Journal of Medical Internet Research

The leading peer-reviewed journal for digital medicine and health and health care in the internet age. 


Gunther Eysenbach, MD, MPH, FACMI, Founding Editor and Publisher; Adjunct Professor, School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria, Canada

Impact Factor 5.8 CiteScore 14.4

The Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) is the pioneer open access eHealth journal, and is the flagship journal of JMIR Publications. It is a leading health services and digital health journal globally in terms of quality/visibility (Journal Impact Factor™ 5.8 (Clarivate, 2024)), ranking Q1 in both the 'Medical Informatics' and 'Health Care Sciences & Services' categories, and is also the largest journal in the field. The journal is ranked #1 on Google Scholar in the 'Medical Informatics' discipline. The journal focuses on emerging technologies, medical devices, apps, engineering, telehealth and informatics applications for patient education, prevention, population health and clinical care.

JMIR is indexed in all major literature indices including National Library of Medicine(NLM)/MEDLINE, Sherpa/Romeo, PubMed, PMCScopus, Psycinfo, Clarivate (which includes Web of Science (WoS)/ESCI/SCIE), EBSCO/EBSCO Essentials, DOAJ, GoOA and others. The Journal of Medical Internet Research received a CiteScore of 14.4, placing it in the 95th percentile (#7 of 138) as a Q1 journal in the field of Health Informatics. It is a selective journal complemented by almost 30 specialty JMIR sister journals, which have a broader scope, and which together receive over 10,000 submissions a year. 

As an open access journal, we are read by clinicians, allied health professionals, informal caregivers, and patients alike, and have (as with all JMIR journals) a focus on readable and applied science reporting the design and evaluation of health innovations and emerging technologies. We publish original research, viewpoints, and reviews (both literature reviews and medical device/technology/app reviews). Peer-review reports are portable across JMIR journals and papers can be transferred, so authors save time by not having to resubmit a paper to a different journal but can simply transfer it between journals. 

We are also a leader in participatory and open science approaches, and offer the option to publish new submissions immediately as preprints, which receive DOIs for immediate citation (eg, in grant proposals), and for open peer-review purposes. We also invite patients to participate (eg, as peer-reviewers) and have patient representatives on editorial boards.

As all JMIR journals, the journal encourages Open Science principles and strongly encourages publication of a protocol before data collection. Authors who have published a protocol in JMIR Research Protocols get a discount of 20% on the Article Processing Fee when publishing a subsequent results paper in any JMIR journal.

Be a widely cited leader in the digital health revolution and submit your paper today!

Recent Articles

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Viewpoints and Perspectives

A number of seismic shifts are expected to reshape the future of medicine. The global population is rapidly aging, significantly impacting the global disease burden. Medicine is undergoing a paradigm shift, defining and diagnosing diseases at earlier stages and shifting the health care focus from treating diseases to preventing them. The application and purview of digital medicine are expected to broaden significantly. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the shift toward predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory (P4) medicine, and has identified health care accessibility, affordability, and patient empowerment as core values in the future digital health era. This “left shift” toward preventive care is anticipated to redefine health care, emphasizing health promotion over disease treatment. In the future, the traditional triad of preventive medicine—primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention—will be realized with technologies such as genomics, artificial intelligence, bioengineering and wearable devices, and telemedicine. Breast cancer and diabetes serve as case studies to demonstrate how these technologies such as personalized risk assessment, artificial intelligence–assisted and app-based technologies, have been developed and commercialized to provide personalized preventive care, identifying those at a higher risk and providing instructions and interventions for healthier lifestyles and improved quality of life. Overall, preventive medicine and the use of advanced technology will hold great potential for improving health care outcomes in the future.

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Artificial Intelligence

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) presents transformative potential for diagnostic medicine, offering opportunities to enhance diagnostic accuracy, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes.

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Digital Health Reviews

Virtual reality (VR) has promise as an innovative nonpharmacologic treatment for improving a patient’s quality of life. VR can be used as an adjunct or treatment for many acute and chronic conditions, including serious illnesses.

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Clinical Information and Decision Making

Stroke is a globally prevalent disease that imposes a significant burden on health care systems and national economies. Accurate and rapid stroke diagnosis can substantially increase reperfusion rates, mitigate disability, and reduce mortality. However, there are considerable discrepancies in the diagnosis and treatment of acute stroke.

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Clinical Information and Decision Making

Sepsis is an organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Early detection is fundamental to improving the patient outcome. Laboratory medicine can play a crucial role by providing biomarkers whose alteration can be detected before the onset of clinical signs and symptoms. In particular, the relevance of monocyte distribution width (MDW) as a sepsis biomarker has emerged in the previous decade. However, despite encouraging results, MDW has poor sensitivity and positive predictive value when compared to other biomarkers.

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Research Instruments, Questionnaires, and Tools

In this era of digitalization, eHealth interventions are used to engage patients in health care and help them manage their health. Previous studies showed that this can be particularly interesting for chronic disease self-management and self-care in older adults. Despite older adults becoming increasingly active on the internet, they continue to struggle in using eHealth information due to inadequate eHealth literacy. Thus, assessing and monitoring eHealth literacy is critical to support eHealth interventions.

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Peer-to-Peer Support and Online Communities

Stigma surrounding women’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) often prevents them from seeking essential care. In South Korea, unmarried women face strong cultural taboos, increasing their risk for conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, and cervical cancer. While many unmarried women turn to web-based communities for support, these spaces frequently expose them to microaggressions, further discouraging their access to health care and worsening their health risks.

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Digital Mental Health Interventions, e-Mental Health and Cyberpsychology

Mental health disorders are a major public health challenge, and problematic internet use (PIU) may play an important role in this issue. However, the underlying mechanisms of PIU and its effects on mental health have not yet been elucidated.

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Personal Health Records, Patient-Accessible Electronic Health Records, Patient Portals

Individuals in the United States with limited English proficiency (LEP) experience a disproportionate disease burden. Patient portals provide patient education, outreach, and linkage to preventive health services. While patient portals have been found to be effective in facilitating the use of preventive services, they have predominantly engaged well-educated, English-speaking, White populations. There is limited research investigating experiences and beliefs about patient portals among populations with LEP.

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Digital Health Reviews

A dramatic increase in the use of videoconferencing occurred as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including delivery of chronic disease management programs. With this increase, clients’ openness to and confidence in receiving any type of telehealth care has dramatically improved. However, the rapidity of the response was accomplished with little time to learn from existing knowledge and research.


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  • Web of Science - SCIE

