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Bob Johnston

Donald William 'Bob' Johnston (May 14, 1932 – August 14, 2015) was an American record producer, best known for his work with Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, and Simon and Garfunkel.

Early days

Johnston was born into a professional musical family. His grandmother Mamie Jo Adams was a songwriter, as was his mother Diane Johnston. Diane had written songs for Gene Autry in the '50s and scored a hit in 1976 when Asleep at the Wheel covered her 1950 demo "Miles and Miles of Texas". After a stint in the Navy, Bob returned to Fort Worth, then he and Diane Johnston collaborated on songwriting for rockabilly artist Mac Curtis, and others. From 1956 to 1961 Bob recorded a few rockabilly singles under the name Don Johnston. By 1964 he had moved into production work at Kapp Records in New York, freelance arranging for Dot Records and signed as a songwriter to music publisher Hill and Range. He also married songwriter Joy Byers with whom he began to collaborate.

Elvis and Joy Byers

In later years Bob Johnston claimed that songs still credited to his wife Joy Byers were actually co-written, or solely written by himself. He has cited old "contractual reasons" for this situation. The songs in question include Timi Yuro's 1962 hit "What's A Matter Baby", plus at least 16 songs for Elvis Presley's films between 1964 and 1968, including "It Hurts Me", "Let Yourself Go" and "Stop, Look and Listen". Two songs credited to Byers, the aforementioned "Stop, Look and Listen" and "Yeah, She's Evil!" were recorded by Bill Haley & His Comets (the latter song was titled "The Meanest Girl in Town" when Presley recorded it). Presley recorded "The Meanest Girl in Town" on June 10, 1964, while Bill Haley recorded his version a week later, on June 16, 1964.

Robert Johnston

Robert Johnston may refer to:

  • Bert Johnston (footballer) (1909–1968), Scottish footballer (Sunderland AFC)
  • Bob Johnston (1932–2015), American record producer
  • Bob Johnston (economist) (born 1924), former governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
  • Bob Johnston (footballer) (1929–2012), Australian footballer for Melbourne
  • Bobby Johnston (born 1967), composer and musician
  • Robbie Johnston (born 1967), long-distance runner
  • Robert Johnston (VC) (1872–1950), Irish rugby union player and soldier
  • Robert Johnston (American politician) (1818–1885), American politician of the Confederate States
  • Robert Johnston (Canadian politician) (1856–1913), farmer and political figure in Ontario, Canada
  • Robert Johnston (cricketer) (died 1897), Scottish-born New Zealand cricketer who played for Otago
  • Robert Johnston (Australian footballer), former Australian rules footballer
  • Robert B. Johnston (born 1937), retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant general
  • Robert Daniel Johnston (1837–1919), brigadier general for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War
  • Bob Johnston (economist)

    Robert Alan 'Bob' Johnston AC (born 19 July 1924) is an Australian economist and the 4th Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia.



    • Friday Funday: Tipsy Testing With Bob Johnston

      This is a recording of our chat with Bob Johnston of Critical Logic during our traditional virtual happy hour - Tipsy Testing. Adam Sandman, Jessica Moore, and Bob Johnston talk about: - handling timeouts in Selenium for UI testing - the future of testing - when to use 100% automated tests and when - manual testing - automating in agile mode, and more. Thank you for watching! Friday, June 12 at 5pm (EDT) we will welcome Melissa Tondi to Tipsy Testing. Sign up here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6920270517126876431

      published: 09 Jun 2020
    • Disentangling the Value of Water Quality Improvements: Prof Robert Johnston

      MASTS Webinar Series: Disentangling the value of water quality improvements across different ecosystem services, delivered by Prof Robert Johnston of Clarke University - Tuesday 14th October 2014.

      published: 02 Dec 2015
    • Did Bob Mortimer mastermind a daring heist on a campsite tuck shop? - Would I Lie to You?

