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Stars on 54

Stars on 54 were a supergroup put together to record the song "If You Could Read My Mind" for the soundtrack of the 1998 film, 54, which starred Mike Myers as Steve Rubell, owner of the Studio 54 nightclub. The track was a house music version of the Gordon Lightfoot song, and reached No. 1 in Spain, No. 52 in the United States, No. 3 in Australia and Canada, No. 6 in New Zealand and No. 23 in the UK Singles Chart.

The group's name was a play on the Dutch hitmaking group Stars on 45 from the 1980s.


  • AmberDutch-German techno music singer
  • Ultra NatéAfrican American house music singer
  • Jocelyn EnriquezFilipino-American dance singer
  • Discography




    • Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023

      Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023 https://youtu.be/S83xq64RdPo 🔥Our channel specializes in discovering and creating playlists filled with the greatest hits. 🔥 Driven by our love for music, we create music for our fans to know and enjoy at its best. 🔔 If you like this song, don't forget to like and share with everyone 🔥🔥 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwEY6QuMiRmvUYGSnoj8DGQ 🔔We are trying to find the best and most popular music for you! We hope the music we share will make your day better! Thank !

      published: 06 May 2023
    • Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024

      Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 https://youtu.be/G-9bWg8KHV0 ♪ Track List ♪ [00:00:00] - 01. Rockn' Around The Christmas Tree [00:02:42] - 02. All I want for Christmas is you [00:05:48] - 03. Santa Tell Me [00:08:21] - 04. Oh Holy Night [00:12:11] - 05. Last Christmas [00:16:35] - 06. Feliz Navidad [00:19:33] - 07. The Christmas Song [00:21:25] - 08. It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas [00:24:17] - 09. Mistletoe [00:27:26] - 10. White Christmas [00:28:57] - 11. Mary, Did You Know [00:33:48] - 12. Let...

      published: 29 Oct 2023
    • Ö3 TV (by taki77777)

      (by taki77777) http://www.youtube.com/user/taki77777

      published: 17 Aug 2009
    • 10 unangemessene TV-Momente, die wirklich gesendet wurden

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    • HV#53 - Brahma 2008. Визит в лето!

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    • Dirty Impact, Saintro P - Runnin' ft. Virginia Ernst

      Download & Stream: http://uma.lnk.to/DirtyImpactRunnin ***************** www.dirtyimpact.com https://www.facebook.com/DIRTYIMPACT https://twitter.com/DirtyImpact Music video by Dirty Impact, Saintro P performing Runnin'. (C) 2015 Universal Music GmbH, Austria http://www.vevo.com/watch/ATUV71500011 http://www.vevo.com/watch/ATUV71500011

      published: 08 May 2015
    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023

    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:25:27
    • Uploaded Date: 06 May 2023
    • views: 11342203
    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023 https://youtu.be/S83xq64RdPo 🔥Our channel specializes in discovering and creating playlists filled with the greatest hits. 🔥 Driven by our love for music, we create music for our fans to know and enjoy at its best. 🔔 If you like this song, don't forget to like and share with everyone 🔥🔥 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwEY6QuMiRmvUYGSnoj8DGQ 🔔We are trying to find the best and most popular music for you! We hope the music we share will make your day better! Thank !
    Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024

    Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:08:06
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Oct 2023
    • views: 1488597
    Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024 https://youtu.be/G-9bWg8KHV0 ♪ Track List ♪ [00:00:00] - 01. Rockn' Around The Christmas Tree [00:02:42] - 02. All I want for Christmas is you [00:05:48] - 03. Santa Tell Me [00:08:21] - 04. Oh Holy Night [00:12:11] - 05. Last Christmas [00:16:35] - 06. Feliz Navidad [00:19:33] - 07. The Christmas Song [00:21:25] - 08. It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas [00:24:17] - 09. Mistletoe [00:27:26] - 10. White Christmas [00:28:57] - 11. Mary, Did You Know [00:33:48] - 12. Let It Snow [00:36:00] - 13. My Only Wish [00:40:14] - 14. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas [00:42:56] - 15. Blue Christmas [00:45:08] - 16. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays [00:49:13] - 17. Happy Xmas [00:54:01] - 18. Sleigh Ride [00:56:39] - 19. Jingle Bell Rock [00:59:11] - 20. Jingle Bell [01:01:43] - 21. Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town [01:03:43] - 22. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus [01:06:08] - 23. Christmas Wrapping [01:09:16] - 24. Fa la la [01:11:21] - 25. Winter Wonderland [01:13:32] - 26. Silent Night [01:18:06] - 27. Christmas Lights [01:22:03] - 28. Driving Home For Christmas [01:24:47] - 29. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) [01:27:52] - 30. Shake Up Christmas Welcome to Top Christmas Music - Top Best Christmas Songs of all time! Join us for a warm and holiday treat with a wonderful medley of the most popular and adorable Christmas songs. FOLLOW TOP CHRISTMAS MUSIC: ► Subscribe to Channel At: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzPafTx7zjzz2GETZ6bfxZA In this video, you will enjoy favorite Christmas songs, from familiar melodies to creative remixes, creating a perfect Christmas atmosphere. The Top 100 Christmas Songs have been carefully selected, guaranteed to bring you the best Christmas music experience. Important keywords: Christmas song Christmas Music 2024 Christmas song Top 100 Christmas The best Christmas music Christmas music medley 2024 Top 100 Christmas Songs Christmas music of all time Christmas remix Non-stop Christmas music medley If you're looking for the perfect way to end the year and welcome a warm Christmas, press play now to join our musical journey. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on other great Christmas music! We hope that this video will bring you not only joy during the holiday season but also a warm feeling of family and friends. Join us in creating a memorable Christmas season filled with musical joy!" Tags: #TopChristmasMusic #ChristmasMusic #Christmas Songs #Top20Christmas Songs #English Christmas Music #Christmas2024 #ChristmasMusicPlaylist #ChristmasMusic #Noel #ChristmasPlaylist #ChristmasRemix #PopularChristmasMusic #NewYear #HappyChristmas #ChristmasMusic #ChristmasHolidays #FamilyMusic #ChristmasAtmosphere #ChristmasArtist #FunnyChristmasChristmas
    Ö3 TV (by taki77777)

    Ö3 TV (by taki77777)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:54
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Aug 2009
    • views: 732
    (by taki77777) http://www.youtube.com/user/taki77777
    10 unangemessene TV-Momente, die wirklich gesendet wurden

    10 unangemessene TV-Momente, die wirklich gesendet wurden

    • Order:
    • Duration: 12:08
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Nov 2020
    • views: 2080098
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    Nummer 1-Hits in Österreich/No.1-Hits of Austria (1964-2017)

