You should have received a confirmation email with the following tracking number
{{lastRequestId}}<\/pre><\/p>If you want to get in touch with us regarding your request, please contact us<\/a><\/p>';x['user.patseq.downloads.content9'] = 'On our support pages<\/a> you can find more details on how to use the PatSeq Bulk Download API and direct browser download.
You have two options to access the bulk sequence data:';x['results.graphical.wizard.funders.logo.grid'] = 'Funding Organisations Logo Grid';x['common.unknown.document'] = 'Unknown Document';x['common.x.axis'] = 'X axis';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['notes.patent.scope.FULL_TEXT'] = 'Full text';x['filters.flag.cited_by_patent'] = 'Cited By Patent';x['pricing.common.account.types'] = 'Account Types';x['user.workarea.history.psf.title'] = 'PatSeq Finder<\/strong> History.';x[''] = 'Show less';x['query.details.BIOF'] = 'BIOF';x['wizard.start.typing'] = 'Start typing...';x['results.graphical.wizard.cited.inventors'] = 'Most Cited Inventors';x['starting.wizard.start.scholar'] = 'Start Scholar Search';x['user.workarea.project.edit'] = 'Edit Project';x['boolean.query.near'] = 'near';x[''] = 'Biologicals Vertical Bar Chart';x[''] = 'Author';x['searchBar.searchWithin.button'] = 'Search Within';x['user.profile.claim.agree'] = 'You must agree to continue';x['itk.faq.need.more.answers'] = 'Need more answers?';x['user.patseq.downloads.content1'] = 'This service enables you to download sequence listings extracted from full-text patents, megafiles, and public databases in FASTA format. As of release date';x['labs.apps.lens2r'] = 'lens2r';x['user.patseq.downloads.content2'] = 'our database contains';x['user.patseq.downloads.content3'] = 'million sequences from';x['user.profile.wizard.find.patents'] = 'Find Your Patents';x['user.patseq.downloads.content4'] = 'jurisdictions. See PatSeq Data<\/a> app for more details.';x['user.patseq.downloads.content5'] = 'permission to download monthly updates of Patseq database based on document type, location of the sequence in the claims, or to download sequence listings from a specific jurisdiction. We also provide an API for the file download. For more details see the support pages<\/a>.';x['user.collections.patent'] = 'patent';x['user.patseq.downloads.content6'] = 'Please download some sample data for the PatSeq Bulk Download<\/a> (1k sequences, FASTA format, 920KB)<\/a>.';x[''] = 'Explore Biological Sequences';x['query.details.scholar'] = 'Scholar';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.badLink'] = 'Deletion link is either expired or incorrect.';x['common.readmore'] = 'Read More';x['search.set.actions'] = 'Set Actions';x[''] = 'Biologicals';x['patent.cite'] = 'patents cite';x['common.toc'] = 'Table of Contents';x[''] = 'Viewing Only Scholarly Works cited by Patents';x[''] = 'No abstract available yet';x['patentField.usClassifications'] = 'US Classifications';x[''] = 'Year To Date';x['inventorship.button.record'] = 'Record Inventorship';x['user.patseq.price.detail2'] = 'for commercial businesses';x['user.patseq.price.detail1'] = 'for personal or academic use';x['user.patseq.price.detail4'] = 'including service providers and sponsorship';x['filters.from'] = 'Filter from';x[''] = 'Top';x['common.action.delete.all.sure'] = 'Really Delete All?';x['user.tags.renamed'] = 'Tag Renamed';x['sorting.citedWorks'] = 'Cited works';x['user.claim.inventorship.patents'] = 'patents';x['results.graphical.colour.blueorange'] = 'blueorange';x['homePage.ctaLink'] = 'Get Started';x['collection.common.static'] = 'Static Collections';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.NPL_RESOLVED_EXTERNAL_IDS'] = 'NPL Resolved External ID(s)';x[''] = 'Abstract is not publicly available yet.';x[''] = 'Payment Date';x['error.filters'] = 'An error occurred retrieving the filters.';x['common.autofill'] = 'Auto Fill';x['user.settings.recordHistory.message'] = 'To opt in or out of your search history being recorded by default please use the checkbox here.';x['itk.faq.a2.tier.funders.list'] = 'Tier 1: > $300M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li> Tier 2: $50M - $300M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li> Tier 3: $5M - $50M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li> Tier 4: < $5M disbursements in the last 3 years<\/li>';x['home.form.reports'] = 'Reports';x['patent.citation.patents'] = 'Patents';x['user.account.use.commercial.definition'] = ' If you use The Lens in the course of your work for a for-profit entity, or providing services to a for-profit entity, we define this as Commercial Use. Individual users who currently use or plan to use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes must have a commercial use license to do so. The Lens requires that you license your use through a commercial use agreement<\/a>. Doing so will ensure that your use is in compliance with The Lens Terms of Use<\/a> and helps maintain the sustainability of the platform.<\/p>N.B.<\/b> If you do not subscribe to a commercial use license within 14 days of confirming your use type, your work area will be disabled and you will not be able to access the work area until you subscribe.';x['results.graphical.histogram.multi'] = 'Multi Date Histogram';x[''] = 'Support Center';x['results.tabview.anaysis'] = 'Analysis View';x['results.view.article'] = 'View Scholarly Work';x['results.graphical.go.list.view'] = 'Go to List View';x['common.unlink'] = 'Unlink';x['user.registration.institution.type.public.good'] = 'Public-good Institutions';x['user.saved.queries.notifications'] = 'Notifications';x[''] = 'Group by Families';x['filters.query.lang.en'] = 'English';x[''] = 'Decision Support Tool';x[''] = 'Spanish';x['pricing.account.commercial'] = 'Commercial Use';x[''] = 'Citing Works';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.KIND'] = 'Kind';x[''] = 'Profiles in detail';x['subscription.api.token.expire.text'] = 'Tokens will expire in 12 months. A reminder email will be sent prior to expiry.';x['user.reports.upload.facility'] = 'Upload Facility';x['subscription.scholar.bulk.downloads'] = 'Lens Scholarly Bulk Downloads';x['results.view.custom.sources'] = 'Sources';x['user.collections.import.title'] = 'Import into Collection';x['cap.landing.action.common.good'] = 'Uncommon Action for Common Good';x[''] = 'Sorry, no facet data available';x[''] = 'Data Sharing';x[''] = 'scholarly works, including granular licensing information and a colour system to define modes of open access. Open access status is determined using a combination of Unpaywall data, the DOAJ journal list (where the work is published after the journal DOAJ listing date) or listing in PubMed Central.';x[''] = 'scholarly works';x['patent.document.section.examiners'] = 'Examiners';x['scholar.field.source.type.cited'] = 'Source Type';x[''] = 'You can load this family as a new search. This will enable you to analyse, filter and refine the list of family members.';x[''] = 'Show Classification Descriptions';x[''] = 'French';x[''] = 'Applicants';x['pricing.enterprise'] = 'Commercial Enterprise';x['results.graphical.wizard.patents.over.time'] = 'Patents over time';x['results.graphical.wizard.substances.overtime'] = 'Substances Over Time';x['support.more.answers'] = 'Need More Answers?';x['itk.roadmap.orcid.wizard.para'] = 'Building on the existing ORCID functionality on Lens for users to link their ORCID record, claim their Lens Profiles<\/a> and record Authorship & Inventorship<\/a> in Lens and sync them to ORCID, we plan to add functionality for ORCID member institutions to manage staff ORCID records as part of an ITK. As an ORCID-certified service provider, Lens will implement functionality for institutions to update ORCID records for their academic staff, including reading from and writing to individual ORCID records with the users permission, allowing institutions to add/update works and affiliations for all staff directly from the Lens platform. In addition, an ORCID reporting facility will be developed allowing institutions to review the coverage and completeness of staff ORCID records.';x[''] = 'No history items yet';x[''] = 'In';x['common.size'] = 'Size';x[''] = 'Terms of Use';x[''] = 'Cites';x['user.profile.error'] = 'Error!';x['common.action.selectNone'] = 'Select none';x[''] = 'US Classifications';x[''] = 'Save As Image';x['results.graphical.dashboard.session.reset'] = 'Changes to visualisations here will be reset at the end of your browser session';x['subscription.landing.get.started'] = 'Get Started';x['subscription.patseq.feature.api.text'] = 'An API is also provided for downloading PatSeq bulk data programmatically (e.g. in automated scheduled scripts). To use the API, you will need to create an API access token to authenticate your application/client and access the download files.';x['user.profile.toolbar.record'] = 'Record';x[''] = 'Save Dashboard';x['user.profile.lens.profile'] = 'Lens Profile';x[''] = 'Present and share your patent and scholarly work output coupled with CV modules.';x['subscription.patseq.license.terms'] = 'License terms:<\/b> PatSeq Bulk Download Terms of Use<\/a>. Read more about The Lens Policies<\/a>.';x['results.graphical.scale.logarithmic'] = 'Logarithmic';x['user.query.alert.notifications.message'] = 'Enable notifications to receive email alerts when new items are added to our search index. See Support Page...