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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); 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vp.playFromPlaylist(pls[pls.length-1]); vp.playVideo(); scrollToPlaylistPosition(vp); }); return true; } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; playShouldStart = 0; } } if(previewMode){ var vids = []; var dur = 0; var pl = vp.getActualPlaylist(); area = parts[0]; if(parts.length == 1 && matchPosition(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash('1-'+pl.length); dur = parsePosition(parts[0]); parts = []; }else if(parts.length == 1 && matchDash(parts[0])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition("999:59"); parts = []; } if(parts.length == 2 && matchDash(parts[0]) && matchPosition(parts[1])){ vids = parseDash(parts[0]); dur = parsePosition(parts[1]); parts = []; } for(var i = 0; i < vids.length; i++){ playQueue.push({ 'video': pl[vids[i]-1], 'start': 0, 'stop': dur }) } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } } if(parts.length>1){ for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, parts[i]); if(sel){ playQueue.push({ 'video': sel, 'start': 0, 'stop': null }) } } if(playQueue){ playQueueUpdate(); vp.playVideo(); parsed = true; } }else if(area){ var sel = findMatchingVideo(vp, area); if(sel){ vp.playFromPlaylist(sel); playShouldStart = 0; parsed = true; } } if(fsonload || replayMode){ playShouldStart = 0; } if(document.location.search.match('at=|queue=')){ var opts = document.location.search.replace(/^\?/,'').split(/&/g); for(var o in opts){ if(opts[o].match(/^at=(\d+:)?(\d+:)?\d+$/)){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(opts[o].substr(3)) } if(opts[o].match(/^queue=/)){ playQueue = parseList(opts[o].substr(6)); if(playQueue){ playQueuePosition = 0; playQueueUpdate(); } } } } if(matchPosition(parts[1])){ playShouldStart = parsePosition(parts[1]); parsed = true; } if(matchAction(parts[1])){ var action = parseAction(vp, area+'/'+parts[1]); playShouldStart = action.start; playShouldStop = action.stop; parsed = true; } if(playShouldStart !== null && !playQueue.length){ playQueue.push({ video: vp.getCurrentVideo(), start: playShouldStart, stop: playShouldStop }); } if(playShouldStart != null){ setInterval(function(){ if(playShouldStop && vp.currentPlayer && vp.currentPlayer.getCurrentTime() > playShouldStop){ playShouldStop = null; 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WAGE (91.1 FM) was a non-profit American radio station broadcasting a Christian radio format. The station was licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to serve the community of Dogwood Lakes Estate, Florida.

The station was licensed to Florida Panhandle Technical College in Chipley, and operated by the Bethany Divinity College & Seminary of Dothan, Alabama. The programming focus of the station was Southern Gospel music, as a satellite of Bethany Divinity's WVOB in Dothan.

WAGE's license was cancelled by the FCC on March 31, 2015, due to having been silent for more than twelve months (since sometime in 2012).


External links

  • Query the FCC's FM station database for WAGE
  • Radio-Locator information on WAGE
  • Query Nielsen Audio's FM station database for WAGE

  • Package manager

    A package manager or package management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer's operating system in a consistent manner. A package manager deals with packages, distributions of software and data in archive files. Packages contain metadata, such as the software's name, description of its purpose, version number, vendor, checksum, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, metadata is stored in a local package database. Package managers typically maintain a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites. They work closely with software repositories and app stores.

    Package managers are designed to save organizations time and money through remote administration and software distribution technology that eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for large enterprises whose operating systems are based on Linux and other Unix-like systems, typically consisting of hundreds or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages; in the former case, a package manager is a convenience, in the latter case it becomes essential.


    Union is the state of being united or joined.

    Union may also refer to:


  • A trade union
  • Education

  • Union College
  • Union College (disambiguation)
  • Union Institute & University, a college specializing in distance learning
  • Union Public Schools, a school district in Oklahoma
  • Union Theological College, in Northern Ireland
  • Union Theological Seminary (New York City)
  • Union Presbyterian Seminary, in Virginia
  • Union University, a Baptist college in Tennessee
  • Union University (New York), a federation of New York state institutions
  • Union University (Serbia)
  • History and politics

  • Political union, a state created by merging two or more states
  • The Union, a term used to refer to the European Union
  • the Union, a term sometimes used to refer to the United Kingdom
  • The Union, a term sometimes used to refer to the United States
    • Union (American Civil War), the United States government and the 25 states that remained loyal to it during the American Civil War (1861–1865)
  • Union (American Civil War), the United States government and the 25 states that remained loyal to it during the American Civil War (1861–1865)
  • Union, South Carolina

    The city of Union is the county seat of Union County, South Carolina, United States. The population was 8,393 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city of the Union Micropolitan Statistical Area (population 28,961 according to 2010 Census), an (MSA) which includes all of Union County and which is further included in the greater Greenville-Spartanburg-Anderson, South Carolina Combined Statistical Area (population 1,266,995 according to the 2010 Census).