    Nummer 1-Hits in Österreich/No.1-Hits of Austria (1964-2017)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 18:16
    • Uploaded Date: 18 Jan 2018
    • views: 3290
    Hier eine Gesamtübersicht der Nummer 1-Hits der Jahreshitparaden in Österreich von 1964 bis 2017. A collection of all Number 1-Hits of the year hit parades of Austria from 1964 to 2017. 0:05 1964: KAPLAN ALFRED FLURY - Lass die kleinen Dinge 0:25 1965: MIKIS THEODORAKIS - Zorbas Dance (Sirtaki) 0:45 1966: FRANK SINATRA - Strangers in the Night 1:05 1967: SANDIE SHAW - Puppet on a String 1:25 1968: ADRIANO CELENTANO - Eravamo in 100.000 1:45 1969: SIR DOUGLAS QUINTET - Mendocino 2:05 1970: SIMON & GARFUNKEL - El Condor Pasa 2:25 1971: PETER ALEXANDER - Hier ist ein Mensch 2:45 1972: THE LES HUMPHRIES SINGERS - Mexico 3:05 1973: BERND CLÜVER - Der Junge mit der Mundharmonika 3:25 1974: WATERLOO & ROBINSON - Baby Blue 3:45 1975: UDO JÜRGENS - Griechischer Wein 4:05 1976: PETER ALEXANDER - Das kleine Beisl (Die kleine Kneipe in Deutschland) 4:25 1977: SMOKIE - Living next door to Alice 4:45 1978: BONEY M. - Rivers of Babylon 5:05 1979: ERUPTION - One Way Ticket 5:25 1980: GOOMBAY DANCE BAND - Sun of Jamaica 5:45 1981: FRANK DUVAL - Angel of Mine 6:05 1982: ANDY BORG - Adios Amor 6:25 1983: MIKE OLDFIELD - Moonlight Shadow 6:45 1984: NINO DE ANGELO - Jenseits von Eden 7:05 1985: RELAX - Ein weisses Blatt'l Papier 7:25 1986: CHRIS NORMAN - Midnight Lady 7:45 1987: MIXED EMOTION - You Want Love 8:05 1988: RAINHARD FENDRICH - Macho Macho 8:25 1989: FINE YOUNG CANNIBALS - She Drive me Crazy 8:45 1990: MATTHIAS REIM - Verdammt ich lieb dich 9:05 1991: SCORPIONS - Wind of Change 9:25 1992: DR.ALBAN - It's my Life 9:45 1993: 4 NON BLONDES - What's Up 10:05 1994: MARIAH CAREY - Without You 10:25 1995: REDNEX - Wish you were here 10:45 1996: LOS DEL RIO - Macarena 11:05 1997: ELTON JOHN - Candle in the Wind 1997 11:25 1998: LOS UMBRELLOS - No Tengo Dinero 11:45 1999: LOU BEGA - Mambo No. 5 12:05 2000: DJ ÖTZI - Anton aus Tirol 12:25 2001: KYLIE MINOGUE - Can't get you out of my Head 12:45 2002: SHAKIRA - Whenever Wherever 13:05 2003: BUDDY VS. DJ THE WAVE - Ab in den Süden 13:25 2004: O-ZONE - Dragostea Din Tei 13:45 2005: SCHNAPPI - Schnappi das kleine Krokodil 14:05 2006: GNARLS BARKLEY - Crazy 14:25 2007: DJ ÖTZI & NIK P. - Einen Stern der deinen Namen trägt 14:45 2008: KID ROCK - All Summer long 15:05 2009: LADY GAGA - Poker Face 15:25 2010: YOLANDA BE COOL & DCUP - We no Speak Americano 15:45 2011: JENNIFER LOPEZ FEAT. PITBULL - On the Floor 16:05 2012: MICHEL TELÓ - Ai Se Eu Tu Pego 16:25 2013: AVICII - Wake me Up 16:45 2014: HELENE FISCHER - Atemlos durch die Nacht 17:05 2015: OMI - Cheerleader 17:25 2016: ALAN WALKER - Faded 17:45 2017: LUIS FONSI FEAT. DADDY YANKEE - Despacito Ich hoffe euch hat das Video gefallen. I hope you enjoyed the video.
    Sirupop - This Can Be (My Last Chance)

    Sirupop - This Can Be (My Last Chance)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:14
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Nov 2009
    • views: 1455
    Sirupop - This Can Be (My Last Chance) Dritte und zweite-physische Single aus dem 2005 veröffentlichten Album "Life Is A Longplayer". Die Single erreichte u.a. die Ö3 Hörercharts sowie die Plätze 32. und 36. in den Ö3 Top40 Single Charts 2005. Das Video platzierte in den Gotv Video Charts. Music: Sirupop Produced by Beat4Feet Label: EMI Music Austria Distribution: EMI Music Austria Video: Produced by Jacob Groll and Sirupop Directed by: Jacob Groll Camera: Georg Geutebrück, Jacob Groll, Christian Schwab, Martin Hron, Jan Brenner, Michael Loizenbauer Cutter: Daniel Budka (c) 2005 EMI Music Austria 2009 New Widescreen Video Version
    Amy Macdonald - 'Under Stars' Tour Diary (Royal Albert Hall)

    Amy Macdonald - 'Under Stars' Tour Diary (Royal Albert Hall)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:29
    • Uploaded Date: 24 May 2017
    • views: 53691
    Follow Amy Macdonald on the 'Under Stars' tour taking her to the Royal Albert Hall in London. Stream/download the album: https://amymacdonald.lnk.to/understarsalbumID Stream/download all of Amy's music: https://amymacdonald.lnk.to/bestofstreamingID Follow Amy: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amy__macdonald Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amymacdonaldmusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/amy__macdonald Mailing list: https://amymacdonald.lnk.to/signupID YouTube: https://amymacdonald.lnk.to/YTsubsID
    HV#53 -  Brahma 2008. Визит в лето!

