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Conchobar (Old Irish pronunciation: [ˈkonxovar]; also spelled Conchobor, Conchobur; in Modern Irish: Conchobhar, Conchubhar, Conchúr, Munster Irish: [kɾˠoˈxuːɾˠ]) is an Irish male name meaning "lover of canines". It is the source of the Irish names Conor, Connor, Connors, Conner, O'Connor, etc. It is a name borne by several figures from Irish history and legend, including:

  • Conchobar mac Nessa, legendary king of Ulster
  • Conchobar Abradruad, legendary High King of Ireland of the 1st century BC
  • Conchobar mac Donnchada, High King of Ireland 819–833
  • Conchobar Maenmaige Ua Conchobair, 12th-century king of Connacht
  • Conchobar MacDermot, king of Moylurg 1187–1196
  • Conchobur Mac Cathmhail (died 1252) royal chief of Cenel Feradhaigh and of many territories besides
  • Conchobar mac Tadg, king of Connacht 967–973 and eponym of the O'Conor family
  • See also

  • List of Irish-language given names
  • References


    • Celtic Mythology: How Conchobar was Begotten ¦ Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley)

      In this short story from Irish mythology, we learn how King Conchobar (Connor) was born and how he came to possess the kingship of Ulster. While this is far from an actual depiction of how the kingship was normally secured within a tribe or túath (check out my video about this), there are other colorful insights to draw from this tale about life in Ireland the distant past. The Táin Bó Cúailnge is an Irish mythological epic about the life and exploits of the boy hero Cú Chullain. www.brehonlawacademy.ie www.facebook.com/brehonlawacademy Twitter: @BrehonAcademy If you liked this video please share it to your networks for others to watch.

      published: 15 Sep 2017
    • How to Pronounce Conchobar?

      This video shows you How to Pronounce Conchobar, pronunciation guide. Hear more IRISH NAMES pronounced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SyvppTr8k&list=PLd_ydU7Boqa2hsx8swJcYaaNWwnJwi6NS Listen how to say this word/name correctly with Julien (English vocabulary videos), "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. Learn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. There are mobile apps, online tools, dictionary websites to help you as well, but this dedicated channel is you go-to directory to improve your diction, voicing elocution, enunciation, and inton...

      published: 19 Sep 2021
    • Conchobar

      Slang flashcards: https://amzn.to/3uwkcfN Disclaimer: The information contained in the multimedia content (“Video Content”) posted doesn't represents the views and opinions of the creator of such Video Content. The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The creator does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the Video Content.

      published: 19 Dec 2021
    • Conchobar - Official Trailer (2016)

      Uno de los títulos más esperados del cine. Louis es padre pero en el fondo él sabe que no es así. Conchobar La Película es la lucha por la verdad y por la felicidad. Estrena en todo el mundo! Basada en hechos reales. Me ayuda muchísimo que compartas el vídeo, así más gente puede estar al tanto de este canal. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarrySLaSerie Facebook: https://facebook.com/HarrySLaSerie Ask: https://ask.fm/HarrySLaSerie

      published: 11 Feb 2016
    • The The Birth of Conchobar

      this is the story of Conchobars Birth . and is the first story in the Ulster Cycle of Stories . he is one of the Kings Of Ireland

      published: 05 Oct 2022
    • Conchobar mac Nessa Meaning

      Video shows what Conchobar mac Nessa means. The king of Ulster during the events of the Ulster Cycle, supposed to have ruled from Emain Macha somewhere around the time of Jesus Christ.. Conchobar mac Nessa Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Conchobar mac Nessa. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary

      published: 19 Apr 2015
    • The Death of Conchubar Mac Nessa - IRISH MYTHOLOGY STORYTELLING PODCAST - Ep 75

      Third in our Death Series is the strange and prolonged death of Conchubar Mac Nessa, King of Ulster. Conchubar is a wily king and remembered as a great leader. As well as sound judgement, he was a man of great beauty, and great vanity. Over the years, we’ve come to wonder at his wonderful reputation, but there’s no doubt that he left a lasting legacy. At some time in the retelling of this tale, Concubar’s birth and death was linked with another mythic figure, from far away, in the East. Sources: https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T301037.html https://www.libraryireland.com/Atlas/V-King-Conor-Mac-Nessa.php http://taramagick.com/conor.html Support for this podcast comes from our patrons. Find out more, or become a patron by going to: https://www.patreon.com/candlelittales http://candleli...

      published: 23 Dec 2020
    • How to correctly pronounce in Irish - Conchobar.