    Both the city of Union and Union County received their names from the old Union Church that stood a short distance from the Monarch Mill. When it was first founded, the city of Union was known as Unionville; later the name was shortened to Union. The county’s first white settlers came from Virginia in 1749. Union County’s population grew the fastest between 1762 and the start of the Revolutionary War. Settlers built log cabins and cultivated tobacco, flax, corn and wheat. Union was one of the first towns settled in the area and was untouched during the Civil War because the Broad River flooded and turned Sherman’s troops away from the town.

    Coherent topology

    In topology, a coherent topology is a topology that is uniquely determined by a family of subspaces. Loosely speaking, a topological space is coherent with a family of subspaces if it is a topological union of those subspaces. It is also sometimes called the weak topology generated by the family of subspaces, a notion which is quite different from the notion of a weak topology generated by a set of maps.


    Let X be a topological space and let C = {Cα : α A} be a family of subspaces of X (typically C will be a cover of X). Then X is said to be coherent with C (or determined by C) if X has the final topology coinduced by the inclusion maps

    By definition, this is the finest topology on (the underlying set of) X for which the inclusion maps are continuous.

    Equivalently, X is coherent with C if either of the following two equivalent conditions holds:

  • A subset U is open in X if and only if U Cα is open in Cα for each α A.
  • A subset U is closed in X if and only if U Cα is closed in Cα for each α A.
  • Strike action

    Strike action, also called labor strike, labour strike, on strike, greve (of French: grève), or simply strike, is a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to work. A strike usually takes place in response to employee grievances. Strikes became common during the Industrial Revolution, when mass labour became important in factories and mines. In most countries, strike actions were quickly made illegal, as factory owners had far more power than workers. Most western countries partially legalized striking in the late 19th or early 20th centuries.

    Strikes are sometimes used to pressure governments to change policies. Occasionally, strikes destabilize the rule of a particular political party or ruler; in such cases, strikes are often part of a broader social movement taking the form of a campaign of civil resistance. Notable examples are the 1980 Gdańsk Shipyard or 1981 Warning Strike, led by Lech Wałęsa. These strikes were significant in the long campaign of civil resistance for political change in Poland, and were an important mobilizing effort that contributed to the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of communist party rule in eastern Europe.


    • Gettysburg College 2023 Commencement Ceremony

      published: 14 May 2023
    Gettysburg College 2023 Commencement Ceremony

    Gettysburg College 2023 Commencement Ceremony

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:39:41
    • Uploaded Date: 14 May 2023
    • views: 2607
    • What is NPM, and why do we need it? | Tutorial for beginners

      What is npm? This 15 minute beginners tutorial to npm (Node Package Manager) will walk you through how to install npm on your computer, and how to install and update packages for your projects. 🔥 My course: Responsive Design for Beginners! https://coder-coder.com/responsive/ 💻 Become a full-stack web dev with Zero to Mastery: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_338z7xnj/external?affcode=441520_ti97uk6b SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ⭐ Join channel members and get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNf0liwUzMN6_pixbQlMhQ/join 🏆 GitHub sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/thecodercoder 👏🏽 Hit the THANKS button in any video! 🎨 Get my VS Code theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoderCoder.codercoder-dark-theme WANT TO LEARN WEB DEV? Check out my courses: 🌟 Responsiv...

      published: 21 Jun 2021
    • Nix - The Best Package Manager

      In this video I discuss the Nix package manager and why it's the best package manager on *Nix based operating systems. ₿💰💵💲Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto💲💵💰₿ Monero 45F2bNHVcRzXVBsvZ5giyvKGAgm6LFhMsjUUVPTEtdgJJ5SNyxzSNUmFSBR5qCCWLpjiUjYMkmZoX9b3cChNjvxR7kvh436 Bitcoin 3MMKHXPQrGHEsmdHaAGD59FWhKFGeUsAxV Ethereum 0xeA4DA3F9BAb091Eb86921CA6E41712438f4E5079 Litecoin MBfrxLJMuw26hbVi2MjCVDFkkExz8rYvUF Dash Xh9PXPEy5RoLJgFDGYCDjrbXdjshMaYerz Zcash t1aWtU5SBpxuUWBSwDKy4gTkT2T1ZwtFvrr Chainlink 0x0f7f21D267d2C9dbae17fd8c20012eFEA3678F14 Bitcoin Cash qz2st00dtu9e79zrq5wshsgaxsjw299n7c69th8ryp Etherum Classic 0xeA641e59913960f578ad39A6B4d02051A5556BfC USD Coin 0x0B045f743A693b225630862a3464B52fefE79FdB Subscribe to my YouTube channel http://goo.gl/9U10Wz and be sure to click...

