From sums appropriated pursuant to paragraphs (3) and (4)(A) of section 1071(b) of this title, the Secretary is authorized to make advances to any State with which the Secretary has made an agreement pursuant to section 1078(b) of this title for the purpose of helping to establish or strengthen the reserve fund of the student loan insurance program covered by that agreement. If for any fiscal year a State does not have a student loan insurance program covered by an agreement made pursuant to section 1078(b) of this title, and the Secretary determines after consultation with the chief executive officer of that State that there is no reasonable likelihood that the State will have such a student loan insurance program for such year, the Secretary may make advances for such year for the same purpose to one or more nonprofit private institutions or organizations with which the Secretary has made an agreement pursuant to section 1078(b) of this title in order to enable students in the State to participate in a program of student loan insurance covered by such an agreement. The Secretary may make advances under this subsection both to a State program (with which he has such an agreement) and to one or more nonprofit private institutions or organizations (with which he has such an agreement) in that State if he determines that such advances are necessary in order that students in each eligible institution have access through such institution to a student loan insurance program which meets the requirements of section 1078(b)(1) of this title.
Advances pursuant to this subsection shall be upon such terms and conditions (including conditions relating to the time or times of payment) consistent with the requirements of section 1078(b) of this title as the Secretary determines will best carry out the purpose of this section. Advances made by the Secretary under this subsection shall be repaid within such period as the Secretary may deem to be appropriate in each case in the light of the maturity and solvency of the reserve fund for which the advance was made.
The total of the advances from the sums appropriated pursuant to paragraph (4)(A) of section 1071(b) of this title to nonprofit private institutions and organizations for the benefit of students in any State and to such State may not exceed an amount which bears the same ratio to such sums as the population of such State aged 18 to 22, inclusive, bears to the population of all the States aged 18 to 22 inclusive, but such advances may otherwise be in such amounts as the Secretary determines will best achieve the purposes for which they are made. The amount available for advances to any State shall not be less than $25,000 and any additional funds needed to meet this requirement shall be derived by proportionately reducing (but not below $25,000) the amount available for advances to each of the remaining States.
From sums appropriated pursuant to section 1071(b)(4)(B) of this title, the Secretary shall advance to each State which has an agreement with the Secretary under section 1078(c) of this title with respect to a student loan insurance program, an amount determined in accordance with paragraph (2) of this subsection to be used for the purpose of making payments under the State’s insurance obligations under such program.
The earnings, if any, on any investments of advances received pursuant to this subsection must be used for making payments under the State’s insurance obligations.
Advances made by the Secretary under this subsection shall, subject to subsection (d), be repaid within such period as the Secretary may deem to be appropriate and shall be deposited in the fund established by section 1081 of this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, advances made by the Secretary under this section shall be repaid in accordance with this subsection and shall be deposited in the fund established by section 1081 of this title. The Secretary shall, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (2), recover (and so deposit) an amount equal to $75,000,000 during fiscal year 1988 and an amount equal to $35,000,000 for fiscal year 1989.
The Secretary shall pay any guaranty agency the amount of reimbursement of claims under section 1078(c)(1) of this title, filed between September 1, 1988, and December 31, 1989, which were previously withheld or canceled in order to be applied to satisfy such agency’s obligation to eliminate excess cash reserves held by such agency, based on the maximum cash reserve (as described in subsection (e) of this section as in effect on September 1, 1988) permitted at the end of 1986, if such maximum cash reserve was miscalculated because of erroneous financial information provided by such agency to the Secretary and if (A) such erroneous information is verified by an audited financial statement of the reserve fund, signed by a certified public accountant, and (B) such audited financial statement is provided to the Secretary prior to January 1, 1993.
The amount of reimbursement for claims shall be equal to the amount of reimbursement for claims withheld or canceled in order to be applied to such agency’s obligation to eliminate excess cash reserves which exceeds the amount of that which would have been withheld or canceled if the maximum excess cash reserves had been accurately calculated.
Violation of any direction issued by the Secretary under this subsection may be subject to the penalties described in section 1097 of this title.
Any funds that are returned or otherwise recovered by the Secretary pursuant to this subsection shall be available for expenditure for expenses pursuant to section 1087h of this title.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, recall $1,000,000,000 from the reserve funds held by guaranty agencies on September 1, 2002.
Funds recalled by the Secretary under this subsection shall be deposited in the Treasury.
Within 90 days after the beginning of each of the fiscal years 1998 through 2002, each guaranty agency shall transfer a portion of the agency’s required share determined under paragraph (3) to a restricted account established by the agency that is of a type selected by the agency with the approval of the Secretary. Funds transferred to such restricted accounts shall be invested in obligations issued or guaranteed by the United States or in other similarly low-risk securities.
A guaranty agency shall not use the funds in such a restricted account for any purpose without the express written permission of the Secretary, except that a guaranty agency may use the earnings from such restricted account for default reduction activities.
If, on September 1, 2002, the total amount in the restricted accounts described in paragraph (4) is less than the amount the Secretary is required to recall under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall require the return of the amount of the shortage from other reserve funds held by guaranty agencies under procedures established by the Secretary. The Secretary shall first attempt to obtain the amount of such shortage from each guaranty agency that failed to transfer the agency’s required share to the agency’s restricted account in accordance with paragraph (4).
The Secretary may take such reasonable measures, and require such information, as may be necessary to ensure that guaranty agencies comply with the requirements of this subsection.
If the Secretary determines that a guaranty agency has failed to transfer to a restricted account any portion of the agency’s required share under this subsection, the agency may not receive any other funds under this part until the Secretary determines that the agency has so transferred the agency’s required share.
The Secretary shall not have any authority to direct a guaranty agency to return reserve funds under subsection (g)(1)(A) during the period from August 5, 1997, through September 30, 2002.
Funds recalled by the Secretary under this subsection shall be deposited in the Treasury.
The Secretary shall require each guaranty agency to return an amount representing an equal percentage reduction in the amount of reserve funds held by the agency on September 30, 1996.
Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) and (B), the percentage reduction under subparagraph (B) shall not result in the depletion of the reserve funds of any agency which charges the 1.0 percent insurance premium pursuant to section 1078(b)(1)(H) of this title below an amount equal to the amount of lender claim payments paid during the 90 days prior to the date of the return under this subsection. If any additional amount is required to be returned after deducting the total of the required shares under subparagraph (B) and as a result of the preceding sentence, such additional amount shall be obtained by imposing on each guaranty agency to which the preceding sentence does not apply, an equal percentage reduction in the amount of the agency’s remaining reserve funds.
If any guaranty agency returns to the Secretary any reserve funds in excess of the amount required under this subsection or subsection (h), the total amount required to be returned under paragraph (1) shall be reduced by the amount of such excess reserve funds returned.