7 CFR Subpart L - Subpart L—Procedures Related to Administrative Hearings Under the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986

  1. § 1.301 Basis, purpose and scope.
  2. § 1.302 Definitions.
  3. § 1.303 Basis for civil penalties and assessments.
  4. § 1.304 Investigation.
  5. § 1.305 Review by the reviewing official.
  6. § 1.306 Prerequisites for issuing a complaint.
  7. § 1.307 Complaint.
  8. § 1.308 Service of complaint and notice of hearing.
  9. § 1.309 Answer and request for hearing.
  10. § 1.310 Default upon failure to file an answer.
  11. § 1.311 Referral of complaint and answer to the ALJ.
  12. § 1.312 Procedure where respondent does not request a hearing.
  13. § 1.313 Procedure where respondent requests a hearing; notice of hearing.
  14. § 1.314 Parties to the hearing.
  15. § 1.315 Separation of functions.
  16. § 1.316 Ex parte contacts.
  17. § 1.317 Disqualification of reviewing official or ALJ.
  18. § 1.318 Rights of parties.
  19. § 1.319 Authority of the ALJ.
  20. § 1.320 Prehearing conferences.
  21. § 1.321 Disclosure of documents.
  22. § 1.322 Discovery.
  23. § 1.323 Subpoenas for attendance at hearing.
  24. § 1.324 Fees.
  25. § 1.325 Form, filing and service of papers.
  26. § 1.326 Computation of time.
  27. § 1.327 Motions.
  28. § 1.328 Sanctions.
  29. § 1.329 The hearing and burden of proof.
  30. § 1.330 Location of hearing.
  31. § 1.331 Witnesses.
  32. § 1.332 Evidence.
  33. § 1.333 The record.
  34. § 1.334 Post-hearing briefs.
  35. § 1.335 Determining the amount of penalties and assessments.
  36. § 1.336 Initial decision of the ALJ.
  37. § 1.337 Reconsideration of initial decision.
  38. § 1.338 Appeal to the judicial officer.
  39. § 1.339 Stays ordered by the Department of Justice.
  40. § 1.340 Stay pending appeal.
  41. § 1.341 Judicial review.
  42. § 1.342 Collection of civil penalties and assessments.
  43. § 1.343 Right to administrative offset.
  44. § 1.344 Deposit to Treasury of the United States.
  45. § 1.345 Settlement.
  46. § 1.346 Limitation.
31 U.S.C. 3801-3812.
56 FR 9582, Mar. 7, 1991, unless otherwise noted. Correctly designated at 57 FR 3909, Feb. 3, 1992.