      published: 29 Jan 2023
    • apt, dpkg, git, Python PiP (Linux Package Management) // Linux for Hackers // EP 5

      how do you install hacking tools on Linux? Here we go, everything you need to know about Linux Package Management! Want to go deeper? Sign up for Hacker school: https://ntck.co/htbacad (HTB Academy) 💯💯TEST your skills, see what you got: https://ntck.co/linux5quiz (FREE quiz) (the first 3 people to score 100% will get some free coffee and merch!) 🧪🧪FREE LAB GUIDE: https://ntck.co/linuxep5lab 🔥🔥Join the NetworkChuck membership: https://bit.ly/3riRhek *Sponsored by HTB Academy --------------------------------------------------- Sign up for the Hacker Academy: https://ntck.co/htbacad Hack some stuff (HTB): https://ntck.co/htb *****HEY, READ THIS: .........disclaimer: Currently, free users do not have internet access through PWNBOX. This will cause some issues as you go through the lab in t...

      published: 04 Jun 2021
    • What are Package Managers? NPM, APT, Chocolatey, Homebrew and Many More

      In this video I made brief introduction to the package managers and divide package managers into various categories for ease of understanding. This is done with the sole purpose of remembering which package managers used for which purposes. Since language based package managers sometimes become quite confusing, I've created a simple chart below so you can find which package managers correspond to which language. Also remember there are many package managers available for each language, the ones below are the widely used and generally known ones, not every package manager is listed. Javascript Package Managers - Npm, Yarn Java Package Managers - Gradle, Maven Python Package Managers - Pip, Conda Php Package Manager - Composer C# Package Manager...

      published: 03 May 2020
    • Chocolatey is The Package Manager For Windows

      In this video, we learn about Chocolatey, which is a Windows package manager. Chocolatey: https://chocolatey.org/ ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾ 📚 Programming Books & Merch 📚 🐍 The Python Bible Book: https://www.neuralnine.com/books/ 💻 The Algorithm Bible Book: https://www.neuralnine.com/books/ 👕 Programming Merch: https://www.neuralnine.com/shop 🌐 Social Media & Contact 🌐 📱 Website: https://www.neuralnine.com/ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neuralnine 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/neuralnine 🤵 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuralnine/ 📁 GitHub: https://github.com/NeuralNine 🎙 Discord: https://discord.gg/JU4xr8U3dm 🎵 Outro Music From: https://www.bensound.com/

      published: 28 Jan 2023
    • Windows FINALLY Got a Package Manager - Here's Why It's Awesome

      The feature you didn't even know you needed! ⚠️ NOTE: For now you'll have to manually install the latest version of App Installer with the WinGet client, by copy-pasting this whole thing below into your browser URL bar (without quotes): " ms-appinstaller:?source=https://aka.ms/getwinget " • Microsoft's Blog Post Announcement ⇨ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-package-manager-1-0/ ⇒ Become a channel member for exclusive features! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/ThioJoe/join ▼ Time Stamps: ▼ 0:00 - Intro 0:52 - What is a Package Manager? 3:09 - How to Get It 3:54 - How to Use It & Demonstration 5:53 - Current Bugs 7:51 - More Features 8:29 - More Demos 9:39 - How to Submit a New Package ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Merch ⇨ https://teespring.com/stores/thiojo...

      published: 29 May 2021
    • Linux Packaging Formats explained: Flatpak vs Snaps vs DEB & RPM vs AppImage vs AUR

      Download Safing's Portmaster and take control of your network traffic: https://safing.io Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en# 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to a weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I cover, and get your name in the credits: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thelinuxexp/join Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thelinuxexperiment Or, you can donate whatever you want: https://paypal.me/thelinuxexp 🎙️ LINUX AND OPEN SOURCE NEWS PODCAST: Listen to the latest Linux and open source news, with more in depth coverage, and ad-free! https://podcast.thelinuxexp.com 🏆 FOLLOW ME ELSEWHERE: Website: https://thelinuxexp.com Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/web/@thelinuxEXP Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.social/TLENick Twitter : http...

