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Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin (/ˈstɑːlɪn/; birth surname: Jughashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of the state.

Stalin was one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 in order to manage the Bolshevik Revolution, alongside Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Sokolnikov and Bubnov. Among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the party's Central Committee in 1922. He subsequently managed to consolidate power following the 1924 death of Vladimir Lenin by suppressing Lenin's criticisms (in the postscript of his testament) and expanding the functions of his role, all the while eliminating any opposition. He remained general secretary until the post was abolished in 1952, concurrently serving as the Premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 onward.

Sibir (steamship icebreaker)

The Sibir (built 1938 as I. Stalin) was the first Soviet icebreaker built at a domestic shipyard.

Owing to many delays, it took over two years to finish. It was built at the Ordzhonikidze Yard in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) between 1937 and 1938.

The I. Stalin was the biggest icebreaker of the Soviet fleet at that time. In 1938 it reached the Arctic in its first expedition.

The I. Stalin, freed the icebreaker Sedov on January 18, 1940 between Greenland and Svalbard after it had been drifting as a scientific Soviet polar station for a long time.

See also

  • Konstantin Badygin
  • References

  • History of Russian Arctic Exploration

  • Podcasts:

    • Joseph Stalin - The Most Fearsome Dictator in History Documentary

      Please subscribe here. https://www.youtube.com/@PeopleProfiles?sub_confirmation=1 Watch our videos advert free on our website. https://www.peopleprofiles.com/join/ Our second channel. https://www.youtube.com/@PeopleProfilesExtra Or follow us on Twitter. https://twitter.com/tpprofiles Thank you for watching! If you liked this video, check out our related documentaries below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz2lpsSRj-h5Sd7KHnlftPYj https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz1xh-QavUZaBmC85ycXaJJr https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz2BiZCPiK1HITQ6Tt-7-YpQ All People Profiles scripts are researched and written by qualified Historians. The script for this video has been checked with Plagiarism and AI Detector software and scored 1% on Grammarly. In academi...

      published: 01 Dec 2024
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      Please consider supporting our videos on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/simplehistory Copyright: DO NOT reupload our content on Youtube or other social media without expressed permission. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the SImple History books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner-%60/e/B00H5TYLAE/ T-Shirts https://www.zazzle.com/simplehistory/gifts?cg=196817456987349853 Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA http://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ http://www.simplehistory.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/Simple-History-549437675141192/ https://twitter.com/simple_guides Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane www.vocalforge.com ...

      published: 27 Feb 2018
    • Joseph Stalin - Dictator | Mini Bio | BIO

      Born on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia, Joseph Stalin rose to power as General Secretary of the Communist Party, becoming a Soviet dictator upon Vladimir Lenin's death. Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine while others were sent to camps. His Red Army helped defeat Nazi Germany during WWII. #Biography Subscribe for more Biography: http://aetv.us/2AsWMPH Delve deeper into Biography on our site: http://www.biography.com Follow Biography for more surprising stories from fascinating lives: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Biography Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/biography Twitter - https://twitter.com/biography Biography.com captures the most gripping, surprising, and fascinating storie...

      published: 16 Oct 2012
    • Joseph Stalin: The Red Terror

      20 million Soviet Citizens died at his hand. For a quarter of a century, he ruled his huge Empire with a ruthless iron fist. Terror was his modus operandi – while he was alive, no one, not even his closest family members, were safe. Yet, at his passing he was mourned as the savior of his people. →Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biographics?sub_confirmation=1 Vote for the Biography you want us to next. Click here to vote: http://biographics.org/you-choose-the-biography/ Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org Credits: Host - Simon Whistler Author - Steve Theunissen Producer - Samuel Avila Executive Producer - Shell Harris Business inquiries to biographics.email@gmail.com Biographies by the book, get Joseph Stalin's bi...

      published: 15 Feb 2018
    • The Real Story of Joseph Stalin | Best Stalin Documentary

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    • The Ruthless Soviet Leader | Joseph Stalin Documentary

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    Joseph Stalin - The Most Fearsome Dictator in History Documentary