    HV#53 - Brahma 2008. Визит в лето!

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:37
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Mar 2009
    • views: 465
    Видео с фестиваля Brahma 2008! Самый летний фестиваль, Лето и Солнце, пазитив и радость! На фестивале как обычно было: капоэро, бразильские танцы, граффити, диджейские выступления, барабаны, батуты, диско, волейбол, футбол, воздушные змеи, конечно же пиво и многое многое другое... Всё заснять не удалось, но помойму видео получилось очень атмосферным и пазитивным! Смотрим! P.S. Всех жду на фестивале в этом году и во всех следующих!!!
    Taylor Momsen.Früher & Heute. Die Verwandlung

    Taylor Momsen.Früher & Heute. Die Verwandlung

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:15
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Oct 2009
    • views: 559
    Taylor Momsen! Stilikone.
    Dirty Impact, Saintro P - Runnin' ft. Virginia Ernst

    Dirty Impact, Saintro P - Runnin' ft. Virginia Ernst

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:08
    • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2015
    • views: 97897
    Download & Stream: http://uma.lnk.to/DirtyImpactRunnin ***************** www.dirtyimpact.com https://www.facebook.com/DIRTYIMPACT https://twitter.com/DirtyImpact Music video by Dirty Impact, Saintro P performing Runnin'. (C) 2015 Universal Music GmbH, Austria http://www.vevo.com/watch/ATUV71500011 http://www.vevo.com/watch/ATUV71500011
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 5:23:34

    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023

    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023 https://youtu.be/S83xq64RdPo 🔥Our channel specializes in discovering and creating playlists filled with the greatest hits. 🔥 Driven by our love for music, we create music for our fans to know and enjoy at its best. 🔔 If you like this song, don't forget to like and share with everyone 🔥🔥 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwEY6QuMiRmvUYGSnoj8DGQ 🔔We are trying to find the best and most popular music for you! We hope the music we share will make your day better! Thank !
    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spotify 2023
    Top 40 Songs of 2022 2023 - Billboard Hot 100 This Week - Best Pop Music Playlist on Spoti...
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    Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christmas 2024
    Best Christmas Songs of All Time🎅🏼Top 50 Christmas Songs Playlist🌟Xmas Songs🎄Merry Christm...
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    Ö3 TV (by taki77777)
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    Abonniere Wissenswert für mehr interessanten Content jede Woche 😊 Pflanze mit ecofy koste...
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    Nummer 1-Hits in Österreich/No.1-Hits of Austria (1964-2017)
    Hier eine Gesamtübersicht der Nummer 1-Hits der Jahreshitparaden in Österreich von 1964 bi...
    published: 18 Jan 2018
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    Sirupop - This Can Be (My Last Chance)
    Sirupop - This Can Be (My Last Chance) Dritte und zweite-physische Single aus dem 2005 v...
    published: 15 Nov 2009
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    Amy Macdonald - 'Under Stars' Tour Diary (Royal Albert Hall)
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    Dirty Impact, Saintro P - Runnin' ft. Virginia Ernst
    Download & Stream: http://uma.lnk.to/DirtyImpactRunnin ***************** www.dirtyimpact...
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    Stars on 54

    Stars on 54 were a supergroup put together to record the song "If You Could Read My Mind" for the soundtrack of the 1998 film, 54, which starred Mike Myers as Steve Rubell, owner of the Studio 54 nightclub. The track was a house music version of the Gordon Lightfoot song, and reached No. 1 in Spain, No. 52 in the United States, No. 3 in Australia and Canada, No. 6 in New Zealand and No. 23 in the UK Singles Chart.

    The group's name was a play on the Dutch hitmaking group Stars on 45 from the 1980s.


  • AmberDutch-German techno music singer
  • Ultra NatéAfrican American house music singer
  • Jocelyn EnriquezFilipino-American dance singer
  • Discography



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