      published: 10 Mar 2023
    • Distro, DE, Package Manager & More Linux Terms Explained

      No matter where you in the linux world you'll be surrounded by linux jargon that everyone expects you to know so let's go over some of these terms like distro, de, package manager and much much that everyone on Linux needs to know ==========Support The Channel========== ► $100 Linode Credit: https://brodierobertson.xyz/linode ► Patreon: https://brodierobertson.xyz/patreon ► Paypal: https://brodierobertson.xyz/paypal ► Liberapay: https://brodierobertson.xyz/liberapay ► Amazon USA: https://brodierobertson.xyz/amazonusa =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 Odysee: https://brodierobertson.xyz/odysee 🎥 Podcast: https://techovertea.xyz/youtube 🎮 Gaming: https://brodierobertson.xyz/youtube ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: https://brodierobertson.xyz/discord 🎤 Matrix Space: https://b...

      published: 05 Dec 2021
    • What are package managers?

      What are package managers, and why are they useful? We answer these questions in the context of a web-developer Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPaj_o9gjMYlgPUgMVX5Z5xZ392UCMNJD

      published: 19 May 2015
    • I was WRONG! This is the BEST Package Manager.

      This standalone package manager is absolutely stunning and I can’t believe I’m just now discovering it’s true power. ►► BlueSky ➜ https://bsky.app/profile/christitus.com . ►► Digital Downloads ➜ https://www.cttstore.com ►► Patreon ➜ https://www.patreon.com/christitustech ►► Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisTitusTech/ ►► Titus Tech Talk ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/TitusTechTalk ►► Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech

      published: 22 Aug 2022
    What is NPM, and why do we need it? | Tutorial for beginners

    What is NPM, and why do we need it? | Tutorial for beginners

    • Order:
    • Duration: 14:27
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jun 2021
    • views: 265966
    What is npm? This 15 minute beginners tutorial to npm (Node Package Manager) will walk you through how to install npm on your computer, and how to install and update packages for your projects. 🔥 My course: Responsive Design for Beginners! https://coder-coder.com/responsive/ 💻 Become a full-stack web dev with Zero to Mastery: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_338z7xnj/external?affcode=441520_ti97uk6b SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ⭐ Join channel members and get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNf0liwUzMN6_pixbQlMhQ/join 🏆 GitHub sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/thecodercoder 👏🏽 Hit the THANKS button in any video! 🎨 Get my VS Code theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoderCoder.codercoder-dark-theme WANT TO LEARN WEB DEV? Check out my courses: 🌟 Responsive Design for Beginners: https://coder-coder.com/responsive/ 🌟 Gulp for Beginners: https://coder-coder.com/gulp-course/ _____________________________________ 0:00 - Intro 0:14 - Why do we need npm? 0:52 - What is npm? 2:14 - How to install npm 2:44 - Which npm packages do you need? 3:25 - Installing global and local packages 4:46 - What does the package.json file do? 5:59 - Dealing with npm package dependencies 7:55 - How semantic versioning works in npm 12:41 - What does the package-lock.json file do? _____________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS 💻 My Gear -- https://www.amazon.com/shop/thecodercoder?listId=1LMCKGUTMVYXD 📚 My Favorite Books -- https://coder-coder.com/best-web-development-books/ 📺 My Favorite Courses -- https://coder-coder.com/best-web-development-courses/ _____________________________________ FOLLOW CODER CODER Blog -- https://coder-coder.com/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/thecodercoder Instagram -- https://www.instagram.com/thecodercoder _____________________________________ #npm
    Nix - The Best Package Manager

    Nix - The Best Package Manager

    • Order:
    • Duration: 13:04
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Jan 2023
    • views: 165638
    In this video I discuss the Nix package manager and why it's the best package manager on *Nix based operating systems. ₿💰💵💲Help Support the Channel by Donating Crypto💲💵💰₿ Monero 45F2bNHVcRzXVBsvZ5giyvKGAgm6LFhMsjUUVPTEtdgJJ5SNyxzSNUmFSBR5qCCWLpjiUjYMkmZoX9b3cChNjvxR7kvh436 Bitcoin 3MMKHXPQrGHEsmdHaAGD59FWhKFGeUsAxV Ethereum 0xeA4DA3F9BAb091Eb86921CA6E41712438f4E5079 Litecoin MBfrxLJMuw26hbVi2MjCVDFkkExz8rYvUF Dash Xh9PXPEy5RoLJgFDGYCDjrbXdjshMaYerz Zcash t1aWtU5SBpxuUWBSwDKy4gTkT2T1ZwtFvrr Chainlink 0x0f7f21D267d2C9dbae17fd8c20012eFEA3678F14 Bitcoin Cash qz2st00dtu9e79zrq5wshsgaxsjw299n7c69th8ryp Etherum Classic 0xeA641e59913960f578ad39A6B4d02051A5556BfC USD Coin 0x0B045f743A693b225630862a3464B52fefE79FdB Subscribe to my YouTube channel http://goo.gl/9U10Wz and be sure to click that notification bell so you know when new videos are released.
    apt, dpkg, git, Python PiP (Linux Package Management) // Linux for Hackers // EP 5

