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Coast Station - Search
Geographical Area
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ABW - Aruba
AFG - Afghanistan
AFS - South Africa (Republic of)
AGL - Angola (Republic of)
AIA - Anguilla
ALB - Albania (Republic of)
ALG - Algeria (People's Democratic Republic of)
ALS - Alaska (State of)
AMS - Saint Paul and Amsterdam Islands
AND - Andorra (Principality of)
AOE - Western Sahara
ARG - Argentine Republic
ARM - Armenia (Republic of)
ARS - Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of)
ASC - Ascension Island
ATA - Antarctic
ATG - Antigua and Barbuda
ATL - Ocean-station vessels: Atlantic Region
AUS - Australia
AUT - Austria
AZE - Azerbaijan (Republic of)
AZR - Azores
B - Brazil (Federative Republic of)
BAH - Bahamas (Commonwealth of the)
BDI - Burundi (Republic of)
BEL - Belgium
BEN - Benin (Republic of)
BER - Bermuda
BES - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
BFA - Burkina Faso
BGD - Bangladesh (People's Republic of)
BHR - Bahrain (Kingdom of)
BIH - Bosnia and Herzegovina
BIO - Chagos Islands (Indian Ocean)
BLM - Saint Barthélemy (French Department of)
BLR - Belarus (Republic of)
BLZ - Belize
BOL - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
BOT - Botswana (Republic of)
BRB - Barbados
BRM - Myanmar (Union of)
BRU - Brunei Darussalam
BTN - Bhutan (Kingdom of)
BUL - Bulgaria (Republic of)
BVT - Bouvet Island
CAF - Central African Republic
CAN - Canada
CBG - Cambodia (Kingdom of)
CG7 - CUB(Guantanamo) (7), as defined in Appendix 26 to the Radio Regulations, Geneva, 1959; (7) means "USA stations".
CHL - Chile
CHN - China (People's Republic of)
CHR - Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
CKH - Cook Islands
CLM - Colombia (Republic of)
CLN - Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of)
CME - Cameroon (Republic of)
CNR - Canary Islands
COD - Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG - Congo (Republic of the)
COM - Comoros (Union of the)
CPT - Clipperton Island
CPV - Cabo Verde (Republic of)
CRO - Crozet Archipelago
CTI - Côte d'Ivoire (Republic of)
CTR - Costa Rica
CUB - Cuba
CUW - Curaçao
CVA - Vatican City State
CYM - Cayman Islands
CYP - Cyprus (Republic of)
CZE - Czech Republic
D - Germany (Federal Republic of)
DGA - Diego Garcia
DJI - Djibouti (Republic of)
DMA - Dominica (Commonwealth of)
DNK - Denmark
DOM - Dominican Republic
E - Spain
EGY - Egypt (Arab Republic of)
EQA - Ecuador
ERI - Eritrea
EST - Estonia (Republic of)
ETH - Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of)
F - France
FIN - Finland
FJI - Fiji (Republic of)
FLK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FRO - Faroe Islands
FSM - Micronesia (Federated States of)
G - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GAB - Gabonese Republic
GCA - United Kingdom (Non-metropolitan) - Region 1
GCC - United Kingdom - Region 3
GEO - Georgia
GHA - Ghana
GIB - Gibraltar
GLP - Guadeloupe (French Department of)
GMB - Gambia (Republic of the)
GNB - Guinea-Bissau (Republic of)
GNE - Equatorial Guinea (Republic of)
GRC - Greece
GRD - Grenada
GRL - Greenland
GTM - Guatemala (Republic of)
GUF - Guiana (French Department of)
GUI - Guinea (Republic of)
GUM - Guam
GUY - Guyana
HKG - Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China)
HMD - Heard and McDonald Islands
HND - Honduras (Republic of)
HNG - Hungary
HOL - Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
HRV - Croatia (Republic of)
HTI - Haiti (Republic of)
HWA - Hawaii (State of)
HWL - Howland Island
I - Italy
ICO - Cocos (Keeling) Islands
IND - India (Republic of)
INS - Indonesia (Republic of)
IRL - Ireland
IRN - Iran (Islamic Republic of)
IRQ - Iraq (Republic of)
ISL - Iceland
ISR - Israel (State of)
J - Japan
JAR - Jarvis Island
JMC - Jamaica
JON - Johnston Island
JOR - Jordan (Hashemite Kingdom of)
KAZ - Kazakhstan (Republic of)
KEN - Kenya (Republic of)
KER - Kerguelen Islands
KGZ - Kyrgyz Republic
KIR - Kiribati (Republic of)
KNA - Saint Kitts and Nevis (Federation of)
KOR - Korea (Republic of)
KRE - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
KWT - Kuwait (State of)
LAO - Lao People's Democratic Republic
LBN - Lebanon
LBR - Liberia (Republic of)
LBY - Libya (State of)
LCA - Saint Lucia
LIE - Liechtenstein (Principality of)
LSO - Lesotho (Kingdom of)
LTU - Lithuania (Republic of)
LUX - Luxembourg
LVA - Latvia (Republic of)
MAC - Macao (Special Administrative Region of China)
MAF - Saint Martin (French Department of)
MAU - Mauritius (Republic of)
MCO - Monaco (Principality of)
MDA - Moldova (Republic of)
MDG - Madagascar (Republic of)
MDR - Madeira
MDW - Midway Islands
MEX - Mexico
MHL - Marshall Islands (Republic of the)
MKD - North Macedonia (Republic of)
MLA - Malaysia
MLD - Maldives (Republic of)
MLI - Mali (Republic of)
MLT - Malta
MNE - Montenegro
MNG - Mongolia
MOZ - Mozambique (Republic of)
MRA - Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the)
MRC - Morocco (Kingdom of)
MRN - Marion Island
