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Together for sustaining life and livelihoods

For over seven decades, IUCN has put nature at the centre of human development and well-being, and provided the world the science, tools, standards and guidelines needed to conserve the health and integrity of our planet. From community-led forest and landscape restoration initiatives, to integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in international environment agreements; from developing global standards for Nature-based Solutions to strengthening climate resilience of coastal communities,  IUCN works with its Members and partners  in over 160 countries, to implement solutions benefiting millions of lives and livelihoods.

Forest restoration worker

Government partners

IUCN’s government partners, which include IUCN State Members, provide vital core and project funding for the implementation of the IUCN Programme and key initiatives. Together, we invest in nature and people to build a better and more sustainable future for all.

forest sunrise

Framework partners

IUCN framework partners provide instrumental multi-year core support that enables IUCN to deliver on its four-year programme, to innovate, and to provide critical thought leadership. Framework partners contribute to every result, to every success across the entire Union.

tropical island

Multilateral partners

IUCN’s multilateral partners enable us to catalyse innovation and investments at scale, develop and enhance partnerships and leverage our tools, knowledge and flagship initiatives. IUCN engages with multilateral institutions at global and regional level.

Quechi woman and girl

Philanthropic partners

Individuals and foundations provide critical funding for initiatives, important leverage for innovation, and are often the first to invest in new ideas.

HSH Prince Albert of Monaco

IUCN Patrons of Nature

IUCN Patrons of Nature is a growing group of global conservation, business, media and philanthropy leaders, who support IUCN’s core mission, provide strategic advice, and champion strategic initiatives.

IUCN staff field work

Corporate partners

Nature is everybody’s business. IUCN works with leading corporations to integrate natural capital and biodiversity considerations into standard business practices, so that they transform the way they value, manage and invest in nature.

  • Brochure 2023
    IUCN provides the science, knowledge and tools that enable people and nature to thrive together…

IUCN publishes all data related to its projects, donors and partners in the IUCN Open Project Portal for greater transparency to its stakeholders. This data is also accessible on the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) registry without restrictions.