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To complement the education and research of currently enrolled students, The Japan Times is offering unrestricted access to our website content at the special rate of US$8/¥800 a month, a savings of US$22/¥2,200.

Terms & conditions

  • Subscription fee: US$8/¥800 per month (tax included) 購読料金:月額800円/8ドル(税込)
  • Subscription plan: Premium (unrestricted access); normally US$30/¥3,000 a month 購読プラン:プレミアム(アクセス制限無し)、通常価格月額3,000円/30ドル
  • Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in high school, vocational school, junior college, university and graduate school 申込条件:高校、専門学校、短期大学、大学、大学院に在学中の学生
  • Contract term: Up to two years (students may reapply, as long as they are enrolled) 期間:最長2年間(在学中であれば再申込み可)
  • Cancellation: You may cancel after the initial month of application. 解約:申込月の翌月からキャンセル可能
  • Payment method: Credit card (for students who don’t have a credit card) 支払方法:クレジットカード(クレジットカードをお持ちでない方はこちらをご確認ください。)

Note:If you are currently a Japan Times subscriber and would like to apply for a student discount, please use this form to cancel your current subscription and resubscribe as a student. 注意:現在ジャパンタイムズを購読している方で学割の適用を希望される方は、こちらのフォームまでご連絡ください。

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