<\/a>';x['pricing.common.table.limit.50'] = '(50K limit)';x['collectionManageWidget.btnShare'] = 'Share';x['analysis.embed.warning'] = 'Please note only line, bar and pie charts are currently supported for embeds, and may differ slightly in style. We are in the process of making all our new visualisations embeddable. In the mean time, you may wish to save the visualisation as an image to use in your work or website.';x['itk.core.diagram.scholarly'] = 'Scholarly Search and Analysis';x['labs.collab.barwon.description'] = 'Barwon Health is one of the largest and most comprehensive regional health services in Australia, providing care at all stages of life and circumstance. Health services available through Barwon Health cover the full spectrum from primary care, community services, aged care, rehabilitation, mental health, emergency and acute care.';x['filters.fullText.docsWith'] = 'Docs with full text';x[''] = 'Watch Explainer Video';x['common.required.fields'] = 'All fields are required';x['query.details.view.updated.query'] = 'View Updated Query';x['user.reports.files.uploading.time'] = 'This may take some time depending on the size of your file. Please be patient.';x[''] = 'German';x['error.404.message'] = 'We\'re sorry but the page you were looking for can not be found. Here are some useful links to get you back on track and on your way:';x['common.1000'] = '1,000';x[''] = 'Order by Date';x['scholar.field.dates.cited'] = 'Timeline of cited works based on publication year';x['results.graphical.colour.browns'] = 'browns';x[''] = 'Government Agencies';x['user.summary.notes.view'] = 'View all Notes';x[''] = 'Filing Date';x['pricing.faq.itk.user.answer.2'] = 'Institutional Users will remain active for as long as their affiliated institution has an active ITK subscription, and will simply revert to Individual Users if their institution no longer has an active subscription or the institutional account administrator removes the users institutional access.';x['collection.common.history.advice'] = 'The number of results may not match this event if the collection has since changed';x[''] = 'Search Extended Family';x[''] = 'Absolutely. For public access, you don’t need an account, you don’t need to register. You can access all of our data with powerful web-based tools and analytics, secure that we’re not watching you, nor letting others watch you, nor do we serve ads.';x['subscription.faq.itks.text'] = 'Staff and students from institutions subscribing to the Institutional Toolkit<\/a> (ITK) are eligible for API access as part of your institution’s ITK subscription. Institutional User API plans will be active for the duration of the Institution’s ITK subscription. Please ensure you are logged in using your institutional email when requesting access. If you are unsure if your institution is an ITK subscriber, you can check the subscribing Institutions here<\/a>. If your institution is not an ITK subscriber, we welcome your help to introduce The Lens within your institution.';x['filters.flag.has_docdb'] = 'Has DOCDB';x[''] = 'Is this you? Lens offers free profiles for all authors and inventors. Link your ORCID account to get started.';x['collectionManageWidget.btnRemove.text'] = 'Items from Collection';x['cap.leap.why.para.1'] = 'For 30 years, Cambia and The Lens have relied on philanthropic funding to develop and maintain the platform. By developing a model that distributes our supporters into many groups, and invites visionary humans, not just formalized philanthropy to support us, we hope to mitigate the skewing or diminishing of mission passion with short-term imperatives. This also grounds us in a fundamental reality that even changing society can’t happen unless the actors - people and institutions - find a reason to engage.';x['notes.patent.scope.HISTORY'] = 'Document History';x['cap.leap.why.para.3'] = 'Through LEAP, we provide very low-cost licenses to both public-good and commercial institutions for a growing toolkit, built upon open data that bridges science and business. Furthermore we have introduced a new license agreement for individual users permitting use of The Lens platform for commercial purposes. The single-seat, non-transferable license allows individuals to use The Lens platform in their professional work or business to support individuals working across the research and innovation sectors. These licenses contribute to the sustainability of the Lens as community-supported infrastructure and ensure The Lens remains a global public resource.';x['labs.dashboards.OECD'] = 'Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development';x[''] = 'No seat limits (Permissive Use)';x['cap.leap.why.para.2'] = 'We invite all institutions - public or private - to join our Collective Action Project, endorsing the use of shared open data to inform policy and practice, knowing that fees go to maintain the Lens as a non-profit, community-supported infrastructure. We also invite visionary foundations, agencies and large-hearted people in their personal capacity to help us advance this agenda.';x['filters.common.more.filters'] = 'More Filters...';x['user.profile.toolbar.record.authorship'] = 'These look like your works. Record Authorship?';x[''] = 'Lens Patent Aggregation API';x['home.promise.description'] = 'Our promise to you when using this website, we will always provide the best we have at no cost, to be used and shared by anyone with absolute peace of mind no one is watching.';x[''] = 'Users wanting to evaluate the professional workspace can register for a trial account. Trial accounts will remain active for 2 weeks, after which time the work area will be disabled unless a commercial use license subscription is taken.';x['notes.user.edit.note'] = 'Edit Note';x['search.searching'] = 'Searching...';x['user.queries.createNew'] = 'Save this query';x['pricing.intro.description'] = 'The Lens offers all registered users a Personal Account with a Professional Workspace, providing access to tools and features on the platform, and built on open shareable metadata to support many use cases and use types across industry and the research and innovation sectors. Institutional Accounts are available as part of the Institutional Toolkit (ITK), providing access to institution-specific tools and features, as well as Professional Workspaces for all institutional users.';x[''] = 'Japanese';x['itk.price.tier.4'] = 'Tier 4';x['itk.price.tier.3'] = 'Tier 3';x['labs.dashboards.scholar'] = 'Scholarly Works';x['itk.price.tier.2'] = 'Tier 2';x['itk.price.tier.1'] = 'Tier 1';x['filters.title'] = 'Filters';x['results.graphical.colour.yelloworangebrown'] = 'yelloworangebrown';x[''] = 'Generating Office';x[''] = 'Search by Institution, Journal, Author or Funder.';x[''] = 'Top Funding Organisations';x[''] = 'Total Patent Records';x['subscription.landing.visit.labs'] = 'Visit Lens Labs';x['tour.workarea.step.1.text-2'] = 'This is the work area summary sidebar which provides and overview. Try clicking one of the links, then click Next to continue the tour.';x[''] = 'My Patents';x['itk.price.tier.less.50k'] = 'less than 50,000';x['error.title'] = 'Error';x[''] = 'Expand by Simple Family';x[''] = 'Search Tips';x['filters.flag.has_inpadoc'] = 'Has Legal Events';x[''] = 'Most cited by Patents Scatter Plot';x['filters.flag.hasFullText'] = 'Has Full Text';x[''] = 'Restricted access';x[''] = 'Publish Dates';x['search.tip.language.text'] = 'To search in a language other than English, use the \"Query Tools\" section at the bottom of the sidebar filters.';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme.tip'] = 'Themes are preset interface settings for colour, font and sizing schemes.';x[''] = 'Run the analysis anyway';x['results.graphical.view.time.series'] = 'Time Series';x['user.collections.about.title'] = 'Organise your findings with';x['scholar.badge.label.funding'] = 'Funding';x['collection.common.dynamic.tip'] = 'Collections can be automatically updated when linked to a saved query. When new items are added to our search index your selected saved queries will automatically update your dynamic collections. Read More...