    Joseph Stalin - The Most Fearsome Dictator in History Documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:31:00
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Dec 2024
    • views: 159475
    Please subscribe here. https://www.youtube.com/@PeopleProfiles?sub_confirmation=1 Watch our videos advert free on our website. https://www.peopleprofiles.com/join/ Our second channel. https://www.youtube.com/@PeopleProfilesExtra Or follow us on Twitter. https://twitter.com/tpprofiles Thank you for watching! If you liked this video, check out our related documentaries below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz2lpsSRj-h5Sd7KHnlftPYj https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz1xh-QavUZaBmC85ycXaJJr https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNwBhP0rWSz2BiZCPiK1HITQ6Tt-7-YpQ All People Profiles scripts are researched and written by qualified Historians. The script for this video has been checked with Plagiarism and AI Detector software and scored 1% on Grammarly. In academia, a score of below 15% is considered good or acceptable. Please email us for script references and citations. All footage, images and music used in People Profiles Documentaries are sourced from free media websites or are purchased with commercial rights from online media archives. #Biography #History #Documentary
    Joseph Stalin,  Leader of the Soviet Union (1878-1953)

    Joseph Stalin, Leader of the Soviet Union (1878-1953)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:54
    • Uploaded Date: 27 Feb 2018
    • views: 5319013
    Please consider supporting our videos on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/simplehistory Copyright: DO NOT reupload our content on Youtube or other social media without expressed permission. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the SImple History books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner-%60/e/B00H5TYLAE/ T-Shirts https://www.zazzle.com/simplehistory/gifts?cg=196817456987349853 Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA http://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ Amazon UK http://www.amazon.co.uk/Daniel-Turner/e/B00H5TYLAE/ http://www.simplehistory.co.uk/ https://www.facebook.com/Simple-History-549437675141192/ https://twitter.com/simple_guides Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane www.vocalforge.com Music Credit From Russia with Love by Huma-Huma Map by Mosedschurte Further Reading: Russia and the Russians by Geoffrey Hosking
    Joseph Stalin - Dictator | Mini Bio | BIO

    Joseph Stalin - Dictator | Mini Bio | BIO

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:05
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Oct 2012
    • views: 759957
    Born on December 18, 1879, in Gori, Georgia, Joseph Stalin rose to power as General Secretary of the Communist Party, becoming a Soviet dictator upon Vladimir Lenin's death. Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine while others were sent to camps. His Red Army helped defeat Nazi Germany during WWII. #Biography Subscribe for more Biography: http://aetv.us/2AsWMPH Delve deeper into Biography on our site: http://www.biography.com Follow Biography for more surprising stories from fascinating lives: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Biography Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/biography Twitter - https://twitter.com/biography Biography.com captures the most gripping, surprising, and fascinating stories about famous people: The biggest break. The defining opportunity. The most shattering failure. The unexpected connection. The decision that changed everything. With over 7,000 biographies and daily features that highlight newsworthy and compelling points-of-view, we are the digital source for true stories about people that matter. Joseph Stalin - Dictator | Mini Bio | BIO https://www.youtube.com/user/BiographyChannel
    Joseph Stalin: The Red Terror

    Joseph Stalin: The Red Terror

    • Order:
    • Duration: 20:20
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Feb 2018
    • views: 3221524
    20 million Soviet Citizens died at his hand. For a quarter of a century, he ruled his huge Empire with a ruthless iron fist. Terror was his modus operandi – while he was alive, no one, not even his closest family members, were safe. Yet, at his passing he was mourned as the savior of his people. →Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday! https://www.youtube.com/c/biographics?sub_confirmation=1 Vote for the Biography you want us to next. Click here to vote: http://biographics.org/you-choose-the-biography/ Visit our companion website for more: http://biographics.org Credits: Host - Simon Whistler Author - Steve Theunissen Producer - Samuel Avila Executive Producer - Shell Harris Business inquiries to biographics.email@gmail.com Biographies by the book, get Joseph Stalin's biography from Amazon: http://amzn.to/2zlzMRW Other Biographics Videos: Edmund Hillary: The Conqueror of Everest https://youtu.be/p_9f_XVDGHM?list=PLy3kHTZWA8OjhReWy8qPHMXDtTr-Ezp84 Nellie Bly: A Record Breaking Life https://youtu.be/uQ1zfwtgXXE?list=PLy3kHTZWA8OjhReWy8qPHMXDtTr-Ezp84 Source/Further reading: Ian Grey: Stalin (Kindle Edition) Robert Service: Stalin: A Biography (Kindle Edition) Stalin: Inside the Terror (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIzApqzlP3Q
    The Real Story of Joseph Stalin | Best Stalin Documentary

