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Talent (comics)

Talent is a comic book series written by Christopher Golden and Tom Sniegoski, drawn by Paul Azaceta, published by Boom! Studios.


A college professor, Nicholas Dane is the only survivor of flight 654, a plane that crashes into the sea and kills the crew and 148 other passengers. Unable to account for how he was able to survive underwater for 12 hours, he is suspected of involvement in the incident. Fleeing as a fugitive, Dane find that he now possesses the talents of the other passengers and crew and must evade members of a shadowy conspiracy out to get him.

Collected editions

The series has been collected as a trade paperback:

  • Talent (128 pages, September 2007, Boom! Studios, ISBN 1-934506-05-2)
  • Film

    The film has been optioned by Universal Studios via producers Marc E. Platt, Ross Richie and Andrew Crosby (the latter two being BOOM! Studios' cofounders). The screenplay will be adapted by Zack Whedon, brother to Joss Whedon. No director has been attached yet.



    Bombardier Talent

    The Talent is a multiple unit railcar manufactured by Bombardier that was developed by Waggonfabrik Talbot in Aachen shortly before the company was acquired by Bombardier in 1995. The name Talent is an acronym in German for TALbot LEichter Nahverkehrs Triebwagen (in English, Talbot light suburban motor-coach).

    It comes in a number of variants, including high-floor, low-floor, diesel-mechanical, diesel-hydraulic, diesel-electric, electric, and tilting, and in lengths of two, three, or four carriages. As with most multiple-unit trains, Talent units can run individually, or be coupled together to form longer trains.

    The Talent is an articulated railcar with Jacobs bogies. Partially as a result of this, the interior of an entire unit is essentially a single, long cabin; it is possible to see or walk from end to end without opening doors or passing through narrower gangways. The sharing of bogies also means that a Talent unit cannot be easily disassembled or rearranged without the assistance of a railway yard. In those variants whose floor is 590 mm (23.2 in) above the rails, this means that the articulation floor is raised, but with ramp access, since it needs to be higher than the wheel diameter, above rail level. In the variants with 800 and 960 mm (31.5 and 37.8 in) floor height, the floor is flat from the first door to the last. The endsections have a raised floor in all variants, because the traction equipment installed underneath requires more space than unpowered bogies.

    Bombardier Talent 2

    The Talent 2 is a multiple unit trainset manufactured by Bombardier designed in 2008 and which entered service with Deutsche Bahn in 2011. It is named after a successful train (Talent), previously built by the same company, though for the most part it doesn't share technical details with that train, except for the rounded sides and doorways.

    The units have acquired the nickname "Hamsterbacke" (Hamster Cheeks).


    External links

    Media related to Bombardier Talent 2 at Wikimedia Commons

    Notes and references

  • "„Hamsterbacke“ schaute kurz in Neumarkt vorbei". Neumarkter Nachrichten. 2011-10-04.
  • Show

    Show may refer to:

  • Show (fair)
  • Show (animal), a judged event in the hobby of animal fancy
  • Conformation dog show
  • Cat show
  • Dog and pony show, an American idiom
  • Mr. Show, a sketch comedy series
  • Show, a 3G telecommunication service of Korea Telecom
  • Bloody show, a term used in labour medicine
  • A television program
  • A theatrical production
  • A concert
  • A radio program
  • A trade fair
  • Showtime (TV network)
  • Show (magazine), a men's magazine
  • Le Show, a weekly syndicated public radio show hosted by satirist Harry Shearer
  • Show (film), a 2002 film
  • Music

  • Show (The Cure album), 1993
  • Show (After Crying album), 2003
  • Show (The Jesus Lizard album), 1994
  • El Sonido de mi Tierra - The Great Dance of Argentina
  • People

  • Eric Show (1956–1994), American baseball pitcher
  • Don Shows (1940-2014), American football coach
  • Ronnie Shows (born 1947), American politician
  • Laurie Show, a 1991 Pennsylvania murder victim
  • Show Hayami (born 1958), Japanese voice actor
  • Show Luo (born 1979), Taiwanese singer–actor
  • This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - https://wn.com/Show

    Show Luo

    Show Luo (simplified Chinese: 罗志祥; traditional Chinese: 羅志祥; pinyin: Luó Zhìxiáng; born July 30, 1979) is a Taiwanese singer, actor and host. He was commonly known by his Chinese nickname Xiao Zhu(Little Pig) due to being overweight during his middle school years. He was also commonly known as “Asia’s Dance King” by the Taiwanese media for his dance skills. He is well known for hosting the Taiwanese variety show 100% Entertainment.

