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Tom Newman

Tom Newman or Thomas Newman may refer to:

  • Tom Newman (billiards player) (1894–1943), British player of English billiards and snooker
  • Tom Newman (musician) (Thomas Dennis Newman, b. 1943), musician and producer
  • Tom Newman (scientist) (fl. 1985), researcher in nanotechnology
  • Thomas Newman (Thomas Montgomery Newman, b. 1955), American composer
  • T. S. Newman (Thomas S. Newman, 1851–1930), former mayor of Ashland, Kentucky
  • Tom Newman (scientist)

    Tom Newman, a graduate student at Stanford University in 1985, was one of the two people to solve one of a pair of challenges put forth by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society in 1959, in a talk titled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom".

    In December of that year, Feynman offered two challenges at the meeting, held that year in Caltech, offering a $1000 prize to the first person to solve each of them. Both challenges involved nanotechnology, and the first prize was won by William McLellan.

    The second challenge was for anyone who could find a way to inscribe a book page on a surface area 25,000 times smaller than its standard print (a scale at which the entire contents of the Encyclopedia Britannica could fit on the head of a pin).

    Newman claimed the prize when he wrote the first page of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, at the required scale, on the head of a pin with a beam of electrons. The main problem he had before he could claim the prize was finding the text after he had written it; the head of the pin was a huge empty space compared with the text inscribed on it.

    Tom Newman (billiards player)

    Tom Newman (23 March 1894 – 30 September 1943) was an English professional player of English billiards and snooker. He was born Thomas Edgar Pratt in Barton-on-Humber, Lincolnshire. He always appeared under the name Tom Newman when playing billiards or snooker and changed his name formally in 1919, shortly before his marriage that year.

    He established himself as the best billiards players of the 1920s, appearing in every World Professional Billiards Championship final between 1921 and 1930, and winning the title six times. In the last five of these final he met Joe Davis, winning twice (1926 & 1927) and losing three times (1928, 1929 & 1930).

    Newman was a great break builder at billiards, and was a master of the cannon shot. His first century break at the "three ball game" came when he was 16 years of age; and in the 1930-31 season he made 134 breaks of 1000.

    Like many players of that era he regarded snooker as the less "serious" of the two sports, but nevertheless he made an officially recognized record snooker break of 89 in 1919. In 1934 he was one of two entries for the World Championship, the other being defending champion Joe Davis. Davis won 25–22, although at one stage Newman led 14–13.


    • John Newman - Love Me Again

      Debut album 'Tribute' is out now: https://JohnNewman.lnk.to/tributeID New album 'Revolve' is available to pre-order now (released 16th Oct 2015). Get signed copies of Revolve at the John Newman Official Store: http://po.st/Revolve4 | iTunes: http://po.st/iRevolve4 Revolve includes the singles ‘Come And Get It’ and the Number 1 single ‘Calvin Harris feat. John Newman – Blame’ Follow John Newman: Facebook: http://po.st/JNFacebook Twitter: http://po.st/JNTwitter Instagram: http://po.st/JNInsta Tumblr: http://po.st/JNTumblr YouTube: http://po.st/JNYouTube Spotify: http://po.st/JNSpotify http://www.johnnewman.co.uk/ Click here to join the mailing list: http://po.st/JNMailingList Music video by John Newman performing Love Me Again. (C) 2013 Universal Island Records, a division of Unive...

      published: 08 May 2013
    • Concierto De Mango In E Major

      Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records Concierto De Mango In E Major · Tom Newman Bayou Moon ℗ 1985 Cherry Red Records Ltd Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 07 Jan 2020
    • Tom Newman : Inside The Multitrack

      Tom Newman discussing the multi track stems of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. A out-take from "From The Manor Born" : 2DVD telling the story story of Virgin Records, the Manor studio, and the making of Tubular Bells. Available now : bit.ly/tubularworld

      published: 01 Dec 2020
    • Tom Newman Sad Sing (2021)

