
Same Energy Snap

Below are images which Twitter users have described as having the Same Energy.
Your challenge: match the 6 pairs.

You made 0 mistakes!
Your Energy Rating: High NRG
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); } function loadoptions() { extnd = "b"; jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); jQuery("#options").append("
"); } function loadround() { // load cards jQuery("#options").html(""); loadarrayofcards(); loadquestion(); loadoptions(); lastans = -1; mistakes = 0; canplay = 0; round = 0; correct = 0; jQuery("body").removeClass("gameover"); // shuffle order var cards = jQuery(".cardarea"); for(var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++){ var target = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length -1) + 1; var target2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length -1) +1; cards.eq(target).before(cards.eq(target2)); } jQuery("#instructions").text("Select an image"); } function playagain() { loadround(); } function selectcard(card) { // ignore clicks on selected or won cards if (jQuery( card ).hasClass( "won" )) { return false; } if (jQuery( card ).hasClass( "lose" )) { return false; } if (jQuery( card ).hasClass( "selected" )) { return false; } if (canplay == 1) { return false; } canplay = 1; var numby = jQuery( card ).data('card'); var pict = jQuery( card ).find( "img" ).attr("src"); jQuery(card).addClass("selected"); // god I hate making things usable on mobiles // throw your iphone down the toilet let poptime = 1500; let widd = jQuery( document ).width(); if (widd>600) { poptime = 0; } else { jQuery("#zoomarea img").attr("src",pict); jQuery("#zoomarea").addClass("showpic"); } setTimeout(function() { jQuery("#zoomarea").removeClass("showpic"); if (round==0) { // first card selected lastans = numby; round = 1; jQuery("#instructions").text("Now find an image with the same energy"); canplay = 0; } else { if (lastans == numby) { // MICHAEL WINNER correct++;; jQuery(".selected").addClass("wonborder"); setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".selected").addClass("won"); jQuery(".cardarea").removeClass("selected"); document.getElementById('instructions').scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"}); canplay = 0; if (correct==6) { jQuery("#instructions").text("Game Over"); document.getElementById('endofgame_mistakes_score').innerHTML = mistakes; document.getElementById('mistakestext').innerHTML = "mistakes"; if (mistakes==0) { document.getElementById('endofgame_rank_score').innerHTML = "Full Battery"; } if (mistakes==1) { document.getElementById('endofgame_rank_score').innerHTML = "Hi-NRG"; document.getElementById('mistakestext').innerHTML = "mistake"; } if (mistakes==2) { document.getElementById('endofgame_rank_score').innerHTML = "Caffeine Required"; } if (mistakes==3) { document.getElementById('endofgame_rank_score').innerHTML = "One Bar Left"; } if (mistakes>=4) { document.getElementById('endofgame_rank_score').innerHTML = "Carpet Static"; }; jQuery("body").addClass("gameover"); } },500); } else { mistakes++;; jQuery(".selected").addClass("lose"); jQuery(".cardarea").removeClass("selected"); setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".cardarea").removeClass("lose"); document.getElementById('instructions').scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth"}); canplay = 0; },500); } round = 0; jQuery("#instructions").text("Select an image"); } },poptime); } loadround(); bip = new Howl({ urls: ['ping.mp3'], autoplay: false, loop: false, volume: 1, onend: function() { } }); bop = new Howl({ urls: ['pong.wav'], autoplay: false, loop: false, volume: 0.4, onend: function() { } }); done = new Howl({ urls: ['done.mp3'], autoplay: false, loop: false, volume: 0.7, onend: function() { } }); function twitter() { var misttext = "mistakes"; if (mistakes==1) { misttext = "mistake"; } msg="SAME ENERGY SNAP\n"; msg+="I matched all the images with "+mistakes+" "+misttext+".\n"; var url=""; var message=encodeURIComponent( msg+""+url);""+message, "", "width=800, height=400"); } function facebook() { var misttext = "mistakes"; if (mistakes==1) { misttext = "mistake"; } msg="SAME ENERGY SNAP\n"; msg+="I matched all the images with "+mistakes+" "+misttext+".\n"; var url="";''+encodeURIComponent(url)+'&quote='+encodeURI(msg),'facebook-share-dialog','width=626,height=436'); }
(c)2025 Monkeon Beat beat the funky funk funk