    Show was born into a musical family. His father was a host and his mother was a singer. Their job was holding entertainment shows for different events such as the wedding.Show started playing drums when he was three and performed onstage during his childhood. He won a silver award at a singing contest when he was only 7.

    In 2006, he created his own fashion brand called STAGE. Now this fashion store has branches in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore and succeeded in the fashion trend in Asia during the recent years.

    Show Luo became the spokesperson for Love Blind Charity in 2008. Next year, he was asked to become the leader of “Love Blind promise Career Starter Class”. The Love Blind Charity hope Show Luo can gathering everyone’s power to help people with vision disability find a job. Show Luo encouraged people to put the coins into the donation box instead of their wallets. This money might give people with vision disability more opportunities. Show also designed some items for charity sales.

    Show (film)

    Show is a Telugu National award winning film released in 2002. Directed by Neelakanta, the film stars Manjula Ghattamaneni and Surya. The film was premiered in the Indian Panorama section at the International Film Festival of India.


    Ridhima (Manjula), an executive from Delhi-based pharmaceutical company visits a remote village in AP to make a deal on patents with a professor who invented a new drug. The professor leaves a note that he would return late as he had to attend some urgent work and she shall wait for his arrival. At that time Madhav Rao, a junior lawyer who supervises the event of patent selling arrives at that place. Ridhima is a fun loving unmarried girl. Madhav Rao is a frustrated married guy. The events that take place for a few hours between these two makes up the story.


  • Ridhima (Manjula Ghattamaneni) - An executive from Delhi-based pharmaceutical company
  • Madhav Rao (Surya) - A junior lawyer.
  • Professor (Lakshmi Ratan)
  • Awards

    The movie was highly acclaimed, mainly for its screenplay. The movie won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Telugu and the Director of the movie, Neelakanta won the National Film Award for Best Screenplay.

    Morning (disambiguation)

    The morning is the part of the day from either midnight or dawn to noon.

    Morning may also refer to:


  • Mornings (TV program), Australian television program
  • Weekly Morning, Japanese weekly manga magazine, also known as simply Morning
  • Music

  • Symphony No. 6 (Haydn) by Haydn, nicknamed "Morning"
  • Morning Mood, from Peer Gynt, composition by Grieg
  • Albums

  • Morning (Kenny Drew album), 1975 album by Kenny Drew
  • Morning (Amel Larrieux album), 2006 album by Amel Larrieux
  • Morning (Janice Vidal album), 2009 album by Janice Vidal
  • Songs

  • "Morning" (Clare Fischer composition), 1965 song by Clare Fischer
  • "Morning", 1995 song by Wet Wet Wet from Picture This
  • Morning (EP), 2009 EP by Mae
  • "Morning" (ballad), song by Frank Lebby Stanton (lyrics) and Oley Speaks (music)
  • "Mornin'", a song by Al Jarreau from the 1983 album Jarreau
  • "Morning", song by Val Doonican chart No.12 in UK 1972
  • See also

  • Mourning
  • Sabah (newspaper), a popular Turkish daily newspaper
  • Asahi (disambiguation)
  • Podcasts:

    • [Doku] Der Talent 2 - DB Br442 (2020)

      Der Talent 2 ist eines der am meisten Produzierten und ausgelieferten Triebfahrzeuge in Deutschland. Die Verteilung erstreckt sich über 11 der 16 Bundesländer. Dabei sind auch Gestaltung und Ausstattung je nachdem sehr unterschiedlich. Vielen Dank an alle die Foto und Videomaterial Beigesteuert haben: Trainspotter_aus_Stuttgart: https://www.instagram.com/trainspotter_aus_stuttgart/ rheitalbahner:https://www.instagram.com/rheintalbahner/ Clemens_Bahnbilder:https://www.instagram.com/clemens_bahnbilder/ Mein Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/modellbahnwelt_tv/?hl=de Musik: Ikson - MMXX YT-Audiobibliothek :First_To_Last

      published: 17 Apr 2020
    • Bombardier Talent 2 Train at Berlin Ostbahnhof

      published: 29 Aug 2013
    • [DB Regio] Bombardier Talent 2 in Guben

      Szybki przelot EZT Bombardier Talent 2 z RB 18215 relacji Frankfurt(Oder) - Cottubs Schnelle Reise Bombardier Talent 2 Triebzüge mit RB 18215 Beziehung Frankfurt (Oder) - Cottubs

      published: 09 Nov 2014
    • Moderner Regionalzug oder Plage - die Hamsterbacke

      Die Regionalzüge gehören zur Talent2-Familie von Bombardier Transportation. Über 300 Triebzüge sind inzwischen unterwegs. Auch bei privaten Unternehmen stehen die als Hamsterbacke bezeichneten Züge im Einsatz. Wir haben einen Überblick zusammengestellt. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen. Hier mehr zu elektrischen Triebzügen: https://www.ekshop.de/dvd-cd/dvd/baureihen-dvd/DVD-Die-elektrischen-Nahverkehrstriebzuege-der-DB.html?listtype=search&searchparam=elektrische%20Triebz%C3%BCge

      published: 13 Oct 2021
    • DB Regio Bombardier Talent 2 Br 442 Abfahrt/departure