      Sad Sing from the CD.EP "Dance Of The Stems" available alongs side Tom Newman's new studio album "A Faerie Symphony II". Released on Tigermoth Records on May 7th Available from : https://www.tigermothshop.co.uk/store/Tom-Newman-c99137009

      published: 26 Apr 2021
    • Tom Newman Breaking Record Aka A New World's Record Break (1922)

      Item title reads - A new world's record break of 1,274 by Tom Newman at Burroughs and Watts Hall. Location unknown. M/S as Tom Newman bends over the table and takes his shot, various shots as he completes the billiards game and breaks the record. M/S as he shakes hands with his opponent. M/S as he is presented with the cheque by another man, they shake hands and people applaud. Note: there is a duplicate copy of this story entitled 'Tom Newman's World Record' (aka 'A New World's Record Break') on *PM0440* - check for best quality - EB 2001. FILM ID:294.01 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. http://www.britishpathe.tv/ FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.br...

      published: 13 Apr 2014
    • Tom Newman & Mike Oldfield- Dance Of Daoine Sidhe (1977)

      Dance Of Theena Shee (Daoine Sidhe), excelente tema de la onda Oldfield, de factura folclórica, en una composición de Tom Newman. Aunque Mike no aparece en los créditos en el disco, tiene esa marca de la casa que tantos y tantos admiradores arrastra. Del disco de Tom Newman, "Faerie Simphony", de 1977, y también en vinilo single. Las Daoine Sidhe son hadas de la mitologia irlandesa. Únicamente se manifiestan a los mortales en determinadas fechas, sobre todo en la noche de San Juan, que es cuando se les suele ver bailando en corro a la luz de la luna. Las Daoine Sidhe, viven bajo las verdes colinas y cabalgan por la Tierra Media, cazando y bailando como otras hadas. Las Sídhe, nombre céltico que hace referencia a los montículos huecos sobre los cuales se asientan los monumentos megalítico...

      published: 12 Mar 2023
    • Tom Newman & Les Penning : Dance Of Daoine Sidhe

      45th Anniversary Convention. Newbury 2018 June 9th Ruben Alvarez Alvarez: Lead Guitar Robert Reed : Keyboards Chris Fry : Acoustic Guitar Dan Nelson : Bass Jiffy Griffiths : Drums

      published: 28 Jun 2018
    • TOM NEWMAN - Superman - FINE OLD TOM

      TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SUPERMAN taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Virgin album feat. Jon Field - Hugh Flint - John Vasnom - Neil Innes - Mike Storey - Fred Frith - Lol Coxhill - Ned Callan

      published: 06 Jan 2012
    • The Tower Of Babel

      Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records The Tower Of Babel · Tom Newman Aspects ℗ 1985 Cherry Red Records Ltd Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 07 Jan 2020
    • TOM NEWMAN - She Said She Said - FINE OLD TOM

      TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SHE SAID SHE SAID taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Virgin album

      published: 06 Jan 2012
    John Newman - Love Me Again

    John Newman - Love Me Again

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:56
    • Uploaded Date: 08 May 2013
    • views: 1083818098
    Debut album 'Tribute' is out now: https://JohnNewman.lnk.to/tributeID New album 'Revolve' is available to pre-order now (released 16th Oct 2015). Get signed copies of Revolve at the John Newman Official Store: http://po.st/Revolve4 | iTunes: http://po.st/iRevolve4 Revolve includes the singles ‘Come And Get It’ and the Number 1 single ‘Calvin Harris feat. John Newman – Blame’ Follow John Newman: Facebook: http://po.st/JNFacebook Twitter: http://po.st/JNTwitter Instagram: http://po.st/JNInsta Tumblr: http://po.st/JNTumblr YouTube: http://po.st/JNYouTube Spotify: http://po.st/JNSpotify http://www.johnnewman.co.uk/ Click here to join the mailing list: http://po.st/JNMailingList Music video by John Newman performing Love Me Again. (C) 2013 Universal Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited
    Concierto De Mango In E Major