    apt, dpkg, git, Python PiP (Linux Package Management) // Linux for Hackers // EP 5

    • Order:
    • Duration: 26:05
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Jun 2021
    • views: 807865
    how do you install hacking tools on Linux? Here we go, everything you need to know about Linux Package Management! Want to go deeper? Sign up for Hacker school: https://ntck.co/htbacad (HTB Academy) 💯💯TEST your skills, see what you got: https://ntck.co/linux5quiz (FREE quiz) (the first 3 people to score 100% will get some free coffee and merch!) 🧪🧪FREE LAB GUIDE: https://ntck.co/linuxep5lab 🔥🔥Join the NetworkChuck membership: https://bit.ly/3riRhek *Sponsored by HTB Academy --------------------------------------------------- Sign up for the Hacker Academy: https://ntck.co/htbacad Hack some stuff (HTB): https://ntck.co/htb *****HEY, READ THIS: .........disclaimer: Currently, free users do not have internet access through PWNBOX. This will cause some issues as you go through the lab in this video. *Disclaimer: The Linux foundations course from HTB Academy is a Tier 0 course, allowing me to show the course content in this video series. SUPPORT NETWORKCHUCK --------------------------------------------------- ➡️NetworkChuck membership: https://bit.ly/3riRhek ☕☕ COFFEE and MERCH: https://NetworkChuck.coffee Check out my new channel, https://bit.ly/nc_clips 🆘🆘NEED HELP?? Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/networkchuck STUDY WITH ME on Twitch: https://bit.ly/nc_twitch READY TO LEARN?? --------------------------------------------------- -Learn Python: https://bit.ly/3rzZjzz -Get your CCNA: https://bit.ly/nc-ccna FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE --------------------------------------------------- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/networkchuck/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/networkchuck Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetworkChuck/ Join the Discord server: http://bit.ly/nc-discord 0:00 ⏩ Intro 1:54 ⏩ Coffee and PWNBOX 2:23 ⏩ what's a Linux Package? 2:41 ⏩ Linux Package Managers 3:16 ⏩ dpkg (installing .deb packages) (Package Manager) 5:39 ⏩ why dpkg is DUMB!! 6:22 ⏩ APT (Advanced Package Tool) (Package Manager) 6:46 ⏩ installing packages with APT 8:59 ⏩ repositories (what is THAT??) 9:23 ⏩ apt update 9:53 ⏩ looking at the sources list 11:43 ⏩ what packages are installed? 12:47 ⏩ UNINSTALL Linux Packages (remove) 13:50 ⏩ updating your Linux system 14:28 ⏩ upgrade VS full-upgrade 15:09 ⏩ aptitude (Package Manager) 15:47 ⏩ SNAP! (snapd) (Package Manager) 17:38 ⏩ PIP and GEM (Python and Ruby) 18:39 ⏩ GIT (install custom Hacking tools) 19:46 ⏩ git clone 20:52 ⏩ pip3 install -r requirements.txt 22:43 ⏩ REVIEW AFFILIATES & REFERRALS --------------------------------------------------- (GEAR I USE...STUFF I RECOMMEND) My network gear: https://geni.us/L6wyIUj Amazon Affiliate Store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/networkchuck Buy a Raspberry Pi: https://geni.us/aBeqAL #linuxforeveryone #linux #linuxforhackers
    What are Package Managers? NPM, APT, Chocolatey, Homebrew and Many More