      So ein Fakt:Bin an dieesem Tag rund 8 mal RE 9 am Stück gefahren,dass alles in 3 Stunden. Aufgenommen in Köln-Ehrenfeld

      published: 11 Aug 2023
    • BR 442 Talent 2 Bombardier kuppelt

      Automatische Kuppelfahrt mit BR 442 Talent 2 in Köln Betriebsbahnhof am 25.05.2013

      published: 26 Jan 2015
    • Führerstandsmitfahrt + S1 + Rostock Hbf - Warnemünde | BR 442 (Talent2)

      Heute fahren wir die S1 der Rostocker S-Bahn von Rostock Hbf Gleis 6 bis nach Warnemünde.

      published: 22 Apr 2021
    • Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. #shorts

      Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. Unterwegs mit @Zuegig20 Bombardier Talent 2 operated by Abellio on its way to Metzingrn in Stuttgart region. #shorts #abellio #bombardier #talent2 #bwegt #metzingen #nürtingen #stuttgart #electrictrain #triebwagen #kilistrains #railroad #railway #eisenbahn #eisenbahnfieber #ferrovia #ferrocarril

      published: 04 Mar 2022
    • [Sound&Video] DB Baureihe 442 【走行音・加速動画:Bombardier Talent 2】 S-Bahn Nürnberg S1

      最近のドイツ鉄道近郊普通列車の主流となりつつある442型電車の走行音。ボンバルディアの「タレント2」シリーズで、ハムスターの愛称がついています。 442型のIGBTの走行音は、比較的日本のものに近いと思います。 最高速度は160km/h、加速度はほぼジェットカーです。 Sバーンニュルンベルクの路線にて収録。後半は加速動画と車内案内表示、発車動画をおまけで公開しています。 DBAG Class 442 (ET 442, BR 442) - Bombardier Talent 2 The recent mainstream rolling stocks of German regional lines Talent 2 has great Bombardier IGBT sound. Its maximum speed is 160 k.p.h and it has high acceleration performance. In S-Bahn Nürnberg, it ran relatively fast. I also show the acceleration video from Vach bahnhof. I hope you like it. Coach: 442 751 Line: S1 ➔Forchheim Recorded: Fürth Hbf. ➔ Bruck Video: 1.from Vach 2.arriving Erlangen 3.departure

      published: 04 Apr 2015
    • Bombardier Talent 2 Introduction : Rapid Transit : Train Sim World 1080p

      Learn The Basic Of Riding a Bombardier Talent 2 In Train Sim World : Rapid Transit. Train Sim World : Rapid Transit 1080p60FPS Achievement : RT: Green Light. Loco : Bombardier Talent 2. No Commentry _______________________________________________________________ Steam Store : https://store.steampowered.com/app/577358/Train_Sim_World_Rapid_Transit/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If You Like The Video DO Like And Subscribe To My Channel I Will Be Uploading More Train Sim World Videos Thanks For Watching.

      published: 01 Aug 2018
    [Doku] Der Talent 2 - DB Br442 (2020)

    [Doku] Der Talent 2 - DB Br442 (2020)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 25:17
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Apr 2020
    • views: 37210
    Der Talent 2 ist eines der am meisten Produzierten und ausgelieferten Triebfahrzeuge in Deutschland. Die Verteilung erstreckt sich über 11 der 16 Bundesländer. Dabei sind auch Gestaltung und Ausstattung je nachdem sehr unterschiedlich. Vielen Dank an alle die Foto und Videomaterial Beigesteuert haben: Trainspotter_aus_Stuttgart: https://www.instagram.com/trainspotter_aus_stuttgart/ rheitalbahner:https://www.instagram.com/rheintalbahner/ Clemens_Bahnbilder:https://www.instagram.com/clemens_bahnbilder/ Mein Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/modellbahnwelt_tv/?hl=de Musik: Ikson - MMXX YT-Audiobibliothek :First_To_Last
    Bombardier Talent 2 Train at Berlin Ostbahnhof

