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RST Tribal election candidates



ROSEBUD – Sixty-eight citizens filed nominating petitions with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s Election office declaring their candidacy for tribal president, tribal vice-president or ten tribal council vacancies.

Successful candidates must be certified by the Election Board in order to be placed on the Primary Election ballot. The Election Code allows tribal voters to challenge the eligibility of any candidate. A challenge period is open through Friday, June, 7, 2024. To file a challenge, the tribal voter must pay a filing fee of fifty dollars and submit an affidavit to the Election office by the deadline. The Election Board will consider all challenges filed by the deadline.

Candidates filing affidavits for tribal president include: Muriel Fast Horse, Calvin Hawkeye Waln, Steve L. DeNoyer Jr., C. Steve Brave, James A. Iron Shell, Kathleen Wooden Knife, Wayne Frederick, Philimon D. Two Eagle, Harold P. Thompson, Louis Wayne Boyd, James A. Scott and Pamela Jean Kills In Water. Incumbent Scott Herman did not file an affidavit.

Candidates filing affidavits for tribal vice-president include: Elizabeth Lisa White Pipe, Glen Yellow Eagle, Eileen Shot, Henry Quick Bear Sr., Russell Eagle Bear, Jo A. Colombe and Craig Lafferty. Incumbent William Willie Kindle filed to run for tribal council.

Candidates filing affidavits for tribal council representatives include: ANTELOPE: Sherman Wright, Tenille Selwyn, Shawn L. Bordeaux, Dolores Totes Waln, Jordan Rahn (incumbent), Thorne Oliver, Josh Wilson, Colin Whirlwind Soldier, J.D. Traversie and Esther Blue Horse Moore.

BULL CREEK: Everly D. Lunderman and Todd J. Bearshield. Incumbent Elizabeth White Pipe filed to run for tribal vice president.

CORN CREEK: Stanley P. Wooden Knife Jr. (incumbent), Olivia Wooden Knife, Arlene R. Old Lodge Black Bear and Michael D. Witt. HE DOG: Royal Yellow Hawk, Micah Lunderman (incumbent), Clifford T. Chums Lafferty and Zollie Stone Moran. HORSE CREEK: Robert Rattling Leaf and Charlie B. Fallis. Incumbent Freemont Fallis did not file an affidavit.

RING THUNDER: Alvin Bear Heels Sr., Rose Two Strike Stenstrom, Raine K. Eagle Cloud and David Chief Blue Thunder. Incumbent Martha Blue Thunder has served a twoterm limit. ROSEBUD: Shere Wright Plank (incumbent), Rodney N. Bordeaux Jr., Robert Oliver, Trent Oakie Poignee, Luellen Titter Wright, Danielle Burnette, Janet Clairmont, William W. Bebe Long III and Marie Clairmont.

ST. FRANCIS: Joe Ford, Allen Wilson, Sharon L. Swift, Raymond Crow Eagle (incumbent), Keith Horse Looking and Michael R. Boltz Sr. SWIFT BEAR: Foster Cournoyer Hogan, Delano Clairmont, William Willie Kindle, Dera Iyotte (incumbent) and Dale R. Wooden Knife Sr. UPPER CUT MEAT: Dwight D. Spotted Tail (incumbent), Marian Little Thunder and Lance Neck Jr.

The Primary Election is scheduled for Thursday, July 25, 2024. You must be registered to vote in the community where you reside. The final day to register to vote in the Primary Election is Thursday, July 11, 2024. The top two vote getters in each race will advance to the General Election, slated for Thursday, August 22, 2024. The last day to register to vote in the General Election is Thursday, August 8, 2024.

In order to register to vote, you must be at least eighteen years and an enrolled citizen of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe residing within your community boundaries. A valid (unexpired) state or tribal identification card is required to register. You may call the Rosebud Sioux Tribe’s Election Office at 605-747- 3187 for more information.

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