With respect to the costs of carrying out a project under subsection (a), a grant under such subsection for the project may not exceed 90 percent of such costs. To be eligible to receive such a grant, an applicant must provide assurances that the applicant will obtain at least 10 percent of such costs from non-Federal funds (and such contributions to such costs may be in cash or in-kind, including facilities and personnel).
Home visiting services provided under this section shall be delivered according to a case management model, and a registered nurse, licensed social worker, or other licensed health care professional with experience and expertise in providing health and related social services in home and community settings shall be assigned as the case manager for individual cases under such model.
A case manager assigned under paragraph (1) shall have primary responsibility for coordinating and overseeing the development of a plan for each family that is to receive home visiting services under this section, and for coordinating the delivery of such services provided through appropriate personnel.
The team to be consulted under paragraph (4) on behalf of a family shall include, as appropriate, other nursing professionals, physician assistants, social workers, child welfare professionals, infant and early childhood specialists, nutritionists, and laypersons trained as home visitors. The case manager shall ensure that the plan is coordinated with those physician services that may be required by the mother or child.
Each grantee under subsection (a) shall provide outreach and casefinding services to inform eligible families of the availability of home visiting services from the project.
In accordance with applicable State law, an entity receiving a grant under subsection (a) shall maintain confidentiality with respect to services provided to families under this section.
Not more than 10 percent of a grant under subsection (a) may be expended for administrative expenses with respect to the grant. The costs of training individuals to serve in the project involved are not subject to the preceding sentence.
In making determinations for awarding grants under subsection (a), the Secretary shall rely on the recommendations of the peer review panel established under paragraph (2).
For the purpose of carrying out this section, there is authorized to be appropriated $30,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1993 and 1994.