      Bob Mortimer:”"I once masterminded a daring heist on a campsite tuck shop." Series 13 Episode 5. The guests are Bob Mortimer, Alice Levine, Jay Blades and Sue Johnston.

      published: 20 Dec 2019
    • January 2021 PD Session with Robert Johnston Shea - FEI Chicago

      FEI Chicago PD Session - "Forecasting: How the Biden Administration Will Impact Washington and Business” with Robert Johnston Shea The FEI Chicago Chapter hosted Grant Thornton National Managing Principal for Public Policy, Robert Shea, who provided an analysis of the political landscape just days after President-elect Biden was sworn into office. The next administration will take on unprecedented challenges such as the COVID-19 vaccination, post-pandemic economic recovery, and climate change in an increasingly divisive political landscape. Then-candidate Biden campaigned on a promise to revitalize the middle-class. But now how will President Biden and his administration impact business for the next four years and beyond? Robert Shea is the National Managing Principal, Public Policy at ...

      published: 29 Jan 2021
    • Keynote address by Robert Johnston at Basin Electric 2019 Annual Meeting

      Robert “RJ” Johnston returned in 2018 to leading the firm’s Global Energy and Natural Resources (GENR) group after serving as Eurasia Group’s chief executive officer for five years and steering the firm through a period of strong growth and global expansion. Johnston works closely with corporate and institutional investor clients in the oil and gas, mining, electric power, and clean tech sectors. Drawing on his industry experience and analytical expertise in geopolitics, he helps firms manage their corporate strategy, portfolio management, government relations, and risk management needs.

      published: 11 Nov 2019
    • Global economic outlooks appears better than people feared, says Ed Yardeni

      Yardeni Research’s Ed Yardeni and Cantor Fitzgerald’s Eric Johnston, join 'Closing Bell: Overtime' to offer their cases for being bullish and bearish on stocks and markets, respectively. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/2NGeIvi » Subscribe to CNBC TV: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBCtelevision » Subscribe to CNBC: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC Turn to CNBC TV for the latest stock market news and analysis. From market futures to live price updates CNBC is the leader in business news worldwide. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: http://www.cnbc.com/ Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: https://cnb.cx/LinkedInCNBC Follow CNBC News on Facebook: https://cnb.cx/LikeCNBC Follow CNBC News on Twitter: https://cnb.cx/FollowCNBC Follow CNBC News...

      published: 30 Jan 2023
    • 'Tumors just vanished': Cancer patients now in remission after drug trial

      Treatment with the immunotherapy dostarlimab showed promising results in a small trial of more than a dozen rectal cancer patients, according to new research, but further study is needed and it is too early to call it a cure. CNN's Erin Burnett speaks to Dr. Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. #erinburnettoutfront #CNN #News

      published: 07 Jun 2022
    • David Cay Johnston: The Big Cheat

      The Trump family is one of the most talked about families in the United States. Donald Trump's presidency elevated that and helped put them on an international stage that brought the family to the forefront of the world. Over the last half decade, journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston has provided the American people with fascinating insight into the financial world of one of America's most influential families. Johnston talks about the financial life of the Trump Family in his new piece of work, The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family. This new book details the aspects of the Trump family's finances during the four years Donald Trump spent in office, leaving no details out, to give you the complete picture. Join us as David C...

      published: 16 Dec 2021
    • Harnessing Abilities: Rounding Up Resources Looking Ahead: Financial Planning for the Future 2.9.22

      Looking Ahead: Financial Planning for the Future What will happen to your child when you are no longer around to take care of them? How does the ABLE Act of 2014 impact their future? This workshop is designed to help families plan for the financial future of their child(ren), or other dependents, with special needs. Learn about eligibility for government benefits while helping to meet the needs for lifetime of care and quality of life issues. This presentation will cover estate planning, ABLE accounts, guardianship, wills and trusts, and Letter of Intent. Presenter: Bob is the father of a son diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He is also the survivor of a 1975 car accident that resulted in 22 orthopedic reconstruction surgeries. Consequently, he understands disability as both a par...

      published: 10 Feb 2022
    • RBA passes test but Australia needs fairer policies, says former governor | The Business | ABC News

      Former RBA governor Bernie Fraser says the independence of the Reserve Bank of Australia and its inflation-targeting framework have served the country well and should not be abandoned, but its performance has been undermined by governments pursuing neoliberal policies. Mr Fraser — who was RBA governor from 1989 to 1996 — says Australia's central bank has helped to deliver an average inflation rate of 2.5 per cent over the past 30 years. He says that degree of price stability should have been the foundation upon which policymakers built a fairer society. Instead, he says, governments have changed housing policies, and the tax system, and labour laws, in ways that have made wealth and income inequality noticeably worse. 0:00 Introduction 0:45 How’s the RBA been performing? 2:15 The big...