<\/a>';x['labs.apps.lens.patent.api'] = 'Lens Patent API';x['tour.analysis.step.1.text-2'] = 'Try clicking the arrow on the left to expand the preview.';x[''] = 'Green';x['pricing.faq.workspace.agreement.answer'] = 'Individual users who currently use or plan to use the platform for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so. The Lens requires that to continue, you license your use through a commercial use agreement. Doing so will ensure that your use is in compliance with The Lens';x['scholar.badge.label.full.text'] = 'Full Text';x[''] = 'Scaling Science Project at the MIT Media Lab';x[''] = 'Support';x[''] = 'Author';x['user.profile.claim.reviewed'] = 'I have reviewed these';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api.custom.lead'] = 'Integrating the API into an application? Need a higher volume/speed or planning to use the API for a commercial purpose?';x['wizard.start.todo'] = 'What do you want to do?';x[''] = 'Providing Office';x['results.graphical.create.analysis.description'] = 'Explore, discover and create insight from';x['tour.analysis.step.2.text'] = 'The preview sidebar displays a minimal analysis of the key facets of your search. Clicking items in the analysis preview will add filters.';x[''] = 'Show Query Details';x['user.reports.access'] = 'Access';x[''] = '2.1B Citations';x['export.filename'] = 'Export file name (optional)';x['subscription.checkout.success.text'] = 'Sorry the server is taking too long to confirm your subscription. You should receive an email receipt. If your account status does not update within the next few minutes, please contact support and we will manually activate your Subscription.';x['common.action.removed'] = 'Removed';x[''] = 'Access the full corpus of Lens scholarly works using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API or bulk data downloads. The versioned API allows you to perform and combine several types of searches using a number of different operations and aggregation requests.';x[''] = '
50,000 requests per month<\/li> 1,000 records per request<\/li> 20 requests per minute<\/li>';x['results.graphical.histogram'] = 'Histogram';x[''] = 'Upload Media';x['patentView.tabs.fulltext'] = 'Full-text';x[''] = 'dashboard for';x['results.countries.limit.institutions'] = 'Limit results to works with Institutions affiliated with any countries in';x['user.registration.institution.terms.agree'] = 'I agree to the Terms of Use<\/a>.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SIMPLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_LENS_IDS'] = 'Simple Family Members';x[''] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['results.graphical.wizard.doc.types.over.time'] = 'Document Types over time';x[''] = 'The Global Social Change Research Project';x['status.error.not.matched'] = 'Your search did not match any documents';x['common.under.embargo'] = 'Under Embargo';x['explore.citations.patents.citing.patents.text'] = 'The Patent documents that cite (i.e. references cited) the Patent documents in the original result set.';x[''] = 'Interface Themes:<\/b><\/a> Customise your display settings and choose from three interface themes.';x['subscription.landing.discuss.use'] = 'If you would like to discuss your use case ahead of submission, please';x['filters.applicant.title'] = 'Applicants';x[''] = 'Word Cloud';x['results.graphical.wizard.substances.institutions'] = 'Top Institutions by Substance';x[''] = 'Patent Search and Analysis';x[''] = 'Add a note against:';x['common.error.application.regex'] = 'Are you searching with a regular expression? Enable regular expression support using the Query Tools filter on the left.';x['export.numRecords'] = 'Number of documents to include';x['results.graphical.wizard.cite.institution.comparison'] = 'Institution Citation Comparison';x[''] = 'Your file has been created.';x['results.graphical.wizard.inventor.heatmap'] = 'Inventors Heat Map';x['user.profile.more.about.orcid'] = 'More About ORCID';x['pricing.table.personal.commercial'] = 'Personal Commercial';x['filters.flag.has_orcid'] = 'Has ORCID iD';x['pricing.faqs'] = 'FAQ\'s';x['user.history.filter'] = 'Filter Searches';x['user.profile.wizard.claim.limit'] = 'Please note:<\/b> Only 100 works/patents can be claimed at a time. Please rerun \"Find more of my works\" to claim your additional works/patents.';x['scholar.flag.description.funding'] = 'Funding';x['scholar.common.publication_info'] = 'Publication Info';x['search.toolbar.claim'] = 'Claim';x['side.tabs.collapse'] = 'Collapse';x['breadcrumb.families'] = 'families';x[''] = 'Government Agencies and Departments';x['labs.apps.biospolar'] = 'Biospolar Antarctic Literature and Patents';x['user.dashboards.load.original.query'] = 'Load original query';x['user.dashboards'] = 'Dashboards';x['chart.title.embed.width'] = 'Width';x['results.graphical.colour.scheme.solid.colour'] = 'Solid Colour';x['user.collections.import.sizeWarning'] = '10,000 IDs or less recommended, using more may fail.';x[''] = 'EPO worldwide legal event data (INPADOC) is provided as-is for information only. Legal Status is calculated from available data sources including INPADOC legal events, and may not be accurate. See our Patent Legal Status Calculations<\/a> for more information on INPADOC legal events and how we calculate legal status.';x['results.graphical.wizard.protected.patents'] = 'Most protected patents';x['results.graphical.chart.heatmap.max.value.description'] = 'The \"Max\" value is usually used to compare two charts by ensuring they are on the same scale. For heatmaps this means colours are comparable, for a histogram it means heights of bars. If your data contains values that exceed the Max you have entered, an additional option is provided to omit these from the display. Note this can create potentially misleading charts by omitting the highest values, but could be good for ignoring irrelevant outliers.';x['scholar.flag.description.referenced_by_scholarly'] = 'Cited by Scholarly Works';x['filters.query.lang.ko'] = 'Korean';x['scholar.common.clinical.trial'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['subscription.landing.applying'] = 'Applying';x['itk.toolkit.view.current'] = 'View Current Toolkit';x[''] = 'Has Legal Events';x['common.reports.create'] = 'Create Report';x['user.personal.account'] = 'Personal Account';x[''] = 'Cambia Org';x[''] = 'If you want us to promote your datasets to the Lens labs community, send us a link with a description and explain how your dataset will help improve the quality of innovation data.';x['labs.apps.sars.cov2'] = 'SARS-CoV-2';x['user.profile.mentions'] = 'Mentions';x[''] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.title'] = 'Delete Account';x['common.alert.deletion'] = 'Warning:<\/b> All deletions are final';x[''] = 'Hide items exceeding max';x[''] = ' Any items in a search result can be added to a collection,<\/li> Collections provides name, descriptions and sharing option,<\/li> Collections help manage your results.<\/li>';x[''] = 'Request Support';x['common.10000'] = '10,000';x[''] = 'Institutions by Type';x['user.account.signin'] = 'Account Sign In';x['user.signIn.resend.activation'] = 'Please click here<\/a> to resend your account activation email.';x[''] = 'Start Your Search';x['pricing.faq.workspace.non.profit'] = 'Professional Workspace - Public-Good | Non-profit';x['user.dashboard.load.original.query'] = 'Load original query';x['sorting.citing.patents.highest'] = 'Citing Patents (highest)';x[''] = 'Secure - No Snooping';x['search.results.scholar.expand'] = 'Expand Article View';x['collection.common.personal.collection.tip'] = 'Part of your personal collection';x['home.masthead.take.tour'] = 'Take Tour';x[''] = 'No Search History<\/b> Yet';x['subscription.patseq.fasta.product.text'] = 'Subscription fees are in US dollars. Subscriptions provide 12 months access to PatSeq bulk download which are updated monthly. Access to one-off PatSeq bulk downloads are also available on request. See the documentation<\/a> for full details and read the Terms of Use<\/a> and Privacy Policy.<\/a>';x[''] = 'Contact Support';x['subscription.checkout.faq.cost.afford.answer'] = 'We\'ve introduced the Lens Equitable Access Program (LEAP) to ensure all users can access the Lens tools regardless of their financial standing. The Lens affirms that no one will be disadvantaged by lack of access to tools. If a user legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to finding a way to subsidize the price or otherwise provide access. Apply for Equitable Access<\/a>.';x['patent.filedTitle'] = 'Filed:';x['results.graphical.chart.historical.vis.types.description'] = 'The “historical” visualisation type is a date histogram, optionally split by facet for a single metric, binned by a date field on the x axis. So for example “Top 10 Applicants per Filing Date”. An example without a facet might be “All Patents per Expiry Date”.';x['patent.results.citingArticlesToggleTip'] = 'Only Patents Citing matched Scholarly Works';x['common.analysis'] = 'Analysis';x['user.workarea.rows'] = 'rows';x['home.masthead.title'] = 'Explore global science and technology knowledge';x['user.saved.queries.delete.sure'] = 'This saved query will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.clinical_trial'] = 'Has Clinical Trial';x['patentResults.private'] = 'Private';x['pricing.institutional.description'] = 'Public-good institutions wanting to manage, markup, and promote knowledge assets.';x[''] = ' Booleans:<\/b>Boolean operators must be in capitals: e.g.