    Concierto De Mango In E Major

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:54
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2020
    • views: 609
    Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records Concierto De Mango In E Major · Tom Newman Bayou Moon ℗ 1985 Cherry Red Records Ltd Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Tom Newman : Inside The Multitrack

    Tom Newman : Inside The Multitrack

    • Order:
    • Duration: 17:45
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Dec 2020
    • views: 5192
    Tom Newman discussing the multi track stems of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. A out-take from "From The Manor Born" : 2DVD telling the story story of Virgin Records, the Manor studio, and the making of Tubular Bells. Available now : bit.ly/tubularworld
    Tom Newman       Sad Sing (2021)

    Tom Newman Sad Sing (2021)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:58
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Apr 2021
    • views: 7371
    Sad Sing from the CD.EP "Dance Of The Stems" available alongs side Tom Newman's new studio album "A Faerie Symphony II". Released on Tigermoth Records on May 7th Available from : https://www.tigermothshop.co.uk/store/Tom-Newman-c99137009
    Tom Newman Breaking Record Aka A New World's Record Break (1922)

    Tom Newman Breaking Record Aka A New World's Record Break (1922)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:45
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Apr 2014
    • views: 511
    Item title reads - A new world's record break of 1,274 by Tom Newman at Burroughs and Watts Hall. Location unknown. M/S as Tom Newman bends over the table and takes his shot, various shots as he completes the billiards game and breaks the record. M/S as he shakes hands with his opponent. M/S as he is presented with the cheque by another man, they shake hands and people applaud. Note: there is a duplicate copy of this story entitled 'Tom Newman's World Record' (aka 'A New World's Record Break') on *PM0440* - check for best quality - EB 2001. FILM ID:294.01 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT'S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. http://www.britishpathe.tv/ FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.britishpathe.com/ British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
    Tom Newman & Mike Oldfield- Dance Of Daoine Sidhe (1977)

    Tom Newman & Mike Oldfield- Dance Of Daoine Sidhe (1977)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:24
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Mar 2023
    • views: 1354
    Dance Of Theena Shee (Daoine Sidhe), excelente tema de la onda Oldfield, de factura folclórica, en una composición de Tom Newman. Aunque Mike no aparece en los créditos en el disco, tiene esa marca de la casa que tantos y tantos admiradores arrastra. Del disco de Tom Newman, "Faerie Simphony", de 1977, y también en vinilo single. Las Daoine Sidhe son hadas de la mitologia irlandesa. Únicamente se manifiestan a los mortales en determinadas fechas, sobre todo en la noche de San Juan, que es cuando se les suele ver bailando en corro a la luz de la luna. Las Daoine Sidhe, viven bajo las verdes colinas y cabalgan por la Tierra Media, cazando y bailando como otras hadas. Las Sídhe, nombre céltico que hace referencia a los montículos huecos sobre los cuales se asientan los monumentos megalíticos, y del que deriva una de las denominaciones que reciben las hadas en Irlanda y las Tierras Altas de Escocia, Daoine Sídhe. Por si fuera de tu interés, videos como este y mas, fotos, noticias y curiosidades varias los puedes encontrar en el Grupo en Facebook, Mike Oldfield, Música y Noticias https://www.facebook.com/groups/390814355162805
    Tom Newman & Les Penning : Dance Of Daoine Sidhe

    Tom Newman & Les Penning : Dance Of Daoine Sidhe

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:48
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jun 2018
    • views: 5998
    45th Anniversary Convention. Newbury 2018 June 9th Ruben Alvarez Alvarez: Lead Guitar Robert Reed : Keyboards Chris Fry : Acoustic Guitar Dan Nelson : Bass Jiffy Griffiths : Drums
    TOM NEWMAN - Superman - FINE OLD TOM

    TOM NEWMAN - Superman - FINE OLD TOM

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:33
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2012
    • views: 9160
    TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SUPERMAN taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Virgin album feat. Jon Field - Hugh Flint - John Vasnom - Neil Innes - Mike Storey - Fred Frith - Lol Coxhill - Ned Callan
    The Tower Of Babel

