The objective of our Nagios Trademark Use Restrictions is to encourage use of the Nagios trademarks by the Nagios community for non-commercial purposes, while regulating that use in order to avoid confusion on the part of Nagios users and the general public, to maintain the value of the image and reputation of the trademarks and to protect them from inappropriate or unauthorized use.
The sections below describe what uses are allowed, what uses aren’t allowed, and cases in which you need to obtain permission before using a trademark.
Nagios Enterprises owns a number of trademarks, including Nagios® and the Nagios logo. This policy encompasses these and other marks, in word and logo form, owned by or licensed to Nagios Enterprises, collectively referred to as “Trademarks”.
Certain usages of the Trademarks do not require that you obtain prior written permission from Nagios Enterprises.
Community Advocacy. We share access to the Trademarks with the Nagios community for the purposes of discussion, development and advocacy. We recognise that most of the open source discussion and development areas are for non-commercial purposes and will allow the use of the trademarks in this context, provided:
Building for Nagios. If you are producing a product which is intended for use with Nagios, you may use the Nagios trademark in a way which indicates the intent of your product. For example, if you are developing a notification tool for Nagios, an acceptable project title would be “Notification Tool for Nagios”. You may not use names such as “NagiosNotifier”, “Nagios Notification Tool”, etc. without first obtaining permission from us, as such names are problematic and may constitute a violation of trademark law. Furthermore, you may not use the Trademarks in a way which implies an endorsement where one doesn’t exist, or which attempts to unfairly or confusingly capitalise on the goodwill or brand of the Nagios project, Nagios Enterprises, or its trademark licensees.
Commentary and Parody. Using the Trademarks in your discussion, commentary, criticism or parody, in ways that unequivocally do not imply endorsement, is permissible. For example, anyone is free to write articles, blog about, or talk about Nagios — as long as it’s clear to everyone (including people completely unfamiliar with Nagios) — that they are simply referring to Nagios and are in no way speaking for the Nagios project, Nagios Enterprises, or its trademark licensees.
We reserve the right to review all usage within the open source community, and to object to any usage that appears to overstep the bounds of discussion and good-faith non-commercial development. In any event, once a project has left the open source project phase or otherwise becomes a commercial project, this policy does not authorize any use of the Trademarks in connection to that project.
Express written permission from Nagios Enterprises is necessary to use any of the Trademarks under any circumstances other than those specifically permitted above. These include:
If you wish to request permission for any of the uses above or for any other use which is not specifically referred to in this policy, please contact us and we’ll let you know as soon as possible if your proposed use is permissible. Permission may only be granted subject to certain conditions, which may include the requirement that you enter into an agreement with us to maintain the quality of the product and/or service which you intend to supply at a prescribed level.
While there may be exceptions, it is very unlikely that Nagios Enterprises will approve the use of its Trademarks in the following cases:
The Nagios logo is presented in greyscale and it is important that its visual integrity be maintained. If you should feel the need to alter it in any way, you must contact us and obtain permission before using a modified logo. Keep the following guidelines in mind when requesting approval for a modified logo:
For all questions and inquiries relating to trademarks, please contact us via email or in writing at the addresses below.
Email: [email protected]
Nagios Enterprises, LLC
1295 Bandana BLVD N, Suite 165
Saint Paul, MN 55108
These trademark use restrictions and guidelines are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license and are based off the Ubuntu trademark policy. You are welcome to base your own trademark policies off it. If you do, let others use your changes and give credit to the Ubuntu project as the original source.
Nagios, the Nagios logo, and Nagios graphics are the servicemarks, trademarks, or registered trademarks owned by Nagios Enterprises. All other servicemarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owner. Website Copyright © 2009-2025 Nagios Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.