



Click Here to view Fairfirst Insurance Cash Giveaway 

What is this insurance cover?

Customers who register with Fairfirst Insurance for the first time and continuously pay their premiums between November 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025, stand a chance to win amazing cash prizes.

What are the benefits





Daily Reduction

(Excluding Taxes)


Benefit layers

Annual Cover


No of Salary Times

Indemnity Amount




Monthly salary or Maximum of Rs.50,000 whichever less

3 months








Monthly salary or Maximum of Rs.50,000 whichever less

2 months








Monthly salary or Maximum of Rs.50,000 whichever less

1 months





0.50 to 1.68







Premium including service fee (below premium including service fee are subject to CESS 0.3% SSCL 2.56% & 18% VAT)

  • In the event of claim has already being intimated under “loss of employment category” claimant will not be entitled for another claim under “Accidental death Benefit”.
  • In the event of claim has already being intimated under “accidental death Benefit category” claimant will not be entitled for another claim under “loss of Job category”.
Valid Period

This policy will remain effective from the very next calendar month after completing the daily payment for the first month. Thereafter this policy is monthly renewable at the premium rates in effect at that time as notified by Fairfirst. The subscriber shall settle premium as per table of benefit with taxes. In case if the subscriber does not pay for a month, then 30 days waiting period will be applied once the payment is received to Fairfirst. Benefit limits will be annually renewable after completion of 12 calendar months from the cover commenced month.

How to subscribe and De-subscribe the service?
  • Subscribe- Type REG and send it to 428
  • Unsubscribe- Type DREG and send it to 428
What are the chargers?
  • Prepaid – Rs.5 per day + taxes.
  • Postpaid – Rs.150 per month + taxes.

*Once a customer subscribes to this service the premium will be automatically deducted for the relevant month according to the connection type.

Who can subscribe to the service?

Any postpaid or prepaid customer who has provided the NIC number to Mobitel is entitle for the cover.

Who is the insurance provider?

Fairfirst Insurance Limited.

What is the Claiming Process

In case of a claim customer should submit the relevant document/s to Fairfirst Insurance within 90 days. For further clarifications customer must coordinate with Fairfirst Insurance Ltd and the relevant contact details will be provided.

What are terms and conditions for this service?

To get the terms and conditions please visit;

How the monthly premium is reflected in the monthly postpaid bill?

HOS cover

Details of the contact person

Fairfirst Hotline – 011 2 428 428


Click Here for the Policy Document

Hospitalization claims due to COVID-19 is covered under Loss Of Income Insurance policy
Note – Admission to a Hospital is mandatory to be eligible for the claim


What is the Cover?
  • Accidental hospitalization cover is provided by Ceylinco General Insurance Ltd in partnership with Mobitel exclusively for MOBITEL subscribers.
  • The cover provides financial assistance upon admission to hospital. The Policy will pay a daily allowance for the Insured, for Local Accidental Hospitalization in a Government Hospital or a Registered Private Hospital/Nursing Home or approved Government/Private Ayurveda Hospital as an in-patient, as a result of Sustaining Accidental Bodily Injury.
  • In addition to the above, customer will have an additional cover for hospitalization for Dengue? This benefit is applicable for all Subscribers. If the customer is hospitalized for Dengue, customer will receive a cash benefit upon being diagnosed dengue.
What are the benefits?
Package (Rs) Medical Benefit Per Day (Rs) Dengue Cover (Rs) Daily Premium (Rs) Monthly Premium (Rs)
Hospitalization cover 1,500/- 10,000/- 150 +Tax
Rider Cover 5+Tax
Personal Accident 100,000/-

The total benefit is for 12 calendar months.