    The Tower Of Babel

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:33
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jan 2020
    • views: 254
    Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records The Tower Of Babel · Tom Newman Aspects ℗ 1985 Cherry Red Records Ltd Auto-generated by YouTube.
    TOM NEWMAN - She Said She Said - FINE OLD TOM

    TOM NEWMAN - She Said She Said - FINE OLD TOM

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2012
    • views: 3615
    TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SHE SAID SHE SAID taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Virgin album
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 52:07

    John Newman - Love Me Again

    Debut album 'Tribute' is out now: https://JohnNewman.lnk.to/tributeID New album 'Revolve' is available to pre-order now (released 16th Oct 2015). Get signed copies of Revolve at the John Newman Official Store: http://po.st/Revolve4 | iTunes: http://po.st/iRevolve4 Revolve includes the singles ‘Come And Get It’ and the Number 1 single ‘Calvin Harris feat. John Newman – Blame’ Follow John Newman: Facebook: http://po.st/JNFacebook Twitter: http://po.st/JNTwitter Instagram: http://po.st/JNInsta Tumblr: http://po.st/JNTumblr YouTube: http://po.st/JNYouTube Spotify: http://po.st/JNSpotify http://www.johnnewman.co.uk/ Click here to join the mailing list: http://po.st/JNMailingList Music video by John Newman performing Love Me Again. (C) 2013 Universal Island Records, a division of Universal Music Operations Limited
    John Newman - Love Me Again
    Debut album 'Tribute' is out now: https://JohnNewman.lnk.to/tributeID New album 'Revolve...
    published: 08 May 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    Concierto De Mango In E Major
    Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records Concierto De Mango In E Major · Tom Newman Bay...
    published: 07 Jan 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    Tom Newman : Inside The Multitrack
    Tom Newman discussing the multi track stems of Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells. A out-take ...
    published: 01 Dec 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    Tom Newman Sad Sing (2021)
    Sad Sing from the CD.EP "Dance Of The Stems" available alongs side Tom Newman's new studio...
    published: 26 Apr 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Tom Newman Breaking Record Aka A New World's Record Break (1922)
    Item title reads - A new world's record break of 1,274 by Tom Newman at Burroughs and Watt...
    published: 13 Apr 2014
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    Tom Newman & Mike Oldfield- Dance Of Daoine Sidhe (1977)
    Dance Of Theena Shee (Daoine Sidhe), excelente tema de la onda Oldfield, de factura folcl...
    published: 12 Mar 2023
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    Tom Newman & Les Penning : Dance Of Daoine Sidhe
    45th Anniversary Convention. Newbury 2018 June 9th Ruben Alvarez Alvarez: Lead Guitar Rob...
    published: 28 Jun 2018
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    TOM NEWMAN - Superman - FINE OLD TOM
    TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SUPERMAN taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Virgin album...
    published: 06 Jan 2012
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    The Tower Of Babel
    Provided to YouTube by Cherry Red Records The Tower Of Babel · Tom Newman Aspects ℗ 198...
    published: 07 Jan 2020
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    TOM NEWMAN - She Said She Said - FINE OLD TOM
    TOM NEWMAN The Best Of... SHE SAID SHE SAID taken from : FINE OLD TOM (1975) the Vir...
    published: 06 Jan 2012
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    Tom Newman

    Tom Newman or Thomas Newman may refer to:

  • Tom Newman (billiards player) (1894–1943), British player of English billiards and snooker
  • Tom Newman (musician) (Thomas Dennis Newman, b. 1943), musician and producer
  • Tom Newman (scientist) (fl. 1985), researcher in nanotechnology
  • Thomas Newman (Thomas Montgomery Newman, b. 1955), American composer
  • T. S. Newman (Thomas S. Newman, 1851–1930), former mayor of Ashland, Kentucky
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