    What are Package Managers? NPM, APT, Chocolatey, Homebrew and Many More

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:51
    • Uploaded Date: 03 May 2020
    • views: 15876
    In this video I made brief introduction to the package managers and divide package managers into various categories for ease of understanding. This is done with the sole purpose of remembering which package managers used for which purposes. Since language based package managers sometimes become quite confusing, I've created a simple chart below so you can find which package managers correspond to which language. Also remember there are many package managers available for each language, the ones below are the widely used and generally known ones, not every package manager is listed. Javascript Package Managers - Npm, Yarn Java Package Managers - Gradle, Maven Python Package Managers - Pip, Conda Php Package Manager - Composer C# Package Manager - NuGet C++ Package Manager - Conan, Hunter, Vcpkg Ruby Package Manager - RubyGems Go Package Manager - Dep Also on a side note, I highly suggest you to learn the differences and relationships between package managers and repositories. If you find any mistakes or want to add anything, be sure to post it in comments section, I would highly appreciate it. A nice article on package managers by Ovidijus Okinskas: https://blog.idrsolutions.com/2018/07/what-is-a-package-manager-and-why-should-you-use-one/ Socials: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs_a2ClztgYY-hHYI-Qzz8g - Medium: https://medium.com/@mrrandomgenerator - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrRandomGen #PackageManagers #MrRandomGenerator Music Used –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– "Sakura Hz - Chill" is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/-WvzUvhH6iE
    Chocolatey is The Package Manager For Windows

    Chocolatey is The Package Manager For Windows

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:39
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jan 2023
    • views: 34645
    In this video, we learn about Chocolatey, which is a Windows package manager. Chocolatey: https://chocolatey.org/ ◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾◾ 📚 Programming Books & Merch 📚 🐍 The Python Bible Book: https://www.neuralnine.com/books/ 💻 The Algorithm Bible Book: https://www.neuralnine.com/books/ 👕 Programming Merch: https://www.neuralnine.com/shop 🌐 Social Media & Contact 🌐 📱 Website: https://www.neuralnine.com/ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neuralnine 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/neuralnine 🤵 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuralnine/ 📁 GitHub: https://github.com/NeuralNine 🎙 Discord: https://discord.gg/JU4xr8U3dm 🎵 Outro Music From: https://www.bensound.com/
    Windows FINALLY Got a Package Manager - Here's Why It's Awesome

    Windows FINALLY Got a Package Manager - Here's Why It's Awesome

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:41
    • Uploaded Date: 29 May 2021
    • views: 328506
    The feature you didn't even know you needed! ⚠️ NOTE: For now you'll have to manually install the latest version of App Installer with the WinGet client, by copy-pasting this whole thing below into your browser URL bar (without quotes): " ms-appinstaller:?source=https://aka.ms/getwinget " • Microsoft's Blog Post Announcement ⇨ https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-package-manager-1-0/ ⇒ Become a channel member for exclusive features! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/ThioJoe/join ▼ Time Stamps: ▼ 0:00 - Intro 0:52 - What is a Package Manager? 3:09 - How to Get It 3:54 - How to Use It & Demonstration 5:53 - Current Bugs 7:51 - More Features 8:29 - More Demos 9:39 - How to Submit a New Package ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Merch ⇨ https://teespring.com/stores/thiojoe ⇨ http://Instagram.com/ThioJoe ⇨ http://Twitter.com/ThioJoe ⇨ http://Facebook.com/ThioJoeTV My Gear & Equipment ⇨ https://kit.co/ThioJoe ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
    Linux Packaging Formats explained: Flatpak vs Snaps vs DEB & RPM vs AppImage vs AUR

    Linux Packaging Formats explained: Flatpak vs Snaps vs DEB & RPM vs AppImage vs AUR

