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We've come a long way,
but there's still a long way to go.
We've come a long way,
but there's still a long way to go.

March 8: The JKU commemorates International Women's Day.
See what we've accomplished - and what more there is to do.
Slider Weltfrauentag 2025; Credit: JKU

Physicians wanted: The application period opens soon! Physicians wanted: The application period opens soon!

Be one of 360 students in our medical degree program!
Register to enroll beginning March 3.
Header Medizinstudium_2025

Don't miss the 2025 BeSt3 Study Fair in Vienna. Don't miss the 2025 BeSt3 Study Fair in Vienna.

March 6 - 9: Learn more about the JKU's degree programs at Austria's largest educational fair!
Header bunt

Creating knowledge, and sharing the findings Creating knowledge, and sharing the findings

The JKU announces the first-ever Kepler Awards for Science Communication.
Submit your nomination now!
Kepler Wissenschaftvermittlungsaward 2025; Credit: JKU

Choose from over 100 degree programs! Choose from over 100 degree programs!

Your talent and passion - your university: Learn more about the JKU's academic degree programs now!
Wegweiser, Icon

Space To Choose Your Major.

Discover the academic degree programs offered at the JKU

Let us show you around campus!

Sign up for an online tour of the JKU campus now.
drei gehende Studierende im Außengang Keplergebäude
Europe is growing closer together
Logo EC2U


Eight Universities, One Mission - Conducting Research, Studying, and Growing Together.
Metallspitze Füllfeder, Icon

When? Who? How? Where? What?

Important Dates & Deadlines
Aktentasche, Icon

Register to Enroll

Important info about your application to study at the JKU.

Matura - Now What?

6 Steps to find the right major!


News 28.02.2025

EC2U Programs to Support Doctoral Candidates

In the recent past, a delegation representing the JKU took part in the first EC2U doctoral colloquium in Poitiers (France).

News 27.02.2025

AI Made in Austria: The JKU-Led FWF Cluster “Bilateral AI” Launches

Under the leadership of the JKU and AI pioneer Sepp Hochreiter, leading AI researchers from across Austria will be involved in the Austrian Science Fund's “Bilateral AI” cluster.

Impressions from the official Bilateral AI kick-off; photo credit: JKU
News 26.02.2025

Study Medicine: Prospective Applicants can Register to Enroll beginning March 3

The admissions procedure for the medical degree program opens March 3, 2025, at: www.medizinstudieren.at.

JKU Medizinstudierende beim Praktizieren
News 25.02.2025

Applied Research: Special Guitar Tone Qualities

How does studying mechatronics impact our everyday lives? A patent for very special electric guitars, for example.

„High quality educational opportunities and vibrant campus life make the JKU a special place. My tip: after class, enjoy a cup of coffee at the “Teichwerk” and take in the surroundings around the university pond.“
Mag. iur. Rudolf Grassmann
Graduate of the Diploma Degree Program in Law


Bachelor's and Diploma Degrees
Discover what you need to know about the Bachelor's and Diploma Degree programs at the JKU.

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