mySociety provides services for local government under the commercial arm SocietyWorks Ltd.
Streets, highways and environment reporting
FixMyStreet Pro
A full back and front-end street reporting service that creates savings for councils, improves customer experience and drives channel shift. It’s based on our well loved nationwide website, but extends its power massively by integrating with any existing CRM or asset management system. Find out more.
Waste management
The secure, user-centred waste management service for local authorities that integrates with in-cab systems to simplify citizen access to all aspects of waste online, from reporting a missed bin to paying for a bulky or green waste subscription. Discover WasteWorks.
Noise reporting
In development. Follow our progress here.
Freedom of Information
FOI Works
Streamlines FOI workflows and reduces the number of unnecessary requests. Read more.
MapIt is a point-to-boundary API. Input a geographical point and it returns the boundaries of wards, constituencies, etc. See more.
Parliamentary data
TheyWorkForYou’s API queries data for information such as MPs’ positions, statements and constituencies. More information here.