      published: 30 Mar 2023
    Friday Funday: Tipsy Testing With Bob Johnston

    Friday Funday: Tipsy Testing With Bob Johnston

    • Order:
    • Duration: 48:33
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Jun 2020
    • views: 23
    This is a recording of our chat with Bob Johnston of Critical Logic during our traditional virtual happy hour - Tipsy Testing. Adam Sandman, Jessica Moore, and Bob Johnston talk about: - handling timeouts in Selenium for UI testing - the future of testing - when to use 100% automated tests and when - manual testing - automating in agile mode, and more. Thank you for watching! Friday, June 12 at 5pm (EDT) we will welcome Melissa Tondi to Tipsy Testing. Sign up here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6920270517126876431
    Disentangling the Value of Water Quality Improvements: Prof Robert Johnston

    Disentangling the Value of Water Quality Improvements: Prof Robert Johnston

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:31:31
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Dec 2015
    • views: 70
    MASTS Webinar Series: Disentangling the value of water quality improvements across different ecosystem services, delivered by Prof Robert Johnston of Clarke University - Tuesday 14th October 2014.
    Did Bob Mortimer mastermind a daring heist on a campsite tuck shop? - Would I Lie to You?

    Did Bob Mortimer mastermind a daring heist on a campsite tuck shop? - Would I Lie to You?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:08
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Dec 2019
    • views: 3640410
    Bob Mortimer:”"I once masterminded a daring heist on a campsite tuck shop." Series 13 Episode 5. The guests are Bob Mortimer, Alice Levine, Jay Blades and Sue Johnston.
    January 2021 PD Session with Robert Johnston Shea - FEI Chicago

    January 2021 PD Session with Robert Johnston Shea - FEI Chicago

    • Order:
    • Duration: 49:07
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Jan 2021
    • views: 44
    FEI Chicago PD Session - "Forecasting: How the Biden Administration Will Impact Washington and Business” with Robert Johnston Shea The FEI Chicago Chapter hosted Grant Thornton National Managing Principal for Public Policy, Robert Shea, who provided an analysis of the political landscape just days after President-elect Biden was sworn into office. The next administration will take on unprecedented challenges such as the COVID-19 vaccination, post-pandemic economic recovery, and climate change in an increasingly divisive political landscape. Then-candidate Biden campaigned on a promise to revitalize the middle-class. But now how will President Biden and his administration impact business for the next four years and beyond? Robert Shea is the National Managing Principal, Public Policy at Grant Thornton. He has worked to improve government performance for 25 years - including 10 years at Grant Thornton and 15 years in the federal government. Most notably, he served for six years as the associate director for the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. Robert has a law degree from the South Texas College of Law and a bachelor's degree from Connecticut College. FEI Chicago 4210 W Irving Park Rd Chicago, IL 60641 (312) 263-1661 http://www.feichicago.org http://www.chicagocfo.org
    Keynote address by Robert Johnston at Basin Electric 2019 Annual Meeting

    Keynote address by Robert Johnston at Basin Electric 2019 Annual Meeting

    • Order:
    • Duration: 55:27
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Nov 2019
    • views: 299
    Robert “RJ” Johnston returned in 2018 to leading the firm’s Global Energy and Natural Resources (GENR) group after serving as Eurasia Group’s chief executive officer for five years and steering the firm through a period of strong growth and global expansion. Johnston works closely with corporate and institutional investor clients in the oil and gas, mining, electric power, and clean tech sectors. Drawing on his industry experience and analytical expertise in geopolitics, he helps firms manage their corporate strategy, portfolio management, government relations, and risk management needs.
    Global economic outlooks appears better than people feared, says Ed Yardeni

    Global economic outlooks appears better than people feared, says Ed Yardeni

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:48
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Jan 2023
    • views: 40297
    Yardeni Research’s Ed Yardeni and Cantor Fitzgerald’s Eric Johnston, join 'Closing Bell: Overtime' to offer their cases for being bullish and bearish on stocks and markets, respectively. For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/2NGeIvi » Subscribe to CNBC TV: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBCtelevision » Subscribe to CNBC: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC Turn to CNBC TV for the latest stock market news and analysis. From market futures to live price updates CNBC is the leader in business news worldwide. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: http://www.cnbc.com/ Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: https://cnb.cx/LinkedInCNBC Follow CNBC News on Facebook: https://cnb.cx/LikeCNBC Follow CNBC News on Twitter: https://cnb.cx/FollowCNBC Follow CNBC News on Instagram: https://cnb.cx/InstagramCNBC https://www.cnbc.com/select/best-credit-cards/ #CNBC #CNBCTV
    'Tumors just vanished': Cancer patients now in remission after drug trial

