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Would You...?

"Would You...?" is a song by British electronic/jazz band Touch and Go. It was released on 26 October 1998 as a single.

The song reached the number 3 spot on the UK Singles Chart. It became a hit in Europe, particularly in Eastern Europe where the ensemble toured extensively. "Would You...?" has been included on television show soundtracks such as G String Divas and the cult British series As If. The track has also been sampled for San Pellegrino, Carlsberg, and Nokia advertisements.


The track is marked by its distinctive sampling of a woman's voice saying "I've noticed you around / I find you very attractive / Would you go to bed with me?". The lyrics with almost identical wording were originally used as part of a psychological study conducted in 1978.

Track listing

  • "Would You...?" (Radio Edit) (3:12)
  • "Would You...?" (Trailermen Go To Rio Mix) (6:59)
  • "Would You...?" (Homewreckers Mix) (3:54)
  • Charts


    External links

  • Would You...? at Discogs
  • Would You

    Would You may refer to:

  • "Would You?" (Iris song), 2012
  • "Would You...?", a 1998 song by Touch and Go
  • Would You?, a short story by Poppy Z. Brite

  • Help Yourself (Julian Lennon album)

    Help Yourself is the fourth studio album by singer-songwriter Julian Lennon.


    It was released in August 1991, on Atlantic Records in the US and on Virgin Records in the UK. The album was a commercial success in Europe for Lennon, spawning a UK no.6 hit in "Saltwater" (as well as topping the charts in Australia for four weeks); however, it did not do as well in the US, where Atlantic Records were said to have under-promoted the album.

    The album features uncredited guitar contributions from George Harrison.

    The album was reissued, along with The Secret Value of Daydreaming and Mr. Jordan, on 8 September 2009 by Noble Rot Records.

    Track listing

  • "Rebel King" (Julian Lennon, Anthony Moore, Bob Ezrin) – 5:51
  • "Saltwater" (Lennon, Mark Spiro, Leslie Spiro) – 4:07
  • "Get a Life" (Lennon, Glenn Martin Tilbrook, Scott Humphrey) – 4:17
  • "Would You" (Lennon, Moore) – 6:19
  • "Maybe I Was Wrong" (Lennon, Justin Clayton) – 4:27
  • "Help Yourself" (Lennon, John McCurry) – 4:41
  • Podcasts:

    • The Vamps - Would You

      Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen to The Vamps complete collection here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/CompleteCollection Sign up to the official mailing list here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/MailingList Official website: http://thevamps.net Follow the band http://www.instagram.com/thevamps http://www.facebook.com/thevampsofficial http://www.twitter.com/thevampsband Lyrics Tell me how you really feel So I know it’s really real And won’t you let your guard down If there’s a reason you’re holding back I’d rather know now Cos when you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door w...

      published: 04 Apr 2021
    • Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) - Official Visualiser

      Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/Would-You Follow Campbell Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campbelllllll/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@campbell.music/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/campbelllllll/ Follow Alcemist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alcemist.uk/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alcemistmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alcemistuk #Campbell #Alcemist #wouldyougotobedwithme

      published: 21 Jul 2023
    • Would You... ?

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Would You... ? · Touch & Go I Find You Very Attractive ℗ 1998 V2 Music Limited Released on: 1999-01-01 Producer: David Lowe Associated Performer, Music Production: Charlie Gillett Associated Performer, Music Production: David Lowe Associated Performer, Vocals: Vanessa Lancaster Composer Lyricist: David Lowe Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 21 Jul 2018
    • Would you help?😳

