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Anthony Olcott Archives
Anthony Olcott •�3 Items / 2 Books, 1 Article
Murder at the Red October (1982)
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Published Reviews
  1. [+]
    Booked & Printed (7 Reviews)
    Mystery Reviews
    1. The Thomas Street Horror by Raymond Paul
    2. Darkness at Pemberley by T.H. White
    3. Murder at the Red October by Anthony Olcott
    4. A Stab in the Dark by Lawrence Block
    5. Final Notice by Jonathan Valin
    6. The Mystery Reader's Quiz Book by Aneta Corsault, Muff Singer, and Robert Wagner #2, ...
    7. The True Crime Quiz Book by Jay Robert Nash
    Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, August 1982, pp. 70-71
  2. [+]
    The Jury Box (9 Reviews)
    Murder at the Red October, by Anthony Olcott
    1. Murder at the Red October by Anthony Olcott
    2. Red Omega by John Kruse
    3. Red Dragon by Thomas Harris
    4. The Bad Samaritan by William Campbell Gault
    5. Checkpoint Charlie by Brian Garfield
    6. Who Censored Roger Rabbit? by Gary Wolf
    7. Vermilion by Phyllis A. Whitney
    8. Killed in the Act by William L. DeAndrea
    9. Drilling for Death by John Wolfe
    Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 1982, pp. 120-122
  3. [+]
    The Jury Box (11 Reviews)
    Murder at the Red October, by Anthony Olcott
    1. Murder at the Red October by Anthony Olcott
    2. Red Omega by John Kruse
    3. Red Dragon by Thomas Harris
    4. The Bad Samaritan by William Campbell Gault
    5. Checkpoint Charlie by Brian Garfield
    6. Who Censored Roger Rabbit? by Gary Wolf
    7. Vermilion by Phyllis A. Whitney
    8. Killed in the Act by William L. DeAndrea
    9. Murder at Moose Jaw by Tim Heald
    10. The Vatican Rip by Jonathan Gash
    11. St. Peter's Fair by Ellis Peters
    Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, March 24, 1982, pp. 120-122