\'robot AND<\/span> engine\'<\/code>, or
\'car OR<\/span> boat\'<\/code> or
\'cat NOT<\/span> dog\'<\/code>. &&<\/span> is an alias for AND<\/span> and ||<\/span> is an alias for OR<\/span> and !<\/span> is the alias for NOT.<\/em> Parentheses can be used to group search terms. e.g.
\'(wheat AND<\/span> grain) OR<\/span> (sorgum AND<\/span> barley)\'<\/code><\/em><\/p>
Fields <\/em> :<\/b> Search a specific field in the index (or fields) use \'field:term\': e.g. \'title:(leishmani* AND<\/span> diagnos*) || abstract:(leishmani* AND<\/span> diagnos*) &&<\/span> classification_cpc: (A61K* OR<\/span> C12N*)<\/em>
<\/p>Wildcards:<\/b>e.g. *, ?, and regular expressions like /ar[gb]on/<\/em><\/p>
Fuzziness and Proximity Search:<\/b>To perform a fuzzy search use the tilde, \"~\", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. For example to search for a term similar in spelling to \"roam\" use the fuzzy search:
roam~<\/code>. To perform a proximity search, add the tilde, \"~\", symbol to the end of a phrase suffixed with a number indicating the maximum edit distance of words in the phrase. For example,
\"quick fox\"~4<\/code> searches for quick<\/em> and fox<\/em> within 4 words from each other.<\/p>
Range Searches:<\/b>Range Queries allow one to match documents whose field(s) values are between the lower and upper bound specified by the Range Query. Range Queries can be inclusive or exclusive of the upper and lower bounds. Sorting is done lexicographically.
date_published:[2002-01-01 TO 2003-01-01]<\/code><\/p>
This will find documents whose date_published fields have values between 2002-01-01 and 2003-01-01, inclusive. Note that Range Queries are not reserved for date fields. You could also use range queries with non-date fields:
title:{Aida TO Carmen}<\/code><\/p>
This will find all documents whose titles are between Aida and Carmen, but not including Aida and Carmen. Inclusive range queries are denoted by square brackets. Exclusive range queries are denoted by curly brackets.<\/p>
Language:<\/b>To search in a language other than English, use the \"Query Tools\" section at the bottom of the sidebar filters.<\/p>
Query Syntax: <\/b>For more details on the query syntax used, see Elasticsearch Query string query<\/a>.<\/p>
For more information see our Search Syntax<\/a>, Boolean Logic tutorial<\/a> and Boolean Operators Tutorial<\/a><\/p>';x[''] = 'Get immediate insight into an author/inventor’s total work output, influence and citations as well their intellectual property.';x['user.account.subscribe'] = 'Confirm & Subscribe';x[''] = 'to';x['cap.faq.patent.waiver'] = 'Is Lens CAP a solution to the COVID Patent Waiver?';x[''] = 'Russian';x['user.workarea.history.delete.item'] = 'Delete History Item?';x['common.editTitleAndDescription'] = 'Edit title and description';x['filters.flag.has_full_text'] = 'Has Full Text';x['filters.class_national.symbol'] = 'US Classification Code';x[''] = 'Select Plan';x['results.graphical.wizard.cited.patents.over.time'] = 'Most Cited Patents over time';x['user.patseq.downloads.title'] = 'PatSeq Bulk Download';x[''] = 'Sample Bulk Data';x['subscription.request.access'] = 'Request API Access';x['user.workarea.collection.intersection.result.placeholder'] = 'Enter Collection Title';x[''] = 'Help';x['collection.common.static.description'] = 'Collections are a saved grouping of patents or scholarly works. Any items in a search result can be manually added or removed from a collection. Give your collection a name and description, import/export items or choose your sharing settings.';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.collaborating'] = 'Collaborating Authors';x[''] = 'Family members in jurisdictions';x['user.settings.recordHistory.optin'] = 'Please choose to opt in or out of your search history being recorded by default.';x['common.dateCreated'] = 'Created';x['chart.title.sequence_organism_taxid.citing'] = 'Biological organisms disclosed in the Citing Patents';x['common.action.added'] = 'Added';x['notes.patent.scope.CLAIMS'] = 'Claims';x['user.authorship.orcid.enable'] = 'Enable ORCID® Linked Services<\/a> and record authorship over this work. This action will add the work to your ORCID record. Other users will see links to your public records and profile.';x['patentField.classification.unavailable'] = 'Classification not available in current version';x['subscription.patent.records'] = 'Lens Patent Records';x['wizard.start.step.2.text'] = 'What document type do you want to search?';x['results.graphical.citation.scatter.description'] = 'The Citation Comparison Scatter Plot visualisation type allows aggregation of a single facet by two (preset) metrics. This means the X axis is Citing Patents, Y axis is Citing Scholarly Works and each point represents an aggregation on your chosen facet. e.g. Institution, Applicant, Jurisdiction, etc';x[''] = 'Search Results';x['common.default'] = 'default';x['results.view.custom.applicants'] = 'Applicants';x['common.favourite'] = 'Favourite';x['chart.title.classification_cpc.citing'] = 'CPC Classifications of the Citing Patents';x['reports.edit'] = 'Edit';x['pricing.common.workspaces.itks'] = 'Professional Workspaces and Institutional Toolkits';x['classification.viewer.filterExistingSearch'] = 'Filter existing search by {0}';x['labs.apps.lens.analysis.description'] = 'Module for doing analytics on downloaded Lens exports. Lens offers some analytics and statistics on the website, but sometimes too limited for advanced analyses. For example, only the top 100 applicants are listed, most information is on publication level, not on family level, it is not possible to add different version of the same applicant together, and there are no citation scores or market coverage scores.';x['inventorship.heading.userWithExistingRecord'] = 'Inventorship has not yet been recorded';x[''] = 'Portuguese';x['collection.common.type'] = 'Type';x[''] = 'Patent Records';x['user.workarea.notifications.confirm'] = 'Notifications';x['user.reports.files.upload.supported'] = 'Supported file types: .txt, .rtf .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .json
By sharing this data with and the public, I acknowledge that I am authorized to do so.';x[''] = 'Why Now?';x['subscription.landing.patent.applications'] = 'Patent Applications';x['user.reports.request.receipt.list'] = 'a draft Collection in the Lens of the institution’s own filed and issued patent documents and<\/li> a Lens Influence Collection showing 3rd party patents that cite the scholarship of that institution, with full ability to drill-down to any level.<\/li>';x['subscription.landing.itk.equitable.access'] = 'Equitable Access';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.institutions'] = 'Institutions by Country/Region';x['user.linked.profiles'] = 'Linked Profiles';x['user.profile.warning.patents.more.100.text.2'] = 'in Patent Search to see all results.';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.SIMPLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_JURISDICTIONS'] = 'Simple Family Member Jurisdictions';x[''] = 'Institution Logo Grid';x[''] = 'ORCID Author ID';x['user.history.clear'] = 'Clear History';x['user.profile.warning.patents.more.100.text.1'] = 'Please view all';x['user.projects.blank.notice'] = '<\/a> We\'ve introduced a new workflow model called Projects.<\/strong> to help organize your work.<\/h3>
Now all your collections, saved queries, search history, notes, etc, can all be optionally added to a top level Project. <\/p>';x['itk.toolkit.profiles'] = 'Institutional Profiles';x['common.limit'] = 'Limit';x['itk.faq'] = 'Frequent Questions';x['user.profile.feature.public.collections'] = 'Public Collections';x['user.workarea.claim.remove'] = 'Remove';x['labs.apps.patcit'] = 'PatCit: Patent Citations';x['results.view.summary'] = 'Summary List';x[''] = 'Show Field Tips';x['user.profile.record.inventorship'] = 'Record Inventorship';x['user.summary'] = 'Work Area';x['filters.patent.types'] = 'Document Type';x[''] = 'Help';x[''] = 'Search and analyse biological sequences disclosed in patents. This is the world’s largest publicly available database with internal transparency metrics. Choose among the 5 apps to search and analyse the DNA, RNA and protein sequences found in patents.';x[''] = 'Conference Name';x[''] = 'Lens Core Tools';x['patent.document_preview.view.image'] = 'View Image Preview';x['subscription.landing.patent.metadata.fields'] = 'Patent Metadata Fields';x['user.profile.orcid.prompt'] = 'Lens offers free profiles for all authors and inventors. Link your ORCID account to get started.';x['patentField.priority'] = 'Priority';x['query.metrics.scholarly-works'] = 'Scholarly Works';x['itk.roadmap.priority.low'] = 'Priority: Low';x['results.workspace.signup-li-4'] = 'Save notes against documents, document collections and queries.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-5'] = 'Enable search history to recall your past searches. ';x['results.graphical.dashboard.not.public'] = 'This dashboard is not public. Save it as published to enable sharing.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-1'] = 'Create, save and edit collections of Patent and Scholar search results';x['results.workspace.signup-li-2'] = 'Save your queries and enable query update alerts.';x['results.workspace.signup-li-3'] = 'Create, save and share analysis dashboards and reports.';x['sorting.citing.patents.lowest'] = 'Citing Patents (lowest)';x['user.profile.toolbar.manage.inventorship'] = 'Manage Inventorship in Work Area';x['subscription.landing.patent.list'] = '
