PSN Labs is a full-service engineering firm, specializing in product development. We offer a turn-key approach that is unique to our field.  Our scientists and engineers work through each phase of the development process by carefully considering and designing for the physical requirements needed for an application, as well as the functionality within each particular environment. We ensure each product is designed to meet the specific physical, applicational, environmental, and regulatory needs of each of our clients.

Design, Processing, Testing Lab (accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017) all under one roof which makes PSN Labs your full-service development partner.

Additional Info

Number of Facilities1

Full service product development
ISO 10993 Series (Biocompatibility)
ISO 18562 Series (Breathing Devices)
Medical Device Cleaning Validation
FDA 501(k) Submissions
Material Selection
Material Testing
Product Testing
Failure Analysis
Expert Witness