      How to correctly pronounce in Irish - Conchobar. Clear speech and correct pronunciations are imperative for successful verbal communication. It can pose a challenge, especially if you are not a native speaker of a particular language. Our video tutorials are aimed to help you in your endeavour to improve pronunciation and speech clarity. Learn to pronounce words correctly and confidently with our easy to understand videos covering aspects like intonation, enunciation and stressed syllables. Tags How to, Learn, Tutorial, Pronounce, Pronunciation, Speech, Speaker, Language, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Mandarin, French, Greek, Latin, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Romanian, Malay, Indonesian, Hungarian, ...

      published: 28 Jun 2024
    • Conchobar mac Donnchada Top # 5 Facts

      Conchobar mac Donnchada Top # 5 Facts

      published: 01 Nov 2015
    • How to Pronounce Conchobhar? (CORRECTLY)

      This video shows you How to Pronounce Conchobhar, pronunciation guide. Hear more IRISH NAMES pronounced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SyvppTr8k&list=PLd_ydU7Boqa2hsx8swJcYaaNWwnJwi6NS Listen how to say this word/name correctly with Julien (English vocabulary videos), "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. Learn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. There are mobile apps, online tools, dictionary websites to help you as well, but this dedicated channel is you go-to directory to improve your diction, voicing elocution, enunciation, and into...

      published: 17 Sep 2021
    Celtic Mythology: How Conchobar was Begotten ¦ Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley)

    Celtic Mythology: How Conchobar was Begotten ¦ Táin Bó Cúailnge (Cattle Raid of Cooley)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:05
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Sep 2017
    • views: 4291
    In this short story from Irish mythology, we learn how King Conchobar (Connor) was born and how he came to possess the kingship of Ulster. While this is far from an actual depiction of how the kingship was normally secured within a tribe or túath (check out my video about this), there are other colorful insights to draw from this tale about life in Ireland the distant past. The Táin Bó Cúailnge is an Irish mythological epic about the life and exploits of the boy hero Cú Chullain. www.brehonlawacademy.ie www.facebook.com/brehonlawacademy Twitter: @BrehonAcademy If you liked this video please share it to your networks for others to watch.
    How to Pronounce Conchobar?

    How to Pronounce Conchobar?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:44
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Sep 2021
    • views: 14178
    This video shows you How to Pronounce Conchobar, pronunciation guide. Hear more IRISH NAMES pronounced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SyvppTr8k&list=PLd_ydU7Boqa2hsx8swJcYaaNWwnJwi6NS Listen how to say this word/name correctly with Julien (English vocabulary videos), "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. Learn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. There are mobile apps, online tools, dictionary websites to help you as well, but this dedicated channel is you go-to directory to improve your diction, voicing elocution, enunciation, and intonation. 00:00 – How to Pronounce Intro 00:08 - How to Pronounce Conchobar 00:20 - More Difficult Pronunciations Julien’s instructional and educational videos make pronunciation easier as I detail the correct pronunciation as fluent speaker many languages such as French, English, Spanish, or Italian, and curious student of world idioms such as Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, or Russian. -If you found this video helpful please like the video to support my work. -If you would like help with any future pronunciations, be sure to subscribe! -Thanks for Watching How To Pronounce with Julien and happy pronouncing. hoe om te sê, si të thuash, እንዴት እንደሚናገር, wie sagt man, comment dire, come dire, como dizer, как сказать, nasıl denir, cómo decir, 怎么说, πώς να το πω, hoe zeg je #EnglishWithJulien What does this word/name mean? Words’ meaning, dictionary definition, explanation. Information & Source Conchobar (Old Irish pronunciation: [ˈkonxovar]; also spelled Conchobor, Conchobur; in Modern Irish: Conchobhar, Conchubhar, Conchúr, Munster Irish: [kɾˠʊˈxuːɾˠ]) is an Irish male name meaning "lover of canines". It is the source of the Irish names Conor, Connor, Connors, Conner, O'Connor, etc. It is a name borne by several figures from Irish history and legend, including: Wikipedia Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conchobar Video Tags: how, to, pronounce, conchobar, meaning, definition, what does it mean, vocabulary, american, english, word, improve, beginners, united states, british, pronunciation guide, how do you say, tutorial, how to say, learn, how do you pronounce, dictionary, explained, context, sentences, examples, speech, training, course, uk, language, native speaker, synonyms, study, sounds, speak, speaking, audio, australia, india, accent