Simple and extended family data<\/li> 105 jurisdictions<\/li> Interoperable with Lens Ids, patent number with hierarchy of class codes<\/li> 120+ metadata fields<\/li>';x['filters.fullText.title'] = 'Full text';x['patentField.ipcClassifications'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['itk.price.public.good.institutions.para'] = 'We invite all public-good research and innovative institutions to join us in collective action by becoming institutional subscribers. Subscriptions include access to the Institutional Toolkit to help public-good institutions of all types break free of their siloed, corporate shackles and enable them to make the changes the world needs. Public-good institutions are any legally incorporated entities whose principal purpose is stated as advancing the public-good; for instance government agencies, research and teaching institutions, philanthropic foundations, civil society and non-profits.';x['results.view.custom.published'] = 'Published';x['scholar.badge.tooltip.funding'] = 'Has Funding Info';x[''] = 'Email';x['user.saved.queries.couldnot.clear.history'] = 'Could not clear History';x['filters.scholar.fieldOfStudy'] = 'Field of Study';x[''] = 'Family';x['wizard.visulaize.explore.text'] = 'Discover relationships between Authors, Inventors, Institutions, Fields of Study, or other metadata.';x['filters.flag.isReferencedByScholarly'] = 'Cited By Scholarly Works';x['cap.participate.content.para.2'] = 'Support for open content can range from the identification of new, open data sets that would add to the existing knowledge graph, to the creation of attested collections from credentialed users on Organizations that have open content and associated metadata are encouraged to approach The Lens to explore how that might be ingested and integrated into The Lens open content.';x['cap.participate.content.para.1'] = 'Our users remind us that we need to include and coordinate other metadata from business data, legislation, industry standards information, clinical trials and many other content sets. If you have a content set or knowledge about a content set, The Lens welcomes support to link another silo to accelerate problem solving.';x['user.dashboards.load.description'] = 'You can either load the query that was originally saved with the dashboard or apply the dashboard configuration to the current results.';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.institution'] = 'Proportion of Open Access by Institution';x[''] = 'Top Agents & Attorneys';x['user.reports.request.receipt'] = 'Upon receipt of the bibliographic list of their scholarly work, each institution will receive:';x[''] = 'Filter Search';x[''] = 'Not sure what to compare?';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals.publisher'] = 'Journals by Publisher';x[''] = 'The flags section additionally contains high level filters like “Is Open Access” or “Has Full Text”';x['user.inventorship.remove.claim.description'] = 'You have recorded your inventorship over this work. If you have incorrectly claimed this work, please remove your claim.';x['user.inventorship.record.ofPatents'] = 'of Patents';x['user.profile.privacy.use.type.recorded'] = 'Recorded Use Type';x[''] = 'API Documentation';x[''] = 'Email';x[''] = ' Lens Core Tools:<\/b> Full access to the Lens core tools and features on the platform and for any purpose that advances the public-good mission of the institution.<\/li> Use and Re-use:<\/b> Content re-use and display permitted with attribution (see Acceptable Use<\/a> and Attribution Guidelines<\/a>) allowing you to integrate and embed Lens content in your institutional repository and other institutional applications.<\/li> No Seat Limits:<\/b> Institutions will have unrestricted seat licenses and extended accounts permissions to all institutional staff for professional use associated with their employment (mission-compliant use), meaning all users affiliated with the institution will have full access to for institutional use. <\/li>';x[''] = 'Training and Resources';x['search.structured.scholar.set.pubmed'] = 'PubMed';x['filters.inventor'] = 'Inventors';x['user.share.linkedin'] = 'LinkedIn';x['subscription.patent.option.1.title'] = 'Patent API';x['itk.price.funders.footnote.1'] = 'Tiers for Research and Innovation Funders are based on the amount of funds disbursed in the last 3 years.';x['user.saved.queries.collections'] = 'Collections';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple.warning.2'] = 'is used to auto update ';x[''] = 'Legal Status Bar Chart';x['user.account.use.non.commercial.for'] = 'For students or staff affiliated with a public-good | non-profit institution or using The Lens for non-commercial purposes.';x['filters.query.lang.zh'] = 'Chinese';x['patent.document.section.linked.profiles'] = 'Linked Profiles';x['pricing.platform.overview.text'] = 'The Lens has features for everyone. Discover, analyse, and map global innovation knowledge. Bridging the cultures of scholarly research with invention and industry.';x['user.profile.more.about.orcid.text'] = 'ORCID<\/a> provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that you own and control, and that distinguishes you from every other researcher. You can connect your iD with your career information including education, employment, funding, publications, peer review, and more.';x['user.saved.queries.delete.multiple.warning.3'] = 'Collections. Deleting it will cause these Collections to no longer be updated from this collection.';x['results.view.custom.authors'] = 'Authors';x['user.registration.please.choose'] = 'Please Choose';x['scholar.common.chemical.registry.number'] = 'Chemical Registry Number';x[''] = 'Most Active Authors';x['user.tags.add.error'] = 'Error adding tag. Only alphanumeric and underscore characters are allowed.';x[''] = 'Watch Video';x['scholar.field.clinical_trial.trial_id'] = 'Clinical Trial';x['user.profile.feature.easy.update.text'] = 'Link your ORCID account to easily find your works and update your ORCID record. Syncing and updating your ORCID record has never been easier.';x[''] = 'Institution Name';x['filters.flag.has_fulltext'] = 'Has Full Text';x['labs.apps.epo2grid.description'] = 'The purpose of this project is to match standardised EPO applicant names to organisation definitions provided in the database. The EPO performs disambiguation on patent applicant names in the the DOCDB. These names, along with the raw names, have been matched to a list of 2000 grid identifiers, selected based on patent citations. The intention was to match all of the 2000 grid identifiers, not to match all of the disambiguated applicant names. An algorithm has been used to screen for potential matches and then a manual validation process has been performed.';x['search.orcid.results.affiliations'] = 'Affiliations';x[''] = 'Select your option';x[''] = 'Share Page';x['query.metrics.patent.NPL.citations'] = 'NPL Citations';x['results.graphical.wizard.applicant.heatmap'] = 'Applicant Heat Map';x['search.table.ipc.classifications'] = 'IPC Classifications';x['itk.lens.institutional.toolkit'] = 'The Lens Institutional Toolkit';x['subscription.checkout.confirmation'] = 'Confirmation';x['pricing.account.trial'] = 'Trial Use';x[''] = 'Group by Simple Families';x['subscription.landing.lens.for.institutions'] = 'Lens for Institutions';x['user.settings.account.settings'] = 'Account Settings';x['chart.title.classification_ipcr.citing'] = 'IPCR Classifications of the Citing Patents';x[''] = 'Which institutions supports it';x['results.graphical.chart.filtered.values.exclude'] = 'Exclude Filtered Values';x[''] = 'View API Documentation';x['user.collections.about'] = 'Collections are a saved grouping of patents or scholarly works. Any items in a search result can be added or removed from a collection. Give your collection a name and description, import/export items or choose your sharing settings.';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.license.overtime'] = 'Open Access License Over Time';x[''] = 'Collective Action';x['patentField.inventor'] = 'Inventors';x['filters.common.clear.maximum'] = 'Clear the maximum';x['patent.ownerTitle'] = 'Owners:';x['wizard.patents'] = 'Patents';x['explore.citations.scholarly.