Age Limit -
18-70 years

Maximum Liability -
Per annum 30 Days

- Per Event 10 Days

How to subscribe for this service ?
  • Subscribe- Type REG and send it to 23939
  • De-Subscribe- Type DREG and send it to 23939
When does the benefit Commence?
  • Commencement of the benefit starts after deducting the monthly premium from the subscriber and the cover will be applicable from the following calendar month.
  • Once the first month insurance fee is added to the Mobitel Bill, the policyholder is entitled to the benefit from the first day of the following month. The insurance cover is automatically renewed on a monthly basis if the subscriber settles the Mobitel bills on time.
What are the chargers?
  • Pre-Paid – Rs. 5+Tax per day
  • Postpaid – Rs. 150+Tax per month
When is my enrollment/claim eligibility date?
  • Date of enrollment is the date of subscription. Cover effective or claim eligible period is 30 days after the initial subscription. The cover is renewable on a monthly basis.
What is the claim procedure for the Accidental hospitalization?
  • Every Hospitalization should be informed to the Ceylinco Customer Care Hot Line 2399199 at the earliest opportunity.
  • Insurer shall submit all claims by any one of the following methods - post, email, or by handover to nearest Ceylinco General Insurance Branch.
  • Claim documents should be submitted to the Company no later than 30 days from the date of discharge from the hospital.
  • Ceylinco shall check the eligibility of Insured for the claim. Customer should settle the monthly Mobitel bills to be entitled for claims. Non settlement of Mobitel bills will result in termination of the cover.
Additional conditions applicable to dengue cash grant:
  • Upon the insured (Subscriber) being diagnosed with Dengue fever, a cash grant of Rs. 10,000/- or the Hospitalization allowance in accordance to the plan whichever is higher, will be paid to the insured.
  • Insurer shall submit all claims by any one of the following methods - post, email, or by handover to nearest Ceylinco General Insurance Branch.
  • Only one Claim can be made for one calendar year in respect of Dengue.
  • Dengue cash grant will be paid, on a positive result in NS1 blood test (Dengue antigen) followed by a Hospitalization.
What are the exclusions under the policy?
  • Direct participation on Strike, Riots & Civil Professional sports, or winter sports other than skating.
  • Political Unrest and Terrorism.
  • Cosmetic surgeries/treatments.
  • Commitment of suicide and self-inflicted injuries.
How does my insurance cover cease?

The insurance of an Insured will automatically terminate at the earliest occurrence due to:

  • The Insured reaches 70 years of age.
  • Demise of the Insured.
  • Termination of the subscription.
  • In case of non-payment of the Insurance Fee by the Insured.



Click here for the Janashakthi Life Cash Giveaway

Click here for the policy document and terms and conditions.




1.What is the Life Cover?

Customers who register with Janashakthi Insurance for the first time and continuously pay their premiums between November 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025, stand a chance to win amazing cash prizes.


2.What is the Critical Illness Provision?

Sum Assured indicated shall become payable if the Life Assured, has been diagnosed or has undergone surgery for a Critical Illness as defined (subject to ANGIOPLASTY limitation) and subject to the general terms and conditions of the benefit pro-rated to the premium paid.


Daily Deduction - Rs (Prepaid customer) X 30 days

Monthly Deduction- Rs (Post Paid Customers)

Critical Illness Cover/Death Cover - Sum Insured (Rs.)

8.00 per day

240.00 per month


3. What is the value of the cover?

Rs.800,000 for critical illnesses/death cover.
**Please note that if the premium paid is pro-rated, the cover will also be pro-rated accordingly.


4. What is the validity period of the cover?

Once the subscription fee has been deducted for a month, the cover will be activated 30 days after the deduction of the subscription fee initially and will be for valid only for 1 month. Once the subscription fee is deducted, customer will be covered for the following month and this will be a continuous process.


5. How to subscribe and De-subscribe the service?

Subscribe - type REG and send it to 6363
De-subscribe - type DREG and send it to 6363


6. What are the chargers?

Pre-Paid – Rs.8 + tax per day
Postpaid – Rs.240 + tax per month
*Once a customer subscribes to this service the premium will be automatically deducted for the relevant month.


7. Who can subscribe to the service?

Both Postpaid and Prepaid customers will be entitled for the cover.


8. Who is the insurance provider?

Janashakthi Life Insurance


9. What is the Claiming Process?

In case of a claim customer should submit the relevant document/s to the nearest Janashakthi Life Insurance branch. For further clarifications customer has to coordinate with Janashakthi Life Insurance by visiting their nearest branch or by calling their hotline.


10. How is the monthly premium reflected in the monthly postpaid bill?

Critical Illness Cover


11. Details of the contact person

Janashakthi Life Hot Line – 0112636636


12. General Terms & Conditions

Click Here for Terms & Conditions-


13. For the policy document

Click here to view: