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Fix Your Riskiest Vulnerabilities Before It Is Too Late

Have a never-ending list of vulnerabilities to patch? Limit your attack surface with a vulnerability risk management solution that enables you to focus on what matters most, early in the development cycle.

Not all vulnerabilities are created equal

Prioritize your biggest fixes by seeing risks within the context of your environment.

Periodic scans are not enough

Enforce a continuous cloud vulnerability management policy through the entire software development lifecycle.

Fixing issues in production is too late

Shift security left to find and fix vulnerabilities during the build process to reduce costs and improve productivity.

Spend More Time on High Impact Work

We surface your vulnerabilities sooner and help you to prioritize them better, giving you more freedom to develop, build, and innovate.

Always on, actively watching

Actively watch for exploit vectors by continually assessing container images, hosts, and language libraries for new vulnerabilities.

Riskiest vulnerabilities fixed first

Understand which vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk in the context of your unique environment so you can fix the most impactful ones.

Democratize data to developers

Reduce toil in production and correct issues in build time by making vulnerability data more accessible to developers.

Cut Vulnerabilities by Connecting Cloud Dots

No more fragmented IaC tools. In one platform, security teams gain centralized visibility, and developers can fix issues without slowing down.

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Collect more data, with and without agents

  • Detect vulnerabilities across active hosts, containers, and application language libraries using agentless workload scanning
  • Combine agentless workload scanning with agents for deeper analysis, continuous monitoring, and anomaly detection
  • Use the agent to filter out any vulnerable software packages that are inactive
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Understand risks in the context of your cloud

  • Pinpoint your unique environment’s top risks with our custom risk-based vulnerability score, which combines your cloud data with proprietary and third-party exploit data
  • Visualize potential attack paths leading to critical data assets and respond quickly to exploitable risks with a unified dashboard
  • Surface publicly known risks on operating system packages and language libraries with our combination of public and commercial vulnerability data sources
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Scan Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines

  • Check container images in build time with a plug-and-play inline scanner that integrates with a CI or with developer tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions
  • Perform fast and low latency scans of container images on-demand or every 15 minutes using our auto-polling capability
  • Provide detailed information to create remediation tickets for developers
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Monitor container image registries

  • Continuously monitor all images in your registries for vulnerabilities
  • Integrate the Lacework platform scanner with public registries to continuously scan container images for vulnerable packages and language libraries
  • Use proxy scanner to scan private registries and ensure sensitive applications and container images have minimal public access. We offer both auto-poll and registry notifications
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Block risky containers from production

  • Govern and enforce what is allowed to run on a cluster using our integration with the Kubernetes admission controller
  • Block or notify when container images do not meet security standards prior to production
  • Deploy the Lacework Admission Controller Webhook and proxy scanner in each Kubernetes cluster to inspect new images prior to deployment

Schedule a FortiCNAPP Demo

Cloud security is fundamentally a data problem. If your current rules-driven cloud security solution can’t scale, then discover how you can automate security and compliance across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and private clouds with Lacework FortiCNAPP.

Watch our demo and see how we can help you:

  • Investigate threats 80% faster
  • Consolidate your security tools
  • Eliminate false positives by 95%
  • Reduce critical security alerts to about 1.4 per day