      published: 09 Jun 2023
    • BT21 - 'Would You' OFFICIAL M/V

      #2022BT21FESTIVAL #WouldYou #MV #MusicVideo #뮤직비디오 #BT21 #5th_ANNIVERSARY BT21 'Would You' M/V OUT NOW🔥 UNI-VERSTAR!🎵 Ready to sing along, UNISTARS?✨ 우-주 스타🎵 따라부를 준비 됐어, 유니스타즈?✨ 💿Listen on SoundCloud 👉https://lin.ee/Hhut7jh2/hntj - BT21 5TH ANNIVERSARY HOODIE & SEASON'S GREETINGS PACKAGE is also released now💥 Check them out via the link below! 👉https://lin.ee/2WMbGNL BT21 5주년 후드 티셔츠 & 시즌 그리팅 패키지 출시💥 아래 링크로 확인해봐! 👉https://lin.ee/bFCTSAE ❗️#BT21​ Official ​ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BT21_ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bt21_official/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BT21.Official/ LINE : mobile📱 add @BT21_JP @BT21_USA @BT21_HK @BT21_TW @BT21_TH @BT21_KR ❗️#BT21​ Story Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bt21story/ ❗️For subtitles, 1. Click on the setting ico...

      published: 23 Dec 2022
    • Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) ft. Caity Baser (Official Visualiser)

      Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/WouldYouCaity Follow Campbell: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campbelllllll/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@campbell.music/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/campbelllllll/ Follow Alcemist: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alcemist.uk/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alcemistmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alcemistuk Follow Caity: Store: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/StoreID Instagram: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/Instagram Tiktok: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/Tiktok #Campbell #Alcemist #Caitybaser #wouldyougotobedwithme

      published: 29 Sep 2023
    • ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) Audio l MeenPing

      เพลง ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) l MeenPing ก็ไม่รู้ว่าอะไรที่ทำให้เราได้พบกัน ก็ไม่รู้ว่าทำไมตั้งแต่ที่เจอกันวันนั้น โลกก็เหมือนแปลกไป อยู่ใกล้เธอเมื่อไร มันยิ้มๆ อบอุ่นใจจนพูดไม่ถูก เธอมาคอยเป็นเรื่องราวดีๆอยู่ในทุกๆวัน เธอมาเติมให้ชีวิตที่เคยเงียบเหงามีสีสัน ถ้าวันนี้จนเรื่อยไป อยากขอเธอจะได้ไหม สัญญากับฉันซักเรื่องก็แล้วกัน *ไม่รู้ว่าขอมากไปไหม ถ้าขอให้เธออย่าไปไหน กอดฉันไว้ให้นานแสนนาน นั่งมองพระจันทร์ดวงเดิม ที่เราเคยมองด้วยกัน ผ่านทุกคืนไปด้วยกัน จากวันนี้ไม่ต้องนานแค่จนชั่วนิรันดร์ ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ (ให้ฉันได้รึเปล่า) ถ้าพรุ่งนี้มีอะไรที่ทำให้เธอไม่ชอบใจ ถ้าบางวัน ฉันทำตัวไม่น่ารัก เธอจะรับได้ไหม ช่วยทำให้ฉันมั่นใจ จะไม่ทิ้งไปใช่ไหม สัญญากับฉันอีกทีก็แล้วกัน (*) Associated Performer, Vocalist: MEEN - PING Author: Tiansilp Pratanatammakul Composer: Panust Nakrumpai #ให้กันไ...

      published: 25 Aug 2023
    • Pink Sweat$ - Would You

      https://fanlink.to/volume1 https://instagram.com/pinksweats https://twitter.com/realpinksweats https://facebook.com/pinksweats

      published: 12 Oct 2018
    • The Vamps - Would You (Blossom Sessions)

      Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen to The Vamps complete collection here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/CompleteColle... Sign up to the official mailing list here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/MailingList Official website: http://thevamps.net Follow the band http://www.instagram.com/thevamps http://www.facebook.com/thevampsofficial http://www.twitter.com/thevampsband Tell me how you really feel So I know it’s really real And won’t you let your guard down If there’s a reason you’re holding back I’d rather know now Cos when you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care...

      published: 19 Oct 2020
    • Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video)

      Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video) Watch the official video for “Would You Ever” by Skrillex and Poo Bear Make sure to subscribe to Skrillex’s channel and turn on notifications to stay updated with all new uploads: http://skrillex.me/YTSubscribe Listen to Skrillex on Spotify: http://skrillex.me/SkrillexSelectsSP Get “Would You Ever” here: Spotify: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverSP Apple Music: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverAM Google Play: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverGP Amazon: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverAZ Soundcloud: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverSC Follow Skrillex: http://skrillex.com Facebook: http://skrillex.me/Facebook Instagram: http://skrillex.me/Instagram Twitter: http://skrillex.me/Twitter Snapchat: http://skrillex.me/Snap Subscribe to his ...

      published: 26 Jul 2017
    The Vamps - Would You

    The Vamps - Would You

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:08
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Apr 2021
    • views: 3317065
    Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen to The Vamps complete collection here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/CompleteCollection Sign up to the official mailing list here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/MailingList Official website: http://thevamps.net Follow the band http://www.instagram.com/thevamps http://www.facebook.com/thevampsofficial http://www.twitter.com/thevampsband Lyrics Tell me how you really feel So I know it’s really real And won’t you let your guard down If there’s a reason you’re holding back I’d rather know now Cos when you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Don’t go wasting my time I’ve played games enough to see through a lie And I wonder how you talk about us Do you light up when you start to speak If I even cross your mind at all When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me #TheVamps #WouldYou #CherryBlossom
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) - Official Visualiser

    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) - Official Visualiser

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:01
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2023
    • views: 3526806
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/Would-You Follow Campbell Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campbelllllll/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@campbell.music/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/campbelllllll/ Follow Alcemist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alcemist.uk/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alcemistmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alcemistuk #Campbell #Alcemist #wouldyougotobedwithme
    Would You... ?

    Would You... ?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:12
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2018
    • views: 1482538
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Would You... ? · Touch & Go I Find You Very Attractive ℗ 1998 V2 Music Limited Released on: 1999-01-01 Producer: David Lowe Associated Performer, Music Production: Charlie Gillett Associated Performer, Music Production: David Lowe Associated Performer, Vocals: Vanessa Lancaster Composer Lyricist: David Lowe Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Would you help?😳

    Would you help?😳

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:29
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Jun 2023
    • views: 454628944
    BT21 - 'Would You' OFFICIAL M/V

    BT21 - 'Would You' OFFICIAL M/V

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:07
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Dec 2022
    • views: 7450299
    #2022BT21FESTIVAL #WouldYou #MV #MusicVideo #뮤직비디오 #BT21 #5th_ANNIVERSARY BT21 'Would You' M/V OUT NOW🔥 UNI-VERSTAR!🎵 Ready to sing along, UNISTARS?✨ 우-주 스타🎵 따라부를 준비 됐어, 유니스타즈?✨ 💿Listen on SoundCloud 👉https://lin.ee/Hhut7jh2/hntj - BT21 5TH ANNIVERSARY HOODIE & SEASON'S GREETINGS PACKAGE is also released now💥 Check them out via the link below! 👉https://lin.ee/2WMbGNL BT21 5주년 후드 티셔츠 & 시즌 그리팅 패키지 출시💥 아래 링크로 확인해봐! 👉https://lin.ee/bFCTSAE ❗️#BT21​ Official ​ Twitter : https://twitter.com/BT21_ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bt21_official/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/BT21.Official/ LINE : mobile📱 add @BT21_JP @BT21_USA @BT21_HK @BT21_TW @BT21_TH @BT21_KR ❗️#BT21​ Story Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bt21story/ ❗️For subtitles, 1. Click on the setting icon 2. Click 'Subtitles/CC' 3. Click on the desired subtitle language
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) ft. Caity Baser (Official Visualiser)

    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) ft. Caity Baser (Official Visualiser)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:03
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Sep 2023
    • views: 383580
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/WouldYouCaity Follow Campbell: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/campbelllllll/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@campbell.music/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/campbelllllll/ Follow Alcemist: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alcemist.uk/ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alcemistmusic/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alcemistuk Follow Caity: Store: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/StoreID Instagram: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/Instagram Tiktok: https://CaityBaser.lnk.to/Tiktok #Campbell #Alcemist #Caitybaser #wouldyougotobedwithme
    ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) Audio l MeenPing

    ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) Audio l MeenPing

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:07
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Aug 2023
    • views: 123980
    เพลง ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) l MeenPing ก็ไม่รู้ว่าอะไรที่ทำให้เราได้พบกัน ก็ไม่รู้ว่าทำไมตั้งแต่ที่เจอกันวันนั้น โลกก็เหมือนแปลกไป อยู่ใกล้เธอเมื่อไร มันยิ้มๆ อบอุ่นใจจนพูดไม่ถูก เธอมาคอยเป็นเรื่องราวดีๆอยู่ในทุกๆวัน เธอมาเติมให้ชีวิตที่เคยเงียบเหงามีสีสัน ถ้าวันนี้จนเรื่อยไป อยากขอเธอจะได้ไหม สัญญากับฉันซักเรื่องก็แล้วกัน *ไม่รู้ว่าขอมากไปไหม ถ้าขอให้เธออย่าไปไหน กอดฉันไว้ให้นานแสนนาน นั่งมองพระจันทร์ดวงเดิม ที่เราเคยมองด้วยกัน ผ่านทุกคืนไปด้วยกัน จากวันนี้ไม่ต้องนานแค่จนชั่วนิรันดร์ ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ (ให้ฉันได้รึเปล่า) ถ้าพรุ่งนี้มีอะไรที่ทำให้เธอไม่ชอบใจ ถ้าบางวัน ฉันทำตัวไม่น่ารัก เธอจะรับได้ไหม ช่วยทำให้ฉันมั่นใจ จะไม่ทิ้งไปใช่ไหม สัญญากับฉันอีกทีก็แล้วกัน (*) Associated Performer, Vocalist: MEEN - PING Author: Tiansilp Pratanatammakul Composer: Panust Nakrumpai #ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ______________________________________________________ ติดตามความเคลื่อนไหวต่างๆ ได้ที่ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MChoiceTH/ Instagram Mchoice_th : https://www.instagram.com/mchoice_th/ Instagram Mchoice_artist : https://www.instagram.com/mchoice_art... Twitter : https://twitter.com/MchoiceTH
    Pink Sweat$ - Would You

    Pink Sweat$ - Would You

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:34
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Oct 2018
    • views: 2220883
    https://fanlink.to/volume1 https://instagram.com/pinksweats https://twitter.com/realpinksweats https://facebook.com/pinksweats
    The Vamps - Would You (Blossom Sessions)

    The Vamps - Would You (Blossom Sessions)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:54
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Oct 2020
    • views: 737779
    Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen to The Vamps complete collection here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/CompleteColle... Sign up to the official mailing list here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/MailingList Official website: http://thevamps.net Follow the band http://www.instagram.com/thevamps http://www.facebook.com/thevampsofficial http://www.twitter.com/thevampsband Tell me how you really feel So I know it’s really real And won’t you let your guard down If there’s a reason you’re holding back I’d rather know now Cos when you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Don’t go wasting my time I’ve played games enough to see through a lie And I wonder how you talk about us Do you light up when you start to speak If I even cross your mind at all When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me #TheVamps #WouldYou #CherryBlossom
    Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video)

    Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:42
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jul 2017
    • views: 61146082
    Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video) Watch the official video for “Would You Ever” by Skrillex and Poo Bear Make sure to subscribe to Skrillex’s channel and turn on notifications to stay updated with all new uploads: http://skrillex.me/YTSubscribe Listen to Skrillex on Spotify: http://skrillex.me/SkrillexSelectsSP Get “Would You Ever” here: Spotify: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverSP Apple Music: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverAM Google Play: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverGP Amazon: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverAZ Soundcloud: http://skrillex.me/WouldYouEverSC Follow Skrillex: http://skrillex.com Facebook: http://skrillex.me/Facebook Instagram: http://skrillex.me/Instagram Twitter: http://skrillex.me/Twitter Snapchat: http://skrillex.me/Snap Subscribe to his YouTube channel: http://skrillex.me/YTSubscribe See Skrillex live: http://Skrillex.com/tour/ Follow Poo Bear: http://poobearmusic.com Facebook: https://fb.com/poobear Twitter: https://twitter.com/poobear Instagram: https://instagram.com/poobear Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/poobearhb Follow the Hairy Longboarder: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sepakuma Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sepakuma YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/hairylongboarder Would you ever ride a wave with me Would you ever take a chance with me Would you ever take a leap with me Would you ever change our frequency Would you ever hope for a never ending Would you ever hope for a new beginning Would you ever promise not to break Would you ever give chance opportunity Would you ever #Skrillex #WouldYouEver #SkrillexOfficialVideo
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    • Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) ft. Caity Baser (Official Visualiser)
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    • ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) Audio l MeenPing
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    • Pink Sweat$ - Would You
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    • Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video)
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    The Vamps - Would You

    Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen to The Vamps complete collection here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/CompleteCollection Sign up to the official mailing list here: https://thevamps.lnk.to/MailingList Official website: http://thevamps.net Follow the band http://www.instagram.com/thevamps http://www.facebook.com/thevampsofficial http://www.twitter.com/thevampsband Lyrics Tell me how you really feel So I know it’s really real And won’t you let your guard down If there’s a reason you’re holding back I’d rather know now Cos when you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Don’t go wasting my time I’ve played games enough to see through a lie And I wonder how you talk about us Do you light up when you start to speak If I even cross your mind at all When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me When you kiss me you had your eyes open And there’s something that I need to know If I walked out the door would you even notice I’m gone Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you If I walked out the door would you care enough to follow Would you even miss me at all Would you, would you, you Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me Would you even miss me at all babe Would you even miss me #TheVamps #WouldYou #CherryBlossom
    The Vamps - Would You
    Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen ...
    published: 04 Apr 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) - Official Visualiser
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/Would-You Fo...
    published: 21 Jul 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    Would You... ?
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Would You... ? · Touch & Go I Find You Very...
    published: 21 Jul 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    Would you help?😳
    published: 09 Jun 2023
    Play in Full Screen
    BT21 - 'Would You' OFFICIAL M/V
    #2022BT21FESTIVAL #WouldYou #MV #MusicVideo #뮤직비디오 #BT21 #5th_ANNIVERSARY BT21 'Would You...
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    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) ft. Caity Baser (Official Visualiser)
    Campbell x Alcemist - Would You (go to bed with me?) out now: https://lnk.to/WouldYouCaity...
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    ให้กันได้ไหมเธอ ? (Would You) Audio l MeenPing
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    Pink Sweat$ - Would You
    https://fanlink.to/volume1 https://instagram.com/pinksweats https://twitter.com/realpinks...
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    The Vamps - Would You (Blossom Sessions)
    Watch more videos in the complete playlist here: https://TheVamps.lnk.to/Playlist Listen ...
    published: 19 Oct 2020
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    Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video)
    Skrillex & Poo Bear - Would You Ever (Official Music Video) Watch the official video for “...
    published: 26 Jul 2017
    Play in Full Screen

    Would You...?

    "Would You...?" is a song by British electronic/jazz band Touch and Go. It was released on 26 October 1998 as a single.

    The song reached the number 3 spot on the UK Singles Chart. It became a hit in Europe, particularly in Eastern Europe where the ensemble toured extensively. "Would You...?" has been included on television show soundtracks such as G String Divas and the cult British series As If. The track has also been sampled for San Pellegrino, Carlsberg, and Nokia advertisements.


    The track is marked by its distinctive sampling of a woman's voice saying "I've noticed you around / I find you very attractive / Would you go to bed with me?". The lyrics with almost identical wording were originally used as part of a psychological study conducted in 1978.

    Track listing

  • "Would You...?" (Radio Edit) (3:12)
  • "Would You...?" (Trailermen Go To Rio Mix) (6:59)
  • "Would You...?" (Homewreckers Mix) (3:54)
  • Charts


    External links

  • Would You...? at Discogs
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