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Martin Štefanko and Jan Martiška
  • MEAP began January 2023
  • Publication in February 2025 (estimated)
  • ISBN 9781633438958
  • 433 pages (estimated)
  • printed in black & white

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Build resilient and scalable, cloud native, enterprise Java applications using the Quarkus framework.

In Quarkus in Action, you will:

  • Use Quarkus Dev mode to speed up and enhance Java development
  • Understand how to use the Dev UI to observe and troubleshoot running applications
  • Automatic background testing using the Continuous Testing feature
  • New frameworks and libraries such as Reactive Messaging, gRPC, and GraphQL
  • Simplify deployment of applications into Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • Automatic management of remote services such as databases and message brokers

Quarkus in Action teaches you to build resilient and scalable cloud applications with Quarkus. It's written by Martin Štefanko and Jan Martiška, Red Hat engineers who are both active contributors to the Quarkus project. Working hands-on through a realistic business application, you'll use Quarkus to simplify the development process of a car rental application. Learn how Quarkus lets you live-reload your Java code, deliver continuous background testing, and automatically provide database instances, as well as offering tons more productivity-boosting features.

about the technology

The Kubernetes-native Quarkus framework is perfect for cloud native Java development. It's built with a philosophy of developer joy, and you'll quickly see why. Java developers love Quarkus for its amazing productivity features, including development mode, continuous testing, and a dev UI that lets you code without stopping and starting. Plus, Quarkus lets you generate Kubernetes resources out of the box, so you can skip learning all of Kubernetes' complex details.

about the book

Crack open Quarkus in Action and you'll quickly see how Quarkus can streamline and speed up cloud native application development. You’ll work hands-on from chapter one, as you build your application microservice by microservice. As you go, you’ll discover how Quarkus's powerful features like live reloading, continuous testing, and automatic database instances make development a dream. Learn how to implement your applications with cutting-edge technologies in Quarkus including gRPC and GraphQL, and discover how Quarkus eases deployment with Kubernetes and OpenShift.

about the reader

For intermediate Java developers who have basic experience developing server-side Java applications.

about the authors

Martin Štefanko has been working on Red Hat's middleware portfolio for the last seven years. He is responsible for the SmallRye Health and Narayana LRA extensions and is also contributing to several other core extensions mostly around MicroProfile integration. He is also involved in several MicroProfile specifications.

Jan Martiška has been a Red Hatter for over 10 years and spent most of this tenure working on open-source, Java-based application platforms. Jan furthered Quarkus' observability capabilities by leading the MicroProfile Metrics specification and taking care of the relevant Quarkus extension. He’s also contributed a lot into the SmallRye GraphQL extensions, both server and client.

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