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Space Network Systems Online

The SNS Online application is reaching its end of life and will be shut down soon in 2025. Please use the ITU Space Explorer application: https://www.itu.int/go/ITUSpaceExplorer. Introductory sessions are available. Contact: [email protected]

The following links will also remain available for:
Query for retrieving database for SPACECAP
Retrieve database to create First Notification space station notice or to update coordination status at Resubmission of space station notice by SPACECAP (CR/483 refers).
Notex Online Query Retrieve information on the status of 11.32A examination as well as the status of assignments recorded under 11.41 in application of No. 11.41A.
Space IFIC and WIC databases Access to the Space International Frequency Information Circular (and former WIC) databases in zipped format.

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