    • Order:
    • Duration: 19:39
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Mar 2023
    • views: 162147
    Download Safing's Portmaster and take control of your network traffic: https://safing.io Grab a brand new laptop or desktop running Linux: https://www.tuxedocomputers.com/en# 👏 SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: Get access to a weekly podcast, vote on the next topics I cover, and get your name in the credits: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thelinuxexp/join Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thelinuxexperiment Or, you can donate whatever you want: https://paypal.me/thelinuxexp 🎙️ LINUX AND OPEN SOURCE NEWS PODCAST: Listen to the latest Linux and open source news, with more in depth coverage, and ad-free! https://podcast.thelinuxexp.com 🏆 FOLLOW ME ELSEWHERE: Website: https://thelinuxexp.com Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/web/@thelinuxEXP Pixelfed: https://pixelfed.social/TLENick Twitter : http://twitter.com/thelinuxEXP PeerTube: https://tilvids.com/c/thelinuxexperiment_channel/videos This video is distributed under the Creative Commons Share Alike license. #flatpak #linux #packages 00:00 Intro 00:33 Sponsor: Monitor and Secure your internet connection 01:38 Regular Packages: DEBs & RPMs 04:53 Flatpaks 08:56 Snaps 11:29 AppImages 14:11 The Arch User Repository 16:35 These formats aren't important 17:40 Sponsor: Get a device that runs Linux perfectly 18:28 Support the channel DEBs & RPMs are contained in repositories that your distribution set up or that you add yourself. In terms of advantages, these packages are all separate, which means that each package contains either an application or a library: you only install what is needed, nothing more. This also means they tend to use less space as time goes on. Second, they're maintained and tested by your distributions, which means they should all work well without any issues. Third, they're all based on a dependency system: applications declare which other packages they need to run. You install a package as a superuser, which means you grant the package all the rights to do whatever it wants to your system as it's being installed. They also can create dependency hell. These packages need to be made for every architecture, and for 32 bit and 64 bit, for all the currently supported versions of a distribution, and for all distributions. And that was the main reason why Flatpaks were invented. It packages the application and everything it needs to run in a single bundle. If the application depends on a LOT of libraries that are commonly used by other applications, it can install what's called a runtime instead. Flatpaks are only meant for graphical applications: they aren't a way to distribute libraries, or command line apps. Flatpaks are generally hosted on Flathub, but there are others repos. Flatpaks are more secure than regular packages. They're installed as a regular user, and can't install crap that will run at the system level. They can also use a sandbox, with permissions. Another advantage is for app developers: flatpaks run on any distribution that has flatpak installed, which is basically all of them apart from Ubuntu and its various flavors. It also means you're not dependent on your distribution for updates: you can get the new versions of your app as soon as the developer has published them. Last advantage is no dependency hell. Flatpaks tend to use more space, and they can''t fully replace packages: they are only for graphical programs. Finally, flatpak apps might not follow your custom themes. You can install Snap packages on Ubuntu and all of its derivatives, or any distro that can install the snapd package. They're auto updated and containerized. Snaps also let you test future releases in advance, with "channels". While the packaging format is open source, the server component isn't. Snaps are very slow to open at first start. They tend to clutter your mount points. Snaps also generally don't support your custom themes. Snaps do have the advantage of supporting command line utilities. AppImages are an all in one bundle that packages the application and all its libraries in a single file. They're very portable. They also won't create dependency hell, since they're completely independent. Appimages can be sandboxed but not a lot of them are. Appimages don't integrate with your system at all. They also use more space than any other packaging format. Next is the AUR, it means Arch User Repository. it's available on Arch Linux and other Arch based distros like Manjaro. The AUR is a big repository of applications and libraries packaged by individuals: they're generally not official, and not supported by the distro or the original developer. Its main advantage is that is has virtually everything. The AUR doesn't host packages, but packagebuilds, which are scripts that will make the package. This means that installing something might take a bit longer, and it also means that unless you read the package build scripts yourself, you completely trust an individual with the security of your system.
    Distro, DE, Package Manager & More Linux Terms Explained

    Distro, DE, Package Manager & More Linux Terms Explained

    • Order:
    • Duration: 13:02
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Dec 2021
    • views: 7223
    No matter where you in the linux world you'll be surrounded by linux jargon that everyone expects you to know so let's go over some of these terms like distro, de, package manager and much much that everyone on Linux needs to know ==========Support The Channel========== ► $100 Linode Credit: https://brodierobertson.xyz/linode ► Patreon: https://brodierobertson.xyz/patreon ► Paypal: https://brodierobertson.xyz/paypal ► Liberapay: https://brodierobertson.xyz/liberapay ► Amazon USA: https://brodierobertson.xyz/amazonusa =========Video Platforms========== 🎥 Odysee: https://brodierobertson.xyz/odysee 🎥 Podcast: https://techovertea.xyz/youtube 🎮 Gaming: https://brodierobertson.xyz/youtube ==========Social Media========== 🎤 Discord: https://brodierobertson.xyz/discord 🎤 Matrix Space: https://brodierobertson.xyz/matrix 🐦 Twitter: https://brodierobertson.xyz/twitter 🌐 Mastodon: https://brodierobertson.xyz/mastodon 🖥️ GitHub: https://brodierobertson.xyz/github ==========Time Stamps========== 0:00 Introduction 0:41 Distro 2:07 Fork/Based 2:59 DE/WM 4:22 Package Manager 5:45 Binary 6:03 Native 6:44 Stable/Canary/Nightly/Daily 8:08 Kernel 9:34 Bootloader 10:27 TTY 10:51 Terminal Vs Shell 11:40 Outro ==========Credits========== 🎨 Channel Art: All my art has was created by Supercozman https://twitter.com/Supercozman https://www.instagram.com/supercozman_draws/ #Linux #BestLinuxDistro #LinuxTutorial 🎵 Ending music Music from https://filmmusic.io "Basic Implosion" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com) License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) DISCLOSURE: Wherever possible I use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase I may receive a small commission or other compensation.
    What are package managers?