    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:25
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Dec 2021
    • views: 272
    Slang flashcards: https://amzn.to/3uwkcfN Disclaimer: The information contained in the multimedia content (“Video Content”) posted doesn't represents the views and opinions of the creator of such Video Content. The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The creator does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the Video Content.
    Conchobar - Official Trailer (2016)

    Conchobar - Official Trailer (2016)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:20
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Feb 2016
    • views: 21329
    Uno de los títulos más esperados del cine. Louis es padre pero en el fondo él sabe que no es así. Conchobar La Película es la lucha por la verdad y por la felicidad. Estrena en todo el mundo! Basada en hechos reales. Me ayuda muchísimo que compartas el vídeo, así más gente puede estar al tanto de este canal. Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarrySLaSerie Facebook: https://facebook.com/HarrySLaSerie Ask: https://ask.fm/HarrySLaSerie
    The The Birth of Conchobar

    The The Birth of Conchobar

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:42
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Oct 2022
    • views: 72
    this is the story of Conchobars Birth . and is the first story in the Ulster Cycle of Stories . he is one of the Kings Of Ireland
    Conchobar mac Nessa Meaning

    Conchobar mac Nessa Meaning

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:34
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Apr 2015
    • views: 17742
    Video shows what Conchobar mac Nessa means. The king of Ulster during the events of the Ulster Cycle, supposed to have ruled from Emain Macha somewhere around the time of Jesus Christ.. Conchobar mac Nessa Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary. How to say Conchobar mac Nessa. Powered by MaryTTS, Wiktionary
    The Death of Conchubar Mac Nessa - IRISH MYTHOLOGY STORYTELLING PODCAST - Ep 75

    The Death of Conchubar Mac Nessa - IRISH MYTHOLOGY STORYTELLING PODCAST - Ep 75

    • Order:
    • Duration: 20:18
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Dec 2020
    • views: 1001
    Third in our Death Series is the strange and prolonged death of Conchubar Mac Nessa, King of Ulster. Conchubar is a wily king and remembered as a great leader. As well as sound judgement, he was a man of great beauty, and great vanity. Over the years, we’ve come to wonder at his wonderful reputation, but there’s no doubt that he left a lasting legacy. At some time in the retelling of this tale, Concubar’s birth and death was linked with another mythic figure, from far away, in the East. Sources: https://celt.ucc.ie/published/T301037.html https://www.libraryireland.com/Atlas/V-King-Conor-Mac-Nessa.php http://taramagick.com/conor.html Support for this podcast comes from our patrons. Find out more, or become a patron by going to: https://www.patreon.com/candlelittales http://candlelittales.ie/ https://open.spotify.com/show/2102WuUUe9Jl6cGXNwQEKf https://soundcloud.com/candlelittales https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/candlelit-tales-irish-mythology-podcast/ https://twitter.com/candlelit_tales?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/candlelittales/ https://www.instagram.com/candlelittales/ https://vimeo.com/user52850249 https://www.youtube.com/candlelittales #keepherlit #keephercandlelit #candlelittales #storytelling #livemusic #mythology #irishmythology #candlelittalespodcast #podcast
    How to correctly pronounce in Irish - Conchobar.