    Bombardier Talent 2 Train at Berlin Ostbahnhof

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:31
    • Uploaded Date: 29 Aug 2013
    • views: 25367
    [DB Regio] Bombardier Talent 2 in Guben

    [DB Regio] Bombardier Talent 2 in Guben

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:34
    • Uploaded Date: 09 Nov 2014
    • views: 712
    Szybki przelot EZT Bombardier Talent 2 z RB 18215 relacji Frankfurt(Oder) - Cottubs Schnelle Reise Bombardier Talent 2 Triebzüge mit RB 18215 Beziehung Frankfurt (Oder) - Cottubs
    Moderner Regionalzug oder Plage - die Hamsterbacke

    Moderner Regionalzug oder Plage - die Hamsterbacke

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:25
    • Uploaded Date: 13 Oct 2021
    • views: 65698
    Die Regionalzüge gehören zur Talent2-Familie von Bombardier Transportation. Über 300 Triebzüge sind inzwischen unterwegs. Auch bei privaten Unternehmen stehen die als Hamsterbacke bezeichneten Züge im Einsatz. Wir haben einen Überblick zusammengestellt. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen. Hier mehr zu elektrischen Triebzügen: https://www.ekshop.de/dvd-cd/dvd/baureihen-dvd/DVD-Die-elektrischen-Nahverkehrstriebzuege-der-DB.html?listtype=search&searchparam=elektrische%20Triebz%C3%BCge
    DB Regio Bombardier Talent 2 Br 442 Abfahrt/departure

    DB Regio Bombardier Talent 2 Br 442 Abfahrt/departure

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:29
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Aug 2023
    • views: 9083
    So ein Fakt:Bin an dieesem Tag rund 8 mal RE 9 am Stück gefahren,dass alles in 3 Stunden. Aufgenommen in Köln-Ehrenfeld
    BR 442  Talent 2 Bombardier kuppelt

    BR 442 Talent 2 Bombardier kuppelt

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:05
    • Uploaded Date: 26 Jan 2015
    • views: 28168
    Automatische Kuppelfahrt mit BR 442 Talent 2 in Köln Betriebsbahnhof am 25.05.2013
    Führerstandsmitfahrt + S1 + Rostock Hbf - Warnemünde | BR 442 (Talent2)

    Führerstandsmitfahrt + S1 + Rostock Hbf - Warnemünde | BR 442 (Talent2)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 22:32
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Apr 2021
    • views: 36714
    Heute fahren wir die S1 der Rostocker S-Bahn von Rostock Hbf Gleis 6 bis nach Warnemünde.
    Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. #shorts

    Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. #shorts

    • Order:
    • Duration: 0:15
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Mar 2022
    • views: 2176
    Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. Unterwegs mit @Zuegig20 Bombardier Talent 2 operated by Abellio on its way to Metzingrn in Stuttgart region. #shorts #abellio #bombardier #talent2 #bwegt #metzingen #nürtingen #stuttgart #electrictrain #triebwagen #kilistrains #railroad #railway #eisenbahn #eisenbahnfieber #ferrovia #ferrocarril
    [Sound&Video] DB Baureihe 442 【走行音・加速動画:Bombardier Talent 2】 S-Bahn Nürnberg S1

    [Sound&Video] DB Baureihe 442 【走行音・加速動画:Bombardier Talent 2】 S-Bahn Nürnberg S1

    • Order:
    • Duration: 14:22
    • Uploaded Date: 04 Apr 2015
    • views: 21494
    最近のドイツ鉄道近郊普通列車の主流となりつつある442型電車の走行音。ボンバルディアの「タレント2」シリーズで、ハムスターの愛称がついています。 442型のIGBTの走行音は、比較的日本のものに近いと思います。 最高速度は160km/h、加速度はほぼジェットカーです。 Sバーンニュルンベルクの路線にて収録。後半は加速動画と車内案内表示、発車動画をおまけで公開しています。 DBAG Class 442 (ET 442, BR 442) - Bombardier Talent 2 The recent mainstream rolling stocks of German regional lines Talent 2 has great Bombardier IGBT sound. Its maximum speed is 160 k.p.h and it has high acceleration performance. In S-Bahn Nürnberg, it ran relatively fast. I also show the acceleration video from Vach bahnhof. I hope you like it. Coach: 442 751 Line: S1 ➔Forchheim Recorded: Fürth Hbf. ➔ Bruck Video: 1.from Vach 2.arriving Erlangen 3.departure
    Bombardier Talent 2 Introduction : Rapid Transit : Train Sim World 1080p

