Except as provided in paragraph (4), from the amount available under paragraph (2)(B) for each fiscal year, a State shall be allotted an amount that bears the same ratio to the amount appropriated for such fiscal year as the population of the State that is under the age of 21 bears to the population of all States that is under the age of 21.
Except as provided in subparagraph (B) and subject to the availability of appropriations under paragraph (1), no State shall be allotted less than $300,000 under the formula established under paragraph (3).
The number of individuals under the age of 21 in each State shall be determined by the Commissioner on the basis of the most recent data available to the Commissioner.
The Commissioner shall use 1 percent of the amount appropriated under this section for each fiscal year to make allotments to Indian tribes and tribal organizations (such terms having the same meaning given to such terms in section 5304(b) and (c) 1 of title 25) that submit to the Commissioner a plan that meets criteria consistent with the provisions of this part and that comply with other requirements established by the Commissioner.