    The Real Story of Joseph Stalin | Best Stalin Documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 28:01
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Nov 2021
    • views: 1362532
    Joseph Stalin would rise from humble beginnings to become the leader of the Soviet Union, one of the world’s largest superpowers, being unafraid to sacrifice anything or anyone to achieve power. His political opponents would be shot, his own citizens would be hunted down by the secret police, and millions would be sentenced to backbreaking work in Gulag labour camps. Between 1930 and 1952, over 26 million people had been shot, imprisoned, or subjected to internal exile, an average of over 1 million per year. Tens of millions more would be arrested without charge, evicted from their homes, or forced to work on dangerous projects, with it being estimated that at least 60 million people had been subjected to some form of repression during Stalin’s rule. But despite this, many Soviet citizens would remain devoted to their leader. The state produced an endless stream of propaganda, portraying Stalin as a hero and a father figure. Paintings, songs and statues were all commissioned by the dictator, with several towns and cities being named after him. Official history books would distort events beyond recognition, and he would go as far as to doctor historical photographs, removing his political rivals from important events in Soviet history. Hero or tyrant, a great moderniser or a ruthless killer, there can be no doubt that Stalin was one of the most influential figures of the 20th century, whose legacy has shaped the world as we know it today. Timestamps 📽 Intro: 0:00 Stalin's Youth 0:53 A Young Revolutionary 2:49 The Russian Revolution 5:44 Stalin's Rise to Power 9:09 Famine 11:38 The Great Terror 15:00 The Wartime Leader 18:05 Stalin’s Final Years 22:04 Stalin's Legacy 25:42 Primary Source: Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator by Oleg Khlevniuk Other Videos: Apollo 11 - The Moon Landing Explained | Best Space Race Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUh3P3ivNbE Fall of The Soviet Union Explained In 5 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M16RMXZDG_g The Vietnam War Explained In 25 Minutes | Vietnam War Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tNTh6KlXXU World War 2 Explained | Best WW2 Documentary | Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLHPLWDyHio Greek Gods Explained In 12 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri-AoKE42rw Egyptian Gods Explained In 13 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bURNgGA2lzM Norse Mythology Explained In 15 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oxzmJPoRu8 The Fall of Rome Explained In 13 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJz15Y6hKMM Sun Tzu - The Art of War Explained In 5 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz4FNBj1APA Nikola Tesla Explained In 16 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok8JDXSYw1U Left vs Right: Political Spectrum - Explained In 4 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlQ5fGECmsA Genghis Khan and The Mongol Empire Explained In 8 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDyece8CQF8 MUSIC AND VIDEO: Intro and Outro Music by: https://soundcloud.com/ryantothec Video music by: https://artlist.io/ The Life Guide is a channel dedicated to providing interesting and educational content about a range of political, philosophical, economic and historical topics. Whether you are interested in a simplified explanation of complicated modern ideas or detailed information on ancient civilizations and philosophical schools of thought, The Life Guide is the channel for you.
    Joseph Stalin - A Day in The Life of a Dictator

    Joseph Stalin - A Day in The Life of a Dictator

    • Order:
    • Duration: 31:38
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Jul 2024
    • views: 760521
    "Once he decided to attain absolute power, he would never relinquish it," observes Alexandre Allilouiev, nephew of Joseph Stalin. "He was a monster." In order to achieve his goals, Stalin set about re-imaging the vast empire in his own image, which included the extermination of all those who dared oppose or refused to adhere to his ideology. The film follows the activities of Stalin on November 24, 1938 - a crucial day that set in motion the end of his Great Purge.
    Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?

    Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 46:20
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jun 2018
    • views: 1368869
    Recorded on January 25, 2018. “Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, creator of great power, and destroyer of tens of millions of lives …” Thus begins this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, which dives into the biography of Joseph Stalin. This episode’s guest, Stephen Kotkin, author of Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941(https://www.amazon.com/Stalin-Waiting-1929-1941-Stephen-Kotkin/dp/1594203806), examines the political career of Joseph Stalin in the years leading up to World War II, his domination over the Soviet Union, and the terror he inspired by the Great Purge from 1936–38. “Why does Joseph Stalin matter?” is a key question for Kotkin, as he explains the history of the Soviet Union and Stalin's enduring impact on his country and the world. Kotkin argues that Stalin is the “gold standard for dictatorships” in regard to the amount of power he managed to obtain and wield throughout his lifetime. Stalin stands out because not only was he able to build a massive amount of military power, he managed to stay in power for three decades, much longer than any comparable dictator. Kotkin and Robinson discuss collectivization and communism and how Stalin’s regime believed it had to eradicate capitalism within the USSR even in regions where capitalism was bringing economic success to the peasants, with the potential of destabilizing the regime. This led to the Great Purge, a campaign of political repression that resulted in the exile and execution of millions of people. For the full transcript go to https://www.hoover.org/research/why-does-joseph-stalin-matter Interested in exclusive Uncommon Knowledge content? Check out Uncommon Knowledge on social media! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UncKnowledge/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/UncKnowledge/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/uncommon_knowledge_show
    Most Evil Man - Joseph Stalin

    Most Evil Man - Joseph Stalin

    • Order:
    • Duration: 11:43
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Feb 2020
    • views: 1171019
    This Soviet dictator will go down in history as one of the most evil men and vicious rulers in history. Joseph Stalin ruled Russia as the Man of Steel and under his command the people of the Soviet Union suffered greatly, but what really made Stalin such an iconic evil man? Watch today's new crazy video to learn about one of the most evil men in history, Stalin. Check out my new channel I Am: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5YmeRhiQZt9_5Eky3A2og 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO THE INFOGRAPHICS SHOW ► https://www.youtube.com/c/theinfographicsshowOFFICIAL?sub_confirmation=1 🔖 MY SOCIAL PAGES DISCORD ►https://discord.gg/theinfoshow Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/TheInfographicsShow Twitter ► https://twitter.com/TheInfoShow 💭 SUGGEST A TOPIC https://www.theinfographicsshow.com 📝 SOURCES: https://pastebin.com/Xkg88qHK All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
    1922 - 1991: The Complete History Of The Soviet Union

    1922 - 1991: The Complete History Of The Soviet Union

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:13:08
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Dec 2024
    • views: 315785
    From Lenin to Gorbachev, discover the complete history of the Soviet Union, a super-power that would define much of the 20th century. Discover how leaders rose and fell and how this communist block ultimately met its downfall. Discover the past on History Hit with ad-free exclusive podcasts and documentaries released weekly presented by world renowned historians Dan Snow, Suzannah Lipscomb, Matt Lewis and more. Get 50% off your first 3 months with code 'TIMELINE' 👉 https://historyhit.com/subscribe You can find more from us on: https://www.facebook.com/timelineWH https://www.tiktok.com/@timelineworldhistory https://www.instagram.com/timelineWH This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com
    The Ruthless Soviet Leader | Joseph Stalin Documentary