    Bombardier Talent 2 Introduction : Rapid Transit : Train Sim World 1080p

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:13
    • Uploaded Date: 01 Aug 2018
    • views: 9197
    Learn The Basic Of Riding a Bombardier Talent 2 In Train Sim World : Rapid Transit. Train Sim World : Rapid Transit 1080p60FPS Achievement : RT: Green Light. Loco : Bombardier Talent 2. No Commentry _______________________________________________________________ Steam Store : https://store.steampowered.com/app/577358/Train_Sim_World_Rapid_Transit/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If You Like The Video DO Like And Subscribe To My Channel I Will Be Uploading More Train Sim World Videos Thanks For Watching.
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    [Doku] Der Talent 2 - DB Br442 (2020)

    Der Talent 2 ist eines der am meisten Produzierten und ausgelieferten Triebfahrzeuge in Deutschland. Die Verteilung erstreckt sich über 11 der 16 Bundesländer. Dabei sind auch Gestaltung und Ausstattung je nachdem sehr unterschiedlich. Vielen Dank an alle die Foto und Videomaterial Beigesteuert haben: Trainspotter_aus_Stuttgart: https://www.instagram.com/trainspotter_aus_stuttgart/ rheitalbahner:https://www.instagram.com/rheintalbahner/ Clemens_Bahnbilder:https://www.instagram.com/clemens_bahnbilder/ Mein Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/modellbahnwelt_tv/?hl=de Musik: Ikson - MMXX YT-Audiobibliothek :First_To_Last
    [Doku] Der Talent 2 - DB Br442 (2020)
    Der Talent 2 ist eines der am meisten Produzierten und ausgelieferten Triebfahrzeuge in De...
    published: 17 Apr 2020
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    Bombardier Talent 2 Train at Berlin Ostbahnhof
    published: 29 Aug 2013
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    [DB Regio] Bombardier Talent 2 in Guben
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    published: 09 Nov 2014
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    Moderner Regionalzug oder Plage - die Hamsterbacke
    Die Regionalzüge gehören zur Talent2-Familie von Bombardier Transportation. Über 300 Trieb...
    published: 13 Oct 2021
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    DB Regio Bombardier Talent 2 Br 442 Abfahrt/departure
    So ein Fakt:Bin an dieesem Tag rund 8 mal RE 9 am Stück gefahren,dass alles in 3 Stunden. ...
    published: 11 Aug 2023
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    BR 442 Talent 2 Bombardier kuppelt
    Automatische Kuppelfahrt mit BR 442 Talent 2 in Köln Betriebsbahnhof am 25.05.2013
    published: 26 Jan 2015
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    Führerstandsmitfahrt + S1 + Rostock Hbf - Warnemünde | BR 442 (Talent2)
    Heute fahren wir die S1 der Rostocker S-Bahn von Rostock Hbf Gleis 6 bis nach Warnemünde.
    published: 22 Apr 2021
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    Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. #shorts
    Bombardier Talent 2 Abellio unterwegs Richtung Metzingen. Unterwegs mit @Zuegig20 Bomb...
    published: 04 Mar 2022
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    [Sound&Video] DB Baureihe 442 【走行音・加速動画:Bombardier Talent 2】 S-Bahn Nürnberg S1
    最近のドイツ鉄道近郊普通列車の主流となりつつある442型電車の走行音。ボンバルディアの「タレント2」シリーズで、ハムスターの愛称がついています。 442型のIGBTの走行音は、比較...
    published: 04 Apr 2015
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    Bombardier Talent 2 Introduction : Rapid Transit : Train Sim World 1080p
    Learn The Basic Of Riding a Bombardier Talent 2 In Train Sim World : Rapid Transit. Train...
    published: 01 Aug 2018
    Play in Full Screen

    Talent (comics)

    Talent is a comic book series written by Christopher Golden and Tom Sniegoski, drawn by Paul Azaceta, published by Boom! Studios.


    A college professor, Nicholas Dane is the only survivor of flight 654, a plane that crashes into the sea and kills the crew and 148 other passengers. Unable to account for how he was able to survive underwater for 12 hours, he is suspected of involvement in the incident. Fleeing as a fugitive, Dane find that he now possesses the talents of the other passengers and crew and must evade members of a shadowy conspiracy out to get him.

    Collected editions

    The series has been collected as a trade paperback:

  • Talent (128 pages, September 2007, Boom! Studios, ISBN 1-934506-05-2)
  • Film

    The film has been optioned by Universal Studios via producers Marc E. Platt, Ross Richie and Andrew Crosby (the latter two being BOOM! Studios' cofounders). The screenplay will be adapted by Zack Whedon, brother to Joss Whedon. No director has been attached yet.



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