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents (Forward patent citations)';x['user.account.see.pricing'] = 'See Pricing';x['common.sidebar.expand'] = 'Expand Sidebar';x[''] = 'Tiers for Government Agencies and Departments<\/b> are based on the number of employees in the unit that is choosing to subscribe. Tiers vary by country/region due to the significant variance in government department sizes. For government departments that are primarily research institutes or research funders, please refer to the tier guide for those categories.';x['filters.common.excluding'] = 'Excluding';x[''] = 'Email Address';x['results.graphical.wizard.document.types'] = 'Document Types';x['user.authorships.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Authorships';x[''] = 'Owners Vertical Bar Chart';x[''] = 'Affiliation Count Histogram';x['collection.common.attested.tip'] = 'An attested collection is an institutional collection to which an institution formally attests to having an affiliation with the works/patents in that collection.';x['results.workspace.last.access'] = 'Last Accessed';x[''] = 'in';x['common.updated.successfully'] = 'Updated Successfully';x['cap.landing.mode.sponsorships.text'] = 'Sponsor accelerated delivery of services, feature enhancements or other initiatives...';x['subscription.scholar.option.3.text'] = 'The full bulk dataset is available for download with regular updates and deltas via a download API<\/a>. Bulk data files use JSON Lines<\/a> file format, with one line for each patent record and records using the same data schema as the API Response<\/a>.';x[''] = 'No notes match that filte';x['breadcrumb.familyMembersOf'] = 'family members of';x['common.alert.chart.exceed'] = 'WARNING: Some items in this chart exceed the maximum. You can';x['cap.faq.inno.cartography'] = 'What is Innovation Cartography?';x[''] = 'The Lens team creates publicly accessible training materials and release notes. Team members are available to answer questions and creates FAQs based on frequently encountered questions.';x['cap.leap.access.countries'] = 'Subsidized Countries';x['user.workarea.claimed.authorship.recorded'] = 'Authorship Recorded';x[''] = 'Fields of Study covered by the most active Institutions';x['user.workarea.notification.really.delete'] = 'Really Delete';x['chart.title.embed.dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';x['patentView.citations.patentDocuments.cite'] = 'Patents Cite';x['user.profile.wizard.step.2.paging'] = 'Name Variants';x['user.authorship.record'] = 'Record Authorship';x[''] = 'Granted Date';x['journal.pages'] = 'Pages';x[''] = 'Tags: resolver, OpenURL, institution';x['subscription.patseq.bundles'] = 'Bundles and Package Options';x['labs.dashboards.OECD.countries.citation'] = 'OECD Countries - Citation Comparison';x['home.feature.profiles'] = 'Lens Profiles';x[''] = 'Lens Use Cases';x['user.dashboard.create.patent'] = 'New Patent Dashboard';x['user.query.alert.notification.cant.delete'] = 'Could not delete Notifications';x[''] = 'Patent Applicants';x['results.graphical.wizard.owners.fam.size'] = 'Owners by Average Family Size';x['notes.patent.scope.INVENTORS'] = 'Inventors';x['results.graphical.wizard.oa.institution.colour'] = 'Institutions by Open Access Colour';x['subscription.request.api.access.button'] = 'Request API Access';x[''] = 'Sample API response';x['filters.flag.legal_status.has_us_term_extension'] = 'Has US Term Extension';x['scholar.field.source.title.cited'] = 'Journal';x['results.graphical.axis.fields'] = 'Axis Fields';x['search.structured.presets'] = 'Presets';x['inventorship.orcid'] = 'ORCID';x[''] = 'Patents';x['user.dashboard.description'] = 'Our suite of analysis and visualisation tools enable real-time discovery and analysis. Dashboards can be saved, presented and share it via LinkedIn, twitter, Facebook or email.';x['common.filteringBy'] = 'Filtering by';x['common.or'] = 'or';x['scholar.common.published.electronic'] = 'E-Published';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['filters.patent.npl'] = 'Cited Works';x['labs.apps.vosviewer.description'] = 'VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they can be constructed based on citation, bibliographic coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relations. VOSviewer also offers text mining functionality that can be used to construct and visualize co-occurrence networks of important terms extracted from a body of scientific literature.';x[''] = 'Group by Simple Family';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.JOURNAL_ISSN'] = 'ISSNs';x['user.queries.filter'] = 'Filter {0} Saved Queries';x['user.reports.files.uploading.error'] = 'There was an error recording your name and email. The file upload might still work but we have no way of knowing who it belongs to. Please email [email protected]<\/a> to help us get your report started.';x[''] = 'patent applicants in Lens; The “applicant” is the person and/or entity that submits a patent application to a national or international patent office. Applicants are typically the inventors along with the institution that sponsored the research, such as the university or company for which one or more of the inventor’s work.';x['user.dashboard.existing'] = 'Existing ';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.SOURCE_URLS'] = 'Source URLs';x[''] = 'Alerts and Notifications:<\/b><\/a> Receive email alerts and notifications when your search has new matching documents.';x['user.guest.account'] = 'Guest Account';x[''] = 'Sequence Data In Patents';x['scholar.common.journal.doaj'] = 'Journal is in DOAJ';x[''] = 'Start by creating a group';x[''] = 'sequences found in this patent';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.1'] = 'The business model of The Lens is LEAP: Lens Equitable Access Program. Briefly, this means that The Lens asks institutions to pay for services to support the financial sustainability of the platform. All of the services from The Lens are available at a fraction of the cost of closed, commercial alternatives.';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.2'] = 'The Lens has several revenue sources from institutions and individuals who support the mission of The Lens and/or derive value from The Lens services. These revenue sources are subscriptions, sponsorships and philanthropic donations.';x['cap.faq.bus.model.answer.3'] = 'For over two decades, The Lens was supported primarily by financial support from generous philanthropic donors and foundations who supported the mission to make knowledge accessible as a public-good. More recently, The Lens was asked by donors to design and execute a financial sustainability strategy. It was as an outcome of this sustainability strategy that we developed the Lens Equitable Access Program and fee-based services.';x['scholar.sort.+type'] = 'Source Type ↑';x['subscription.api.token.expire'] = 'Expire';x['filters.classifications.title'] = 'Classifications';x['filters.patent.patentStatus'] = 'Legal Status';x['user.workarea.history.not.enabled'] = 'Search History<\/b> is not currently enabled';x[''] = 'No';x['labs.apps.bibliometrix.description'] = 'bibliometrix gives all the instrument to pursue a complete bibliometric analysis, following the Science Mapping Workflow. It has been created and developed by Massimo Aria and Corrado Cuccurullo.';x['results.graphical.colour.brownbluegreen'] = 'brownbluegreen';x['pricing.common.enquire'] = 'Enquire';x['user.profile.summary.stats'] = 'Summary Stats';x[''] = 'The versioned API allows you to combine and perform several search operations to programmatically retrieve results from over 120 searchable fields. Further refine your results with filtering and isolate the key records you need. The Lens API also provides two types of pagination; offset/size based pagination and cursor based pagination.';x['search.profile'] = 'Profile Search';x[''] = 'API documentation';x['common.of'] = 'of';x['user.workarea.claim.title'] = 'Title';x['user.account.signin.text'] = 'Sign in to your existing account';x['home.feature.in4m.rankings'] = 'In4M Rankings';x['user.profile.settings'] = 'Account Settings';x[''] = 'Loading page';x[''] = 'Granted patent in force. If an application has been Granted, all published documents associated with the application have a status Active';x[''] = 'Recommended Work';x['filters.inventor.orcidPatents'] = 'Enter ORCID ID';x['scholar.field.dates'] = 'Year Published';x['user.reports.saved'] = 'Report Saved';x[''] = 'News';x[''] = 'register for a Personal Account';x[''] = 'By anything';x['subscription.landing.itk.scholar.api.text'] = 'Access to the Lens Scholarly API provides programmatic access to the full corpus of Lens Scholarly MetaRecords using the flexibility and convenience of a REST API.';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme2'] = 'Dark Mode';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme1'] = 'Light Theme';x[''] = 'Tools';x['scholar.common.institutions'] = 'Institutions';x['cap.leap.criteria.list'] = ' Explain their need and intended use case.