The Administrator is authorized to establish a mentor-protege program for all small business concerns.
The mentor-protege program established under paragraph (1) shall be identical to the mentor-protege program of the Administration for small business concerns that participate in the program under section 637(a) of this title (as in effect on January 2, 2013), except that the Administrator may modify the program to the extent necessary given the types of small business concerns included as proteges.
The term “mentor-protege program” means a program that pairs a mentor with a protege for the purpose of assisting the protege to compete for Federal prime contracts and subcontracts.
The term “covered mentor” means a mentor that enters into an agreement under this chapter, or under any mentor-protege program approved under subsection (b)(1), with a covered protege.
The term “covered protege” means a protege of a covered mentor that is a Puerto Rico business.
Mentors and proteges with approved agreement in a program operating pursuant to subsection (b)(4)(C) shall be permitted to continue their relationship according to the terms specified in their agreement until the expiration date specified in the agreement.
Agencies operating mentor protege programs pursuant to subsection (b)(4)(C) shall submit the plans specified in subsection (b)(1)(A) to the Administrator within 6 months of the promulgation of rules required by subsection (b)(3). The Administrator shall provide initial comments on each plan within 60 days of receipt, and final approval or denial of each plan within 180 days after receipt.