A pregnant woman is upset after she shared the name she chose for her daughter, only for her family to mock it mercilessly.

Agreeing on a name for a child can be tricky - after all, it has to suit an adorable little baby and grow with them into adulthood. Finally finding one both parents agree on can bring intense relief - but the drama doesn’t always end there.

Many parents-to-be keep their choice a secret until the baby has been born - that way, relatives and friends are less likely to pass judgement on their choice. If a parent opts for something controversial, then it can be understandable when well-meaning family members offer words of wisdom or advice.

This isn’t the situation for one couple, though. They agreed on a traditional name for their daughter and had assumed their family would be in support of it.

Unfortunately, the opposite has proved to be true. Sharing her frustration in a Reddit post titled “My family won’t stop making fun of my baby name," the woman explained: “I told my family I’m naming my baby girl Melanie, and they all immediately started making fun of it.

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“My sister said it sounds like the name of a cat. My brother said it sounds old and dated, like a name from the 80s. Even my grandma joined in, saying it reminds her of someone she didn’t like in high school.”

She continued: “They just kept piling on, making jokes and laughing, and I felt so annoyed. I love the name Melanie, and I think it’s beautiful. I don’t understand why they’re being so rude about it.

"Now I regret telling them the name, and I’m considering changing it now. Anyone else have family like this? How do you handle it?”

Fellow Reddit users shared their thoughts in the comments section. One person said: “Your family sounds awful. It’s a nice, normal, pretty name.”

Another replied: “I feel like there's a good chance they would have made fun of any name OP [original poster] picked.”

A third commented: “This is why you don’t share the name. Only the parents need to like it. Melanie is fine. Your family is inappropriate.”

Another shared: “I'm sorry. You can't please everyone, but family negativity can really take the joy out of the occasion. Don't talk to them about names again until they're holding the baby. Melanie is a perfectly good, mellifluous name. There is no reason for their negativity.”

One person said: “Your family members are so mean! I love the name Melanie! I wouldn’t change it honestly.”

And another added: “Melanie is a perfectly lovely name, and while I do know people of my generation with that name, there's also a little girl at my son's preschool named Melanie.”