    How to correctly pronounce in Irish - Conchobar.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:42
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jun 2024
    • views: 70
    How to correctly pronounce in Irish - Conchobar. Clear speech and correct pronunciations are imperative for successful verbal communication. It can pose a challenge, especially if you are not a native speaker of a particular language. Our video tutorials are aimed to help you in your endeavour to improve pronunciation and speech clarity. Learn to pronounce words correctly and confidently with our easy to understand videos covering aspects like intonation, enunciation and stressed syllables. Tags How to, Learn, Tutorial, Pronounce, Pronunciation, Speech, Speaker, Language, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Mandarin, French, Greek, Latin, Irish, Welsh, Scottish, Gaelic, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi, Polish, Romanian, Malay, Indonesian, Hungarian, Czech etc.
    Conchobar mac Donnchada Top # 5 Facts

    Conchobar mac Donnchada Top # 5 Facts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:41
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Nov 2015
    • views: 104
    Conchobar mac Donnchada Top # 5 Facts
    How to Pronounce Conchobhar? (CORRECTLY)

    How to Pronounce Conchobhar? (CORRECTLY)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:53
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Sep 2021
    • views: 15246
    This video shows you How to Pronounce Conchobhar, pronunciation guide. Hear more IRISH NAMES pronounced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_SyvppTr8k&list=PLd_ydU7Boqa2hsx8swJcYaaNWwnJwi6NS Listen how to say this word/name correctly with Julien (English vocabulary videos), "how do you pronounce" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials. Learn how to say words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. There are mobile apps, online tools, dictionary websites to help you as well, but this dedicated channel is you go-to directory to improve your diction, voicing elocution, enunciation, and intonation. 00:00 – How to Pronounce Intro 00:08 - How to Pronounce Conchobhar 00:20 - More Difficult Pronunciations Julien’s instructional and educational videos make pronunciation easier as I detail the correct pronunciation as fluent speaker many languages such as French, English, Spanish, or Italian, and curious student of world idioms such as Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Polish, or Russian. -If you found this video helpful please like the video to support my work. -If you would like help with any future pronunciations, be sure to subscribe! -Thanks for Watching How To Pronounce with Julien and happy pronouncing. hoe om te sê, si të thuash, እንዴት እንደሚናገር, wie sagt man, comment dire, come dire, como dizer, как сказать, nasıl denir, cómo decir, 怎么说, πώς να το πω, hoe zeg je #EnglishWithJulien What does this word/name mean? Words’ meaning, dictionary definition, explanation. Information & Source Video Tags: how, to, pronounce, conchobhar, meaning, definition, what does it mean, vocabulary, american, english, word, improve, beginners, united states, british, pronunciation guide, how do you say, tutorial, how to say, learn, how do you pronounce, dictionary, explained, context, sentences, examples, speech, training, course, uk, language, native speaker, synonyms, study, sounds, speak, speaking, audio, australia, india, accent
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    Conchobar (Old Irish pronunciation: [ˈkonxovar]; also spelled Conchobor, Conchobur; in Modern Irish: Conchobhar, Conchubhar, Conchúr, Munster Irish: [kɾˠoˈxuːɾˠ]) is an Irish male name meaning "lover of canines". It is the source of the Irish names Conor, Connor, Connors, Conner, O'Connor, etc. It is a name borne by several figures from Irish history and legend, including:

  • Conchobar mac Nessa, legendary king of Ulster
  • Conchobar Abradruad, legendary High King of Ireland of the 1st century BC
  • Conchobar mac Donnchada, High King of Ireland 819–833
  • Conchobar Maenmaige Ua Conchobair, 12th-century king of Connacht
  • Conchobar MacDermot, king of Moylurg 1187–1196
  • Conchobur Mac Cathmhail (died 1252) royal chief of Cenel Feradhaigh and of many territories besides
  • Conchobar mac Tadg, king of Connacht 967–973 and eponym of the O'Conor family
  • See also

  • List of Irish-language given names
  • References

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