    'Tumors just vanished': Cancer patients now in remission after drug trial

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:24
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Jun 2022
    • views: 4119532
    Treatment with the immunotherapy dostarlimab showed promising results in a small trial of more than a dozen rectal cancer patients, according to new research, but further study is needed and it is too early to call it a cure. CNN's Erin Burnett speaks to Dr. Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. #erinburnettoutfront #CNN #News
    David Cay Johnston: The Big Cheat

    David Cay Johnston: The Big Cheat

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:05:08
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Dec 2021
    • views: 711010
    The Trump family is one of the most talked about families in the United States. Donald Trump's presidency elevated that and helped put them on an international stage that brought the family to the forefront of the world. Over the last half decade, journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston has provided the American people with fascinating insight into the financial world of one of America's most influential families. Johnston talks about the financial life of the Trump Family in his new piece of work, The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family. This new book details the aspects of the Trump family's finances during the four years Donald Trump spent in office, leaving no details out, to give you the complete picture. Join us as David Cay Johnston offers an inside look into the financial world of the Trump family. NOTES David Cay Johnston photo by Bonk Johnston. DECEMBER 9, 2021 SPEAKERS David Cay Johnston Co-Founder, DCReport.org; Author, The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family; Twitter @DavidCayJ In Conversation with Mitch Jeserich Host, "Letters and Politics," KPFA Radio 🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 500 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy. Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Anthony Fauci in 2020. In addition to the videos🎥 shared here, the Club reaches millions of listeners through its podcast🎙 and weekly national radio program📻.
    Harnessing Abilities: Rounding Up Resources Looking Ahead: Financial Planning for the Future 2.9.22

    Harnessing Abilities: Rounding Up Resources Looking Ahead: Financial Planning for the Future 2.9.22

    • Order:
    • Duration: 54:55
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Feb 2022
    • views: 58
    Looking Ahead: Financial Planning for the Future What will happen to your child when you are no longer around to take care of them? How does the ABLE Act of 2014 impact their future? This workshop is designed to help families plan for the financial future of their child(ren), or other dependents, with special needs. Learn about eligibility for government benefits while helping to meet the needs for lifetime of care and quality of life issues. This presentation will cover estate planning, ABLE accounts, guardianship, wills and trusts, and Letter of Intent. Presenter: Bob is the father of a son diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He is also the survivor of a 1975 car accident that resulted in 22 orthopedic reconstruction surgeries. Consequently, he understands disability as both a parent and a patient. He is the founder of Special Needs Planning, LLC. After viewing the video, please take a very short survey – https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_82KWHpjl3Dvu1zU Resource Links • Southern Regional Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs -- https://cyshcn.waisman.wisc.edu/ • Harnessing Abilities: Rounding Up Resources -- https://cyshcn.waisman.wisc.edu/harnessing-abilities-rounding-up-resources/ • Aiming for Acceptance and the Learning Center -- https://www.aimingforacceptance.com/ • CESA #3 -- https://www.cesa3.org/ • Special Needs Planning, LLC -- https://www.snp-llc.com/ • Information on Guardian ad Litem -- https://www.wisbar.org/forpublic/ineedinformation/pages/guardians-ad-litem.aspx • ABLE Act information: https://www.snp-llc.com/achieving-a-better-life-experience-able-act-of-2014 • ABLE National Resource Center: https://www.ablenrc.org/ • Special Needs Worksheet: https://www.snp-llc.com/links • Information on Letter of Intent: https://www.specialneedsalliance.org/the-voice/letter-of-intent-3/ Contact Bob for a free consultation robertjohnston@financialguide.com Special Needs Planning, LLC Phone: (262) 955-6636 Or, if you would like to schedule a virtual appointment, using Calendly, click here: https://calendly.com/robertjohnston-1/meeting-with-bob (So that you are aware, after you have scheduled your appointment using Calendly, a ZOOM link will automatically be sent to you as confirmation of our appointment.) Glossary of terms referenced in the video copied from Special Needs Planning, LLC -- https://www.snp-llc.com/tools/glossary • Revocable Trust A trust that can be altered or canceled by its grantor. During the life of the trust, any income earned is distributed to the grantor; upon the grantor’s death, the contents of the trust are transferred to its beneficiaries according to the terms of the trust. • Irrevocable Trust A trust that cannot be altered, stopped, or canceled after its creation without the permission of the beneficiary or trustee. Using a trust involves a complex set of tax rules and regulations. Before moving forward with a trust, consider working with a professional who is familiar with the rules and regulations. • Trust A trust is a legal arrangement that creates a separate entity which can own property and is managed for the benefit of a beneficiary. A living trust is created while its grantor is still alive. A testamentary trust is created upon the grantor’s death—usually by another trust or by a will. Using a trust involves a complex set of tax rules and regulations. Before moving forward with a trust, consider working with a professional who is familiar with the rules and regulations. • Trustee An individual, corporation, or other entity that manages property held in a trust. • Beneficiary The person or entity who will receive benefits from a life insurance policy, qualified retirement plan, annuity, trust, or will upon the death of an individual. • Long-Term-Care Insurance Insurance that covers the cost of medical and non-medical services needed by those who have a chronic illness or disability—most commonly associated with aging. Long-term-care insurance can cover the cost of nursing home care, in-home assistance, assisted living, and adult day care.
    RBA passes test but Australia needs fairer policies, says former governor | The Business | ABC News

