MANILA, Philippines \u2014 Despite the darkness, don't lose hope.<\/p>\r\r
This was the message of Manila Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula to the faithful on Tuesday in his homily on the eve of the celebration of Christmas, saying that \"in a very dark world we are living in, we do not lose hope because the star of Bethlehem will light our path and guide us in our journeys.\"<\/p>\r\r
Advincula said that the present gloomy situation the people were in was no different at a time when Christ was born in a manger, and at a time when the world was ruled by kings and emperors with vast power and governance was also characterized by oppression and corruption.<\/p>\r\r
\"The circumstances of the first Christmas were very much like ours today. Imagine an emperor who wants to know how many subjects he has. A king who took power through corruption, religious elders who missed the sign that saw from afar, lowly shepherds who were out in the field away from their loved ones to work even at night. A family who could ot find a room to deliver their baby,\" added the prelate.<\/p>\r\r
\"Our world today is no different from the oppressive empire of the first Christmas. It was filled with lamentations and longings for freedom and redemption. It was dark, it was night,\" he further said.<\/p>\r\r
Advincula said this narrative continued to this day. \"Imagine people in power who treat everyone as beggars for their patronage. Leaders who are afflicted with insatiable greed and cravings for more money and influence,\" Advincula said.<\/p>\r\r
He cited \"ordinary laborers and workers whose basic rights are dependent on the impulses of their masters, families who have no decent homes are forced to migrate and separate from one another. Infants who are born into poverty and deprivation, innocent children led to the slaughter of cybercrime and domestic abuses.\"<\/p>\r\r
But Advincula said people should not despair because there was a light in our midst despite the surrounding darkness.<\/p>\r\r
\"In this darkness, the light has shown... For today, in the city of David a Saviour has been born for you who is Christ and Lord, and this will be a sign for you you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger,\" he said.<\/p>\r\r
He said that God, despite his power, made himself so small so people will no longer be afraid of him to give us hope and strength and assure us that we are not alone in our journey.<\/p>\r\r
\"My dear brothers and sisters, with us is God. He is Emmanuelle. He is not distant, he is not faraway, he has a face, he has a name, he has a family, he is with us. He was born in our midst, he has entered into human history,\" Advincula said.<\/p>\r\r
He added that the Christmas eve mass was even made more special because in the same night in Rome the Holy Father, Pope Francis, officially opened the 2025 Jubilee with the opening of the holy door of the papal basilica of St,Peter with the them \"Pilgrims of Hope, Lakbay Pag-asa.\"<\/p>\r\r
\"Pope Francis wants to lead us to a year-long journey to restore a climate of hope and trust. To fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision,\" he said.<\/p>\r\r
Quoting Pope Benedict XVI, Advincula said: \"The one who has hope lives differently. The one who has hope has been granted a new life.\"<\/p>","article_custom_fields":"{\"\":[\"\"],\"seo_meta_keywords\":[\"\"],\"seo_meta_description\":[\"\"],\"seo_meta_title\":[\"\"],\"sponsored_flag\":[\"\"],\"offer_flag\":[\"off\"],\"featured_article_flag\":[\"\"],\"drupal_json\":[\"{\\\"type\\\":null,\\\"properties\\\":{\\\"PUBLISHED\\\":0,\\\"PROMOTED\\\":0,\\\"STICKY\\\":0},\\\"fields\\\":[]}\"],\"wp_custom_json\":[\"{\\\"type\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"fields\\\":[]}\"],\"article_tags\":[\"\"],\"show_image\":[\"off\"],\"Disable_Ad\":[\"off\"],\"disable_player\":[\"off\"],\"column\":[\"\"],\"kicker\":[\"\"],\"edel\":[\"\"],\"delu\":[\"\"],\"delt\":[\"Read this in The Manila Times digital edition.\"],\"premium\":[\"off\"],\"Redirect_URL\":[\"\"],\"Registration_required\":[\"off\"],\"background_image\":[\"off\"],\"user_needs\":[\"\"],\"page_number\":\"0\",\"initial_publication\":\"\",\"date_created\":\"2024-12-25 10:25:28\",\"date_modified\":\"2024-12-25 10:31:41\",\"last_modified_user\":\"Riechmann De Guzman\",\"section_color\":\"\",\"target_page\":\"0\",\"cxense_metatags\":null}","cms_type":"live","author_id":20,"section_id":10,"seo_meta_keywords":"'Despite,darkness,,don't,lose,hope'","seo_meta_description":"","seo_meta_title":"'Despite darkness, don't lose hope'","publish_time":"2024-12-25 10:25:00","related_articles_ids":"","article_tags":"","sub_section_id":0,"visit_count":50,"sponsored_flag":0,"offer_flag":0,"featured_article_flag":0,"media_gallery_flag":0,"video_gallery_flag":0,"highlight_flag":0,"top_story_flag":0,"is_updated":0,"is_old_article":0,"old_article_id":0,"article_byline":"William B. Depasupil","ts":"2024-12-26 20:44:24","last_edited":"2024-12-25 10:31:41","alt_publish_time":"2024-12-25 10:31:45","image_path":"{\\\"image_path\\\":\\\"manilatimes\\\\\/uploads\\\\\/images\\\\\/2024\\\\\/12\\\\\/25\\\\\/500356.jpg\\\",\\\"cms_type\\\":\\\"live\\\",\\\"small_image\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"is_updated\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"image_cropping\\\":\\\"{\\\\\\\"original_image\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\"image_original_width\\\\\\\":2400,\\\\\\\"image_original_height\\\\\\\":1601,\\\\\\\"icd_image_type\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"original_image\\\\\\\"},\\\\\\\"main_image\\\\\\\":{\\\\\\\"image_main_width\\\\\\\":1200,\\\\\\\"image_main_height\\\\\\\":800,\\\\\\\"icd_image_type\\\\\\\":\\\\\\\"main_image\\\\\\\"}}\\\",\\\"is_copied\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"media_type\\\":\\\"0\\\",\\\"image_caption\\\":\\\"280324_WashingOfFeet_JGSeguia-05\\\",\\\"image_alt_text\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"image_count\\\":1}","author_name":"William B. Depasupil","section_name":"News","sub_section_name":"","slide_show":0,"breaking_news":0,"visit_count_update_date":"2024-12-26 20:44:24","old_cms_article_id":null,"permalink":"2024\/12\/25\/news\/despite-darkness-dont-lose-hope\/2027313","show_image_in_thumb":0,"api_status":2,"a_custom_data":"{\"exclude_from_gallery\":null,\"lead_image_id\":null}","publication_id":2,"max_publish_time":"2024-12-25 10:31:45","page_number":"0","homepage_article_flag":0,"article_shortlink":null,"cropped_image":0};