1. Subpart A—General Provisions (§§ 252.1 - 252.5)
  2. Subpart B—Company-Run Stress Test Requirements for State Member Banks With Total Consolidated Assets Over $250 Billion (§§ 252.10 - 252.17)
  3. Subpart C—Risk Committee Requirement for Bank Holding Companies With Total Consolidated Assets of $50 Billion or More and Less Than $100 Billion (§§ 252.20 - 252.22)
  4. Subpart D—Enhanced Prudential Standards for Bank Holding Companies With Total Consolidated Assets of $100 Billion or More (§§ 252.30 - 252.35)
  5. Subpart E—Supervisory Stress Test Requirements for Certain U.S. Banking Organizations With $100 Billion or More in Total Consolidated Assets and Nonbank Financial Companies Supervised by the Board (§§ 252.40 - 252.47)
  6. Subpart F—Company-Run Stress Test Requirements for Certain U.S. Bank Holding Companies and Nonbank Financial Companies Supervised by the Board (§§ 252.50 - 252.58)
  7. Subpart G—External Long-term Debt Requirement, External Total Loss-absorbing Capacity Requirement and Buffer, and Restrictions on Corporate Practices for U.S. Global Systemically Important Banking Organizations (§§ 252.60 - 252.65)
  8. Subpart H—Single-Counterparty Credit Limits (§§ 252.70 - 252.78)
  9. Subpart I—Requirements for Qualified Financial Contracts of Global Systemically Important Banking Organizations (§§ 252.81 - 252.88)
  10. Subparts J–L [Reserved]
  11. Subpart M—Risk Committee Requirement for Foreign Banking Organizations With Total Consolidated Assets of at Least $50 Billion but Less Than $100 Billion (§§ 252.130 - 252.132)
  12. Subpart N—Enhanced Prudential Standards for Foreign Banking Organizations With Total Consolidated Assets of $100 Billion or More and Combined U.S. Assets of Less Than $100 Billion (§§ 252.140 - 252.147)
  13. Subpart O—Enhanced Prudential Standards for Foreign Banking Organizations With Total Consolidated Assets of $100 Billion or More and Combined U.S. Assets of $100 Billion or More (§§ 252.150 - 252.158)
  14. Subpart P—Covered IHC Long-Term Debt Requirement, Covered IHC Total Loss absorbing Capacity Requirement and Buffer, and Restrictions on Corporate Practices for Intermediate Holding Companies of Global Systemically Important Foreign Banking Organizations (§§ 252.160 - 252.167)
  15. Subpart Q—Single-Counterparty Credit Limits (§§ 252.170 - 252.178)
  16. Subparts R–T [Reserved]
  17. Subpart U—Debt-to-Equity Limits for U.S. Bank Holding Companies and Foreign Banking Organizations (§§ 252.220 - 252.221)
  18. SUBPART (§§ - )
  19. Appendix A to Part 252—Policy Statement on the Scenario Design Framework for Stress Testing
  20. Appendix B to Part 252—Stress Testing Policy Statement
12 U.S.C. 321338a, 481486, 1467a, 1818, 1828, 1831n, 1831o, 1831p–1, 1831w, 1835, 1844(b), 1844(c), 3101 et seq., 3101 note, 3904, 3906–3909, 4808, 5361, 5362, 5365, 5366, 5367, 5368, 5371.
77 FR 62391, Oct. 12, 2012, unless otherwise noted.