MRT - Martinique (French Department of)
MSR - Montserrat
MTN - Mauritania (Islamic Republic of)
MWI - Malawi
MYT - Mayotte (Territorial Collectivity of)
NCG - Nicaragua
NCL - New Caledonia
NFK - Norfolk Island
NGR - Niger (Republic of the)
NIG - Nigeria (Federal Republic of)
NIU - Niue
NMB - Namibia (Republic of)
NOR - Norway
NPL - Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of)
NRU - Nauru (Republic of)
NZL - New Zealand
OCE - French Polynesia
OMA - Oman (Sultanate of)
PAC - Ocean-station vessels: Pacific Region
PAK - Pakistan (Islamic Republic of)
PAQ - Easter Island
PHL - Philippines (Republic of the)
PHX - Phoenix Islands
PLM - Palmyra Island
PLW - Palau (Republic of)
PNG - Papua New Guinea
PNR - Panama (Republic of)
POL - Poland (Republic of)
POR - Portugal
PRG - Paraguay (Republic of)
PRU - Peru
PSE - State of Palestine (In accordance with Resolution 99 Rev. Dubai, 2018)
PTC - Pitcairn Island
PTR - Puerto Rico
QAT - Qatar (State of)
REU - Reunion (French Department of)
ROD - Rodrigues
ROU - Romania
RRW - Rwanda (Republic of)
RUS - Russian Federation
S - Sweden
SCG - Ex. Serbia and Montenegro
SDN - Sudan (Republic of the)
SEN - Senegal (Republic of)
SEY - Seychelles (Republic of)
SHN - Saint Helena
SLM - Solomon Islands
SLV - El Salvador (Republic of)
SMA - American Samoa
SMO - Samoa (Independent State of)
SMR - San Marino (Republic of)
SNG - Singapore (Republic of)
SOM - Somalia (Federal Republic of)
SPM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial Collectivity of)
SRB - Serbia (Republic of)
SRL - Sierra Leone
SSD - South Sudan (Republic of)
STP - Sao Tome and Principe (Democratic Republic of)
SUI - Switzerland (Confederation of)
SUR - Suriname (Republic of)
SVK - Slovak Republic
SVN - Slovenia (Republic of)
SWN - Swan Islands
SWZ - Eswatini (Kingdom of)
SXM - Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
SYR - Syrian Arab Republic
TCA - Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD - Chad (Republic of)
TGO - Togolese Republic
THA - Thailand
TJK - Tajikistan (Republic of)
TKL - Tokelau
TKM - Turkmenistan
TLS - Timor-Leste (Democratic Republic of)
TON - Tonga (Kingdom of)
TRC - Tristan da Cunha
TRD - Trinidad and Tobago
TUN - Tunisia
TUR - Republic of Türkiye
TUV - Tuvalu
TZA - Tanzania (United Republic of)
UAE - United Arab Emirates
UGA - Uganda (Republic of)
UKR - Ukraine
URG - Uruguay (Eastern Republic of)
USA - United States of America
UZB - Uzbekistan (Republic of)
VCT - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VIR - United States Virgin Islands
VRG - British Virgin Islands
VTN - Viet Nam (Socialist Republic of)
VUT - Vanuatu (Republic of)
WAK - Wake Island
WAL - Wallis and Futuna Islands
XAA - Shared throughout the world
XAN - The Former Territory of Netherlands Antilles
XAX - Shared by several countries, but in a restricted area of the world
XBR - International Telecommunication Union
XBY - Abyei area
XCN - Taiwan (Province of China)
XFR - Adelie Land
XGZ - Gaza Strip
XMM - This symbol is used in Column 4B to indicate the use of the frequency assignment for inter-ship communications, by the notifying administration indicated in Column B
XOA - International Civil Aviation Organization
XR1 - Region 1 (RR 5.3)
XR2 - Region 2 (RR 5.4)
XR3 - Region 3 (RR 5.5)
XRY - Antarctic Region (RR AP 26/5.2)
XSD - Territory of the former Republic of the Sudan (prior to 14 July 2011)
XSP - Spratly Islands
XUN - United Nations
XWB - West Bank
XWM - World Meteorological Organization
YEM - Yemen (Republic of)
ZMB - Zambia (Republic of)
ZWE - Zimbabwe (Republic of)
Coast station name
Call Sign
Tx Freq.
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DSC-WATCH : Watch-keeping using digital selective calling techniques
MED-ADVICE : Transmitting medical advice
RCC(s) : Rescue coordination centres (MRCC, RCC, MRSC, JRCC)
NAVINFO : Transmitting to ships navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information (MSI) by means of narrow-band direct-printing techniques
METEO : Meteorological bulletins
NOTICE-NAV : Transmitting notices to navigators
UTC : Radio time signals
VTS : VTS stations
PILOT : Pilot stations
CP : Public correspondence service
PORTINFO : Port stations
CES : Coast earth stations
CES-CP : Systems in the maritime mobile satellite service that provide a public correspondence service
NAVAREA : Navarea coordinators
AIS : Automatic identification System
SAR AGENCY : Addresses and contact information
Freqency Band
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The data contained in the ITU maritime database(s) is provided only by the Telecommunications Administration having jurisdiction over the station(s) concerned.
Users should therefore bring to the attention of their respective Administrations any necessary amendment of the data (errors or missing information) so that the appropriate information can be transmitted to the ITU via official channels.
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