    The Ruthless Soviet Leader | Joseph Stalin Documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 50:03
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Apr 2018
    • views: 1465373
    Joseph Stalin was one of the most powerful and controversial leaders of the Soviet Union. For a span of 30 years, Stalin ruthlessly ruled the country, leaving a legacy of terror and oppression. Joseph Stalin, born as Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili, led the Soviet Union for most of the 20th century. Under his rule, the Soviet Union transformed into a tightly controlled regime marked by repression, mass terror, and political purges. Millions of people were persecuted, sent to labor camps, or executed as Stalin consolidated his power. Stalin implemented extensive industrialization and agricultural collectivization, but these policies also resulted in immense suffering and famines, notably the Ukrainian famine of 1932-1933, known as the Holodomor. His policy of forced collectivization caused widespread destruction of rural life and countless deaths. The secret police, NKVD, under Stalin's control, conducted extensive surveillance, arrests, and interrogations. The Great Purge of the late 1930s claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and created an atmosphere of mistrust and fear within Soviet society. Despite the enormous costs and human tragedy associated with Stalin's rule, he managed to transform the Soviet Union into an emerging superpower. During World War II, Stalin played a crucial role in the Allied victory over Nazi Germany. Explore the complexity and controversies of the Stalin era in this gripping documentary. Learn more about Stalin's authoritarian rule, the impact of his policies, and the long-term consequences for the Soviet Union and world history. #JosephStalin #SovietUnion #Holodomor ---- Welcome to criminals and crimefighters! Here we show series, movies and documentaries that deal with crime, history and politics. Enjoy our small and big stories! :) ---- Other channels you might be interested in: hazards and catastrophes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WE_bClugxSVG1ENir8qzg space and astronomy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-7mA0mKsCTyCMG4JNO3EQ :) ---- Further videos on criminals and crimefighters: ┕ 1 Haiti's Bloody History | Papa Doc Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/pNcipLHJ0po ┕ 3 Sadistic Communist Autocrat | Mao Zedong Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/WxaWmqgmJxs ┕4 The Rise of a Terrorist Mastermind | Osama Bin Laden Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/08e77tqx64A ┕5 Murderous Dictator | Adolf Hitler Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/k5VnaYN4-VE ┕ 6 The Brutality of the Kim Dynasty | Kim Jong-il Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/33waoauq01w ┕ 7 Legacy of a Dictator | Saddam Hussein Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/Mjfe8VgiPXM ┕ 8 From Military Leader to Architect of Destruction | Hideki Tojo Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/DBNkEpF-LtE ┕ 9 The Rise and Fall of Italy's Fascist Dictator | Benito Mussolini Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/3ssKbcEWhcI ┕ 10 42 Years of Oppression in Libya | Muammar Gaddafi Documentary ▸ https://youtu.be/rWLViOyMFU0 ---- Interesting links and sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Stalin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor https://www.dhm.de/lemo/biografie/josef-stalin
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    Joseph Stalin - The Most Fearsome Dictator in History Documentary
    Please subscribe here. https://www.youtube.com/@PeopleProfiles?sub_confirmation=1 Watch ou...
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    Joseph Stalin, Leader of the Soviet Union (1878-1953)
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    The Real Story of Joseph Stalin | Best Stalin Documentary
    Joseph Stalin would rise from humble beginnings to become the leader of the Soviet Union, ...
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    Joseph Stalin - A Day in The Life of a Dictator
    "Once he decided to attain absolute power, he would never relinquish it," observes Alexand...
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    Why Does Joseph Stalin Matter?
    Recorded on January 25, 2018. “Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, creator of great power, an...
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    Most Evil Man - Joseph Stalin
    This Soviet dictator will go down in history as one of the most evil men and vicious ruler...
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    1922 - 1991: The Complete History Of The Soviet Union
    From Lenin to Gorbachev, discover the complete history of the Soviet Union, a super-power ...
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    The Ruthless Soviet Leader | Joseph Stalin Documentary
    Joseph Stalin was one of the most powerful and controversial leaders of the Soviet Union. ...
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    Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin (/ˈstɑːlɪn/; birth surname: Jughashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953. Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of the state.

    Stalin was one of the seven members of the first Politburo, founded in 1917 in order to manage the Bolshevik Revolution, alongside Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Sokolnikov and Bubnov. Among the Bolshevik revolutionaries who took part in the Russian Revolution of 1917, Stalin was appointed General Secretary of the party's Central Committee in 1922. He subsequently managed to consolidate power following the 1924 death of Vladimir Lenin by suppressing Lenin's criticisms (in the postscript of his testament) and expanding the functions of his role, all the while eliminating any opposition. He remained general secretary until the post was abolished in 1952, concurrently serving as the Premier of the Soviet Union from 1941 onward.

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