    RBA passes test but Australia needs fairer policies, says former governor | The Business | ABC News

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    • Duration: 8:54
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Mar 2023
    • views: 11656
    Former RBA governor Bernie Fraser says the independence of the Reserve Bank of Australia and its inflation-targeting framework have served the country well and should not be abandoned, but its performance has been undermined by governments pursuing neoliberal policies. Mr Fraser — who was RBA governor from 1989 to 1996 — says Australia's central bank has helped to deliver an average inflation rate of 2.5 per cent over the past 30 years. He says that degree of price stability should have been the foundation upon which policymakers built a fairer society. Instead, he says, governments have changed housing policies, and the tax system, and labour laws, in ways that have made wealth and income inequality noticeably worse. 0:00 Introduction 0:45 How’s the RBA been performing? 2:15 The big ‘miscalculation’ 3:10 How do we improve the RBA? 4:45 On the impact of neoliberalism 7:18 Have governments held up their end of the bargain? Subscribe: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Read more here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-30/bernie-fraser-former-governor-rba-review-neoliberalism-inflation/102131054 ABC News provides around the clock coverage of news events as they break in Australia and abroad, including the latest coronavirus pandemic updates. It's news when you want it, from Australia's most trusted news organisation. For more from ABC News, click here: https://ab.co/2kxYCZY Watch more ABC News content ad-free on ABC iview: https://ab.co/2OB7Mk1 Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: https://ab.co/2lNeBn2 Like ABC News on Facebook: http://facebook.com/abcnews.au Follow ABC News on Instagram: http://instagram.com/abcnews_au Follow ABC News on Twitter: http://twitter.com/abcnews Note: In most cases, our captions are auto-generated. #ABCNews #ABCNewsAustralia
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    Bob Johnston

    Donald William 'Bob' Johnston (May 14, 1932 – August 14, 2015) was an American record producer, best known for his work with Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, and Simon and Garfunkel.

    Early days

    Johnston was born into a professional musical family. His grandmother Mamie Jo Adams was a songwriter, as was his mother Diane Johnston. Diane had written songs for Gene Autry in the '50s and scored a hit in 1976 when Asleep at the Wheel covered her 1950 demo "Miles and Miles of Texas". After a stint in the Navy, Bob returned to Fort Worth, then he and Diane Johnston collaborated on songwriting for rockabilly artist Mac Curtis, and others. From 1956 to 1961 Bob recorded a few rockabilly singles under the name Don Johnston. By 1964 he had moved into production work at Kapp Records in New York, freelance arranging for Dot Records and signed as a songwriter to music publisher Hill and Range. He also married songwriter Joy Byers with whom he began to collaborate.

    Elvis and Joy Byers

    In later years Bob Johnston claimed that songs still credited to his wife Joy Byers were actually co-written, or solely written by himself. He has cited old "contractual reasons" for this situation. The songs in question include Timi Yuro's 1962 hit "What's A Matter Baby", plus at least 16 songs for Elvis Presley's films between 1964 and 1968, including "It Hurts Me", "Let Yourself Go" and "Stop, Look and Listen". Two songs credited to Byers, the aforementioned "Stop, Look and Listen" and "Yeah, She's Evil!" were recorded by Bill Haley & His Comets (the latter song was titled "The Meanest Girl in Town" when Presley recorded it). Presley recorded "The Meanest Girl in Town" on June 10, 1964, while Bill Haley recorded his version a week later, on June 16, 1964.

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    Latest News for: bob” johnston


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    The Monroe News 09 Feb 2025
    FEBRUARY 9. 1965. Bob Johnston has 23-point night for Airport basketball team. Bill Buntin hits 19 points as top-ranked Michigan basketball team beats Iowa.1975 ... Mark Clum of Flat Rock is Region's prep basketball scoring leader with 19.7 average. 1985.

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