<\/li> Share information about the institution\'s annual budget (and revenue if applicable). As an example, US non-profit institutions will be asked for their most recent Form 990.<\/li> Identify any use of commercial alternative platforms to The Lens (e.g. Scopus, Web of Science, Derwent Innovation, PatSnap, LexisNexis, Questel Orbit, GENESEQ, GenomeQuest, etc).<\/li>';x[''] = ' 10,000 requests per month<\/li> 10 requests per minute<\/li> 2 nested aggregations per request<\/li>';x['user.profile.privacy.account.delete.modal.btn'] = 'Delete Account';x[''] = 'Cites';x[''] = 'N/A';x[''] = 'Support';x['home.feature.patcite'] = 'Discover Experts & Collaborators';x[''] = 'View Collection Use Case';x[''] = 'For organizations with more than 50 employees, or fewer than 200 employees and license to use in a product or service.';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme4'] = 'High Contrast (WCAG)';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme3'] = 'Vanilla';x[''] = 'When did it start';x['scholar.common.retracted.urls'] = 'URL\'s';x[''] = 'Select Plan';x[''] = 'Start typing above to search all documents';x['itk.leap.para'] = 'The Lens affirms that no one will ever be disadvantaged by lack of access to institutional tools. If an institution legitimately needs these tools, and can demonstrate that they cannot afford the suggested price, The Lens commits to adjusting the price, or finding a way to subsidize or otherwise provide access.';x[''] = 'Explore Citations';x['user.inventorship.notice.text.orcid'] = 'Patents you record inventorship for will be automatically added to your ORCID record and displayed on your profile.';x['user.dashboard.results'] = 'results';x[''] = 'Funders by Country/Region';x['patent.document.load.error.text'] = 'We\'re sorry but something has gone wrong in loading this patent. This most likely means a network request failed and this page will be missing data. Try reloading and if the problem persists please contact [email protected]';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.TITLE'] = 'Title';x['user.inventorship.recorded'] = 'Inventorship Recorded';x[''] = 'FAQ';x[''] = 'By a specific field';x['error.access.title'] = 'You\'re not authorised to view this page.';x['results.graphical.wizard.countries.states'] = 'Institution States per Country';x['subscription.api.token.delete.really'] = 'Really delete';x['results.graphical.default.preset'] = 'Use Default Analysis Preset';x['results.graphical.wizard.authors.overtime'] = 'Authors Over Time';x['patent.citations.numberPatentDocsCiting'] = '{0}<\/strong> patents cite {1}<\/span>';x['pricing.table.scholar.api'] = 'Scholarly API Access';x[''] = 'Roadmap';x['results.graphical.colour.greens'] = 'greens';x[''] = 'Open Content Initiatives';x[''] = 'on it first.';x['subscription.lens.itk'] = 'Institutional Toolkit';x['subscription.scholar.option.2.lead'] = 'Need a higher volume/speed, or to use the content for a commercial purpose?';x['filters.scholar.publicationType'] = 'Publication Type';x[''] = 'Contact';x['subscription.checkout.proceed.warning'] = 'You must agree to the commercial use agreement below to proceed';x['patent.documents'] = 'patent documents';x['search.table.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x['notes.patent.scope.US_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'US Classifications';x['explore.citations.patents'] = 'Patent Citations';x['user.query.alert.notifications.disabled'] = 'Query alerts disabled';x['user.linkedServices.importProfilePicture.success'] = 'Profile picture imported successfully';x['results.graphical.chart.nested'] = 'Nested';x[''] = 'Total Scholarly Works';x['user.workarea.set.actions.unique'] = 'Unique';x['chart.title.embed'] = 'Embed this graph';x['search.results.notesTabTitle'] = 'Notes';x['pricing.faq.workspace.commercial.answer'] = 'The Lens offers a Professional Workspace to individuals who use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes as a sole practitioner or in their professional work for a SME business. This includes professionals, consultants and attorneys working in SMEs across the research and innovation sectors. Individual users who currently use or plan to use The Lens platform or metadata for commercial purposes must have commercial use permissions to do so, which requires a subscription to an';x['user.tags.rename.warning'] = 'Notice:<\/b> Add one Tag at a time using only letters, numbers and underscores. Any spaces will be replaced with an underscore.';x[''] = 'Be a champion for inclusive access to knowledge to support problem solving! Tell a friend about today!';x[''] = 'by';x[''] = 'Tagging:<\/b><\/a> Tag and retrieve important documents.';x[''] = 'View Scholarly Search';x['results.graphical.create.analysis'] = 'Create your own analysis';x[''] = 'Patents';x['reports.feature.export'] = 'Export and Share';x['subscription.scholar.agg.api'] = 'CALCULATE METRICS';x['results.graphical.scale.description'] = 'Linear scale preserve proportional differences. Square Root scale is shorthand for power scales with an exponent of 0.5, indicating a square root transform. Logarithmic scale are useful for plotting data that varies over multiple orders of magnitude. Read More...<\/a>';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.FUNDING'] = 'Funding';x['pricing.common.login'] = 'Login';x['results.graphical.wizard.journals'] = 'Journals';x['user.request.access'] = 'Request Access';x[''] = 'Additional Info';x[''] = 'Information Currently Unavailable';x['cap.landing.crisis.shared.para'] = 'Until now, access to knowledge and the tools to use it has predominantly been through for-profit corporations, with expensive closed data that can’t be shared, siloed behind paywalls or on surveilled platforms, where the hidden cost lies in privacy and confidentiality. But discovering and analyzing research, science and business knowledge that informs what’s known and who and which the actors are is big business, estimated at well over US$1.5 billion a year, much of it paid by universities and public institutions. The real costs are vastly greater: much of the world is excluded from contributing and countless opportunities are lost.';x['search.submit'] = 'Submit Search';x['results.graphical.wizard.scatter.patents'] = 'Scatter Plot (Patents)';x['scholar.common.retraction.updates'] = 'Retraction Updates';x['explore.citations.allDocs.alert'] = 'All Document (Blank) searches are too large and resource intensive to support citation joins. Please submit a query or refine your search and try again...';x['search.structured.scholar.set.description'] = 'The below scholarly data sources are currently ingested and integrated in the Lens. Updates are performed on a fortnightly basis at the present time.';x[''] = 'Top Institutions by Citing Patents';x['subscription.qklk.patseq.downloads'] = 'PatSeq Data Sequence Downloads';x['export.format'] = 'Export file format';x['subscription.form.purpose'] = 'Purpose/Requirements';x['collection.common.linked.queries.include'] = 'Include Saved Queries in collection';x['user.summary.queries.join'] = 'Join Query';x['results.workspace.frequent.items'] = 'Frequently used Collections and Dashboards will appear here.';x['user.reports.publish'] = 'Publish';x[''] = 'Search';x['labs.apps.sars.cov2.description'] = 'Nature Biotechnology Collections assembed to show some of the steps we have taken to move us towards open innovation cartography that can inform collective action by consortia, by individual institutions and by motivated people. For shared and existential crises such as COVID or climate change, building bridges between diverse domains of knowledge and expertise will be critical to meet the challenge.';x['user.profile.source.orcid.lens'] = 'source: ORCID + Lens';x[''] = 'Institution Country/Region';x['common.mag.short'] = 'Microsoft Academic';x['home.form.bridging.cultures'] = 'Bridging Cultures';x[''] = 'There was an error loading family data. Please reload the page to try again. If you get this error after reloading the page, please Contact Support<\/a>';x[''] = 'Humanity faces an unprecedented urgency to address the problems that we collectively face, some of which we have collectively created. Only with connected actors coordinating their contributions can we have a fair go at innovating our way out of our current crises.';x['subscription.patent.option.2.title'] = 'Institutional User API Access';x['user.reports.description'] = 'Lens Reports is a new facility for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to real-time, automatically-updated Lens data and analytics. The next evolution of Lens, search, collect, analyze, annotate and now present your findings in a flexible, data-driven reporting interface.';x[''] = 'Anticipated Termination Date';x['common.error.collection.not.found.text'] = 'Sorry but we encountered a problem, the collection you\'re looking for