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Space Network Systems Online

NEW (11.07.2024): The SNS Online application is reaching its end of life and will be shut down soon in 2025. Please use the ITU Space Explorer application: https://www.itu.int/go/ITUSpaceExplorer. Introductory sessions are available. Contact: [email protected]
Welcome to Space Network Systems Online!
SNS Online gives access to the Space Networks Systems Database of the Radiocommunication Bureau of the ITU. The database contains AP4 data of geostationary satellite filings, non-geostationary satellite filings and earth station filings.
SNS Online is a yearly subscription service. It is available as a free service for TIES registered users.
Note: SNS Online will only be available 48 hours after registering for TIES.
Try the demo pages and if you are not a TIES registered usersubscribe to the service.

As a subscriber to the service you have access to the following features:
SNS Database  
Description (Pdf document:see Section III) View the description of the SNS database (INGRES and MS/ACCESS) in a PDF document: Section III of the Preface
SNS Database Changes View the description of structural changes to SNS database (INGRES and MS/ACCESS)
Query Systems
General Query System
(non-planned bands)
Navigate through SNS database using predefined queries to retrieve a list of satellites or earth stations. Select a specific satellite or earth station and view all the beams/antennas, frequencies, emissions, coordination information for the selection.
Space Plans Query System
allows you to navigate through the SNS database (planned services)using predefined queries. Use the system in case you want to retrieve a list of satellites in the planned services and then "navigate" through a specific satellite. View all the beams, frequencies, emissions, coordination information of the selected station.
Query for retrieving database for SPACECAP
Retrieve database to create First Notification space station notice or to update coordination status at Resubmission of space station notice by SPACECAP (CR/483 refers).
Suppressed and Removed Notices Query System Display notices in the SNS database which have been suppressed or removed. Use the query in case you want to retrieve a list of suppressed or removed satellites or earth stations.
Advance Publication Query System Retrieve advance publication data from the database. Based on your input parameters retrieve a list of satellites and get the summary information of your selection.
To get information on API subject to coordination, use the next link SpaceWISC API Query.
SpaceWISC API Query Retrieve advance publication subject to coordination data submitted through the SpaceWISC Web Application. Based on your input parameters retrieve a list of satellites and get the summary information of your selection.
Res49/Res552 Publication Query System Retrieve Due Diligence publication data from the database. Based on your input parameters retrieve a list of satellites and get the summary information of your selection
Removal of obsolete API and CR Display the list of obsolete information on Advance Publication Information and Coordination Requests which have been removed from SRS and SPS databases.
Regulatory Dates and Unique frequency Bands Display the list of Regulatory Dates by Unique Frenquencies on Coordination and Notification Filings.
Notex Online Query Notex Online Query provides information on the status of 11.32A examination as well as the status of assignments recorded under 11.41 in application of No. 11.41A.
Special Query System Use complex queries to retrieve data specifying parameters as frequency range, longitude, etc...Launch queries to find slots for geostationary satellites, or find the satellites working in specified frequency range.
Query Search and Query Builder Find predefined queri(es) with selected data items and/or create your own query using Query Builder.
Graphics System
Have access to gain diagrams, gain versus orbit diagrams and service area diagrams of satellite beams (available only using Graphical Interference Management System - GIMS). View available earth station coordination contour diagrams using the General Query System and selecting "Earth Station" from the radio buttons.
Submission Systems
Coordination Request Filing Identify networks for submission of Coordination Request information to the Bureau based on already submitted advance publicaton filing. Select from the list of satellites for which you may submit coordination request information.
Help Systems
Demo pages Get familiar with the system: try the demo pages. Look at the relevant part of the Radio Regulations, learn how to navigate through the database, how to run special queries and much more.
Help System describes how to navigate through the SNS database and how to retrieve data from it. It gives you explanation about the results of your queries and allows you to create your own query in case there is no query available satisfying your request.
FAQ Search the topics of Frequently Asked Questions submitted by other users. Find the answer to your problem which you encountered while using the system. Contact BR: send your questions or remarks, you will have your reply shortly.
SNS Online News Get information about the new features or changes of SNS Online. Sign up to the mailing list and get regularly the latest news about the updates to the system.
SNS Online access  
Subscription SNS Online is a yearly subscription service. It is available as a free service for TIES registered users.
Free: Space IFIC and WIC databases (will continue to be a free service until further notice) and Space Query and Extract System are now available on the WEB! Click to download the latest
  ific logo Space IFIC and WIC databases or the space query logo   Space Query and Extract System !


ITU logo International Telecommunication Union, 1996-