of working in and around grain bins. It emphasizes the importance of grain bin safety practices and the role of grain rescue equipment and training for first responders in preventing life-threatening grain bin entrapments.

"Grain bin accidents can tragically impact individuals, families and entire communities," said Brad Liggett, president of Nationwide Agribusiness. "Accident prevention means everyone working together, and Grain Bin Safety Week provides a forum for the agricultural community to help keep people safe."

Win grain bin safety equipment for your local fire department

The Nominate Your Fire Department Contest runs from January 1 through April 30 and awards grain rescue tubes and hands-on training to help first responders save lives.

In collaboration with the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) and others, the contest has attracted over 12,000 nominations, resulting in the awarding of grain rescue tubes and training to 390 fire departments across 32 states. These efforts have directly contributed to saving at least 13 lives.

Find a grain rescue tube in your area

Check out our list of grain rescue tube recipients to find the nearest grain rescue tube in your area. If your community doesn’t have one, consider nominating your fire department to help them be ready for future grain entrapment emergencies.

How to enter

Nominations can be submitted one of three ways:

  1. Online: January 1 – April 30
  2. Email: [email protected]
  3. Mail: NECAS, Grain Bin Safety Ag Contest, 8342 NICC Dr., Peosta, IA 52068

To enter, describe how the fire department or emergency rescue team and rural community would benefit from receiving grain entrapment training and a rescue tube. Nominators must provide their name, occupation, phone number, mailing and email address; and the name, address and phone number of the fire department or emergency rescue team being nominated.

See Official rules and prize descriptions

Help us raise awareness and save lives

Grain Bin Safety Week is made possible through the generous support of community members like you. To help promote this vital cause, we’ve provided a news release and other promotional resources. However, there’s still more work to be done. 

If you’d like to get involved or sponsor a grain rescue tube and training for your local fire department, visit our Partner with Us page. 

You can also support this initiative by making a donation at or reaching out to Paul Stevenson. Together, we can make a difference.

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