no longer exists.';x[''] = 'Page Results';x['scholar.field.citation_id_type'] = 'Identifier Type';x[''] = 'ID';x[''] = 'Facets should not match: choose another';x[''] = 'Applicants';x[''] = 'No results found for';x['labs.dashboards.broad'] = 'The Broad Institute';x[''] = 'Now more than ever privacy, impact, openness<\/span> and cost<\/span> matter.';x[''] = 'in Scholar Search to see all results.';x[''] = 'Media Items';x[''] = 'Applications: Nucleotides';x[''] = 'Please view all';x['cap.participate.labs'] = 'Lens Labs';x[''] = 'MeSH UI';x['common.action.apply'] = 'Apply';x['pricing.table.portfolios'] = 'Attested Portfolios';x['itk.faq.terms.examples'] = 'Examples, Use Cases and Notes';x['reports.feature.export.text'] = 'Save, Export or Share your report with others. Once a report is complete simply publish and share your reports with anyone.';x['chart.title.inventor.citing'] = 'Citing Inventors';x['labs.collab.barwon'] = 'Barwon Health';x['results.graphical.remove.panel'] = 'Remove Panel';x[''] = 'How to Subscribe';x['user.tags.description'] = 'Add tags to your search results to organise and filter results by custom tags, tags are comma separated.';x['query.metrics.patent.simple.families'] = 'Simple Families';x[''] = 'The number of scholarly works in the result set that are cited by other scholarly works';x['labs.apps.lens.scholar.api'] = 'Lens Scholarly API';x[''] = 'We then calculate the ratio and represent on a colour gradient from red to green, where red = 100% in force and dark green = 100% not in force. Grey represents jurisdictions with no patents present.';x[''] = 'Claimed Work';x['common.smaller'] = 'Smaller';x[''] = 'Jurisdictions comprising of multiple member countries like WIPO or EPO are expanded out into their individual countries. So if 20 patents are filed in Australia and 50 in WIPO, Australia will have 70 total.';x['results.graphical.wizard.citing.patents'] = 'Citing Patents';x['user.patseq.downloads.content10'] = ' PatSeq Bulk Download API documentation<\/a><\/li> Support documentation<\/a><\/li> PatSeq Data Sequence Downloads<\/a><\/li> Terms of Use<\/a> and Privacy Policy<\/a><\/li>';x['scholar.common.chemicals'] = 'Substances';x['user.settings.interface.settings.theme'] = 'Theme / Color';x[''] = 'Price Guide';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works per 1,000 People';x['patent.document.image.preview'] = 'Image Preview';x['subscription.patent.option.3.lead'] = 'Need a higher volume/speed, or to use the content for a commercial purpose?';x['patentView.cited.phase'] = 'Cited Phase';x['user.profile.try.again'] = 'Try Again';x[''] = 'Author/Inventor Details';x['itk.faq.term.inst.user'] = 'Institutional User';x[''] = 'Media Library:<\/b><\/a> Upload images to your own media library and customise your collections.';x[''] = 'Last Author Only';x['scholar.common.authorship'] = 'Authorship';x['user.profile.feature.easy.update'] = 'Easy Update';x['patentField.application.number'] = 'Application No';x['subscription.scholar.survey.lead'] = 'We are always updating and improving the API and web services. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. ';x['user.saved.queries.notification'] = 'Notification';x['common.curator'] = 'Curator';x[''] = 'API & Data';x['common.explore.more'] = 'Explore More';x['pricing.account.trial.heading'] = 'Trial Use - Public Access';x['user.patseq.price.description4'] = ' Negotiable license on a case by case basis.<\/span><\/li> Bulk data access or integration of one of the PatSeq tools with your other services<\/span><\/li> Invest in the Lens project or PatSeq, either broadly or to sponsor particular functionality,<\/span><\/li> with or without brand recognition as negotiated. <\/span><\/li> will include a bundled license, where appropriate.<\/span><\/li> Read Full Terms of Use<\/a><\/li>';x['user.patseq.price.description1'] = ' Free access for non commercial use by eligible individuals or non-profit organisations<\/span><\/li> Data may not be transferred, sold or relicensed to third parties nor used for commercial purposes by any party.<\/span><\/li> Read Full Terms of Use<\/a><\/li>';x['user.patseq.price.description2'] = ' Commercial access for eligible commercial businesses<\/span><\/li> with fewer than 50 employees,<\/span><\/li> which is not owned nor controlled by a larger commercial entity.<\/span><\/li> non-exclusive and non-transferable license<\/span><\/li> Read Full Terms of Use<\/a><\/li>';x['user.workarea.set.actions.difference'] = 'Difference';x[''] = 'Behind Lens Reports is the full corpus of scholarly works and patent literature holdings, including biological sequences and legal events.';x['user.patseq.price.description3'] = ' Commercial access for eligible commercial businesses<\/span><\/li> that have 50 or more employees,<\/span><\/li> Non-exclusive and non-transferable license<\/span><\/li> Read Full Terms of Use<\/a><\/li>';x['filters.available.facets'] = 'Available Facets';x['filters.flag.hasApplicant'] = 'Has Applicant';x[''] = 'IPC Classifications Vertical Bar Chart';x['patent.document.section.inventors'] = 'Inventors';x[''] = 'Quick Menu';x['common.step.2'] = 'Step 2';x[''] = 'times by other scholarly works';x['common.step.1'] = 'Step 1';x['subscription.patseq.tier.3'] = 'Tier 3';x['itk.faq.term.inst.account.definition'] = 'The Lens account type for ITK subscribers. Includes additional and unique features and functionality not available on other user account types, such as larger collection limits, attested collections, collection embeddable widgets, ect.';x['common.step.3'] = 'Step 3';x['results.graphical.colour.purplered'] = 'purplered';x['itk.faq.term.inst.use.example'] = 'Institutional use is tied to an ITK subscription.';x['footer.menuPrivacy'] = 'Privacy';x['search.tip.title'] = 'Search';x['user.query.alert.join.limit'] = 'Only citation results for the first 100,000 cited/citing scholarly works or patents in your initial search are supported at this time. Please consider further refining your initial search to view all cited scholarly works in your result.';x['user.share.comparison'] = 'Share Comparison';x['subscription.patseq.tier.2'] = 'Tier 2';x['subscription.patseq.tier.1'] = 'Tier 1';x[''] = 'Create an account in 30 seconds to enable and use Collections, Query Alerts, Notes and much more';x['patentView.citations.plos_alt'] = 'Open access full text available at PubMedCentral';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.CPC_CLASSIFICATIONS'] = 'CPC Classifications';x['user.workarea.history.delete.item.sure'] = 'This item will be permanently deleted. Are you sure?';x['export.patent.fieldLabel.PUBLICATION_DATE'] = 'Publication Date';x['user.settings.image.choose.library'] = 'Choose from Library';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.YEAR_PUBLISHED'] = 'Publication Year';x['scholar.sort.-score'] = 'Score ↓';x['scholar.common.view.via'] = 'View this article via';x['filters.patent.owner'] = 'Owner Name Exact';x['reports.import.failed'] = 'Import Failed';x['subscription.access.detail.last.record'] = 'Last Record';x['query.metrics.cited-scholarly-works'] = 'Cited Scholarly Works';x[''] = 'Scholarly Works';x['cap.landing.mode.portal'] = 'Community App Portal';x['home.form.placeholder'] = 'Search by Keyword or Patent Field';x['user.workarea.project.delete.sure'] = 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this Project?';x['itk.toolkit.reports.description'] = 'A unique institutional Report Builder prototype tool for creating evidence-based, open, sharable and reusable reports linked to live data, with no constraints on data sharing...';x['export.format.jsonl.tip'] = 'Select JSON Lines file format for claims';x['export.scholar.fieldLabel.DOI'] = 'DOI';x['user.share.on.twitter'] = 'Share on X (Formerly Twitter)';x['labs.apps.delphi.description'] = 'Dynamic Early-warning by Learning to Predict High Impact. In a world of rapidly expanding science and limited resources, the identification of promising scientific research is critically important. In Learning on Knowledge Graph Dynamics Provides Early Warning of Impactful Research we present DELPHI--a framework for calculating an early-warning score for impactful new research via the learning and visualization of high-dimensional, time-based patterns from the historical biotechnology publication network. In this repository we are providing requirements, installation guides, and instructions for both (a) demonstrating the DELPHI approach on a sample set of data via an Jupyter Notebook provided in a Docker container, and (b) a web application for the visualization of the DELPHI results over time, and organized/sliced by various features. We\'ve attempted to make this introduction parallel to the provided details in the manuscript, and will be adding to, and further organizing, this repository in the next few months.';x['subscription.plan.created'] = 'Created';x['subscription.patseq.quick.links.notice'] = 'Notice:<\/b>