    What are package managers?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:17
    • Uploaded Date: 19 May 2015
    • views: 3041
    What are package managers, and why are they useful? We answer these questions in the context of a web-developer Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPaj_o9gjMYlgPUgMVX5Z5xZ392UCMNJD
    I was WRONG! This is the BEST Package Manager.

    I was WRONG! This is the BEST Package Manager.

    • Order:
    • Duration: 10:25
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Aug 2022
    • views: 146297
    This standalone package manager is absolutely stunning and I can’t believe I’m just now discovering it’s true power. ►► BlueSky ➜ https://bsky.app/profile/christitus.com . ►► Digital Downloads ➜ https://www.cttstore.com ►► Patreon ➜ https://www.patreon.com/christitustech ►► Reddit ➜ https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisTitusTech/ ►► Titus Tech Talk ➜ https://www.youtube.com/c/TitusTechTalk ►► Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/christitustech
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 3:39:41

    Gettysburg College 2023 Commencement Ceremony

    Gettysburg College 2023 Commencement Ceremony
    published: 14 May 2023
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    What is NPM, and why do we need it? | Tutorial for beginners

    What is npm? This 15 minute beginners tutorial to npm (Node Package Manager) will walk you through how to install npm on your computer, and how to install and update packages for your projects. 🔥 My course: Responsive Design for Beginners! https://coder-coder.com/responsive/ 💻 Become a full-stack web dev with Zero to Mastery: https://academy.zerotomastery.io/a/aff_338z7xnj/external?affcode=441520_ti97uk6b SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ⭐ Join channel members and get perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzNf0liwUzMN6_pixbQlMhQ/join 🏆 GitHub sponsors: https://github.com/sponsors/thecodercoder 👏🏽 Hit the THANKS button in any video! 🎨 Get my VS Code theme: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CoderCoder.codercoder-dark-theme WANT TO LEARN WEB DEV? Check out my courses: 🌟 Responsive Design for Beginners: https://coder-coder.com/responsive/ 🌟 Gulp for Beginners: https://coder-coder.com/gulp-course/ _____________________________________ 0:00 - Intro 0:14 - Why do we need npm? 0:52 - What is npm? 2:14 - How to install npm 2:44 - Which npm packages do you need? 3:25 - Installing global and local packages 4:46 - What does the package.json file do? 5:59 - Dealing with npm package dependencies 7:55 - How semantic versioning works in npm 12:41 - What does the package-lock.json file do? _____________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS 💻 My Gear -- https://www.amazon.com/shop/thecodercoder?listId=1LMCKGUTMVYXD 📚 My Favorite Books -- https://coder-coder.com/best-web-development-books/ 📺 My Favorite Courses -- https://coder-coder.com/best-web-development-courses/ _____________________________________ FOLLOW CODER CODER Blog -- https://coder-coder.com/ Twitter -- https://twitter.com/thecodercoder Instagram -- https://www.instagram.com/thecodercoder _____________________________________ #npm
    What is NPM, and why do we need it? | Tutorial for beginners
    What is npm? This 15 minute beginners tutorial to npm (Node Package Manager) will walk you...
    published: 21 Jun 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Nix - The Best Package Manager
    In this video I discuss the Nix package manager and why it's the best package manager on *...
    published: 29 Jan 2023
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    apt, dpkg, git, Python PiP (Linux Package Management) // Linux for Hackers // EP 5
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    What are Package Managers? NPM, APT, Chocolatey, Homebrew and Many More
    In this video I made brief introduction to the package managers and divide package manager...
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    Chocolatey is The Package Manager For Windows
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    Linux Packaging Formats explained: Flatpak vs Snaps vs DEB & RPM vs AppImage vs AUR
    Download Safing's Portmaster and take control of your network traffic: https://safing.io ...
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    Distro, DE, Package Manager & More Linux Terms Explained
    No matter where you in the linux world you'll be surrounded by linux jargon that everyone ...
    published: 05 Dec 2021
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    What are package managers?
    What are package managers, and why are they useful? We answer these questions in the cont...
    published: 19 May 2015
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    I was WRONG! This is the BEST Package Manager.
    This standalone package manager is absolutely stunning and I can’t believe I’m just now di...
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