ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

AI will make radiocommunications smarter <-> Radiocommunications will enable AI functioning and connectivity

​​​​​​​​​Telecommunications/ICTs are a key enabler to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to build a world where social, economic, environmental and technological development is sustainable and available for everyone, everywhere. The fourth industrial revolution, digital economy and society, Internet of Things, connected cars and cities all depend on telecommunication networks, services and applications, and increasingly rely on radiocommunications to provide the basis for ubiquitous connectivity. The ITU Radiocommunication Sector plays a vital role in this ecosystem: managing frequency spectrum and satellite orbits, as well as developing globally harmonized regulations and standards, are fundamental in order to ensure accessible and affordable telecommunications to all. In doing so, artificial intelligence acts as an enabler to enhance emerging radio technologies.

AI and IMT-2020 (5G)


IMT-2020 (5G) will support smart cities and homes, 3D video, augmented reality, work and play in cloud, automation industry and self-driven cars. It would also provide necessary connectivity for AI. This will make IMT-2020 (5G) more intelligent empowering 5G network slicing, cloud networking, virtualization and self-organizing networks.

Recommendation ITU-R M.2083:  IMT Vision – Framework and overall objectives of the future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond 

AI and Internet of Things (IoT)

ITU-R is studying Machine Type Communications (M2M) which will be connected through IMT networks, dedicated networks and short-range radio devices (SRDs). AI will contribute in processing and analysis of big data generated by IoT. In return, IoT will be the main part of massive data availability which is an important contributor to AI.

Resolution ITU-R 54-2: Studies to achieve harmonization for SRDs
Resolution ITU-R 66: Studies related to wireless systems and applications for the development of the Internet of Things

AI and Cognitive radio systems (CRS)


ITU-R studied CRS which enables AI to play an important role in intelligent/dynamic assignment of radio channels. CRS is characterized by three capabilities: a) to obtain the knowledge of its radio operational and geographical environment, its internal state, and the established policies, as well as to monitor usage patterns and user preferences; 2) to dynamically and autonomously adjust its operational parameters and protocols according to the knowledge; and 3) to learn from the results of its actions in order to further improve its performance.

Resolution ITU-R 58-1: Studies on implementation and use of CRS
Report ITU-R SM.2152: Definitions of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio System (CRS)
Report ITU-R SM.2405: Spectrum management principles, challenges and issues related to dynamic access to frequency bands by means of radio systems employing cognitive capabilities
Report ITU-R M.2225: Introduction to cognitive radio systems in the land mobile service
Report ITU-R M.2242: Cognitive radio systems specific for International Mobile Telecommunications systems
Report ITU-R M.2330: Cognitive radio systems (CRSs) in the land mobile service

AI and satellite ecosystem

Picture4.pngAI is applicable to many aspects of the satellite ecosystem, including system manufacturing, in-orbit management and image processing. In the maritime and aviation sectors, satellite information and capabilities can be combined with IOT sensor data to enable streamlined operations for shipping and airline activities. AI will facilitate next-generation satellite systems to be autonomous, with a dynamic resource management that will be capable of adjusting coverage, capacity and spectrum as needed.

Report ITU-R S.2357: Technical and operational guidelines for earth stations on mobile platforms communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service in the frequency bands 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz
Report ITU-R S.2361: Broadband access by fixed-satellite service systems

AI and Spectrum Monitoring

Spectrum monitoring has always been the eyes and ears of spectrum management processes to facilitate planning, maximize efficiency, minimize interference and eliminate unauthorized and improper use of the spectrum. AI may be the next computer-aided techniques enhancing the automation of spectrum monitoring tasks which become more complex with the development of new radio technologies. As s​uch, AI may bring new solutions and opportunities for instance for the signal recognition, the real-time monitoring of multiples auto-signaling equipment and devices, and/or the identification of sources of interference.

Resolution ITU-R 2​2-4: Improvement of national radio spectrum management practices and techniques
Report ITU-R S​M.2355: Spectrum monitoring evolution

AI and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)


ITU-R developed several outputs on ITS connectivity and advanced ITS radio communications, which would be a key enabler of autonomous and automated cars. AI will contribute in the analysis of ITS data for vehicle control and traffic prediction. Self-driven cars could be one of the main AI applications.

Report ITU-R M.2228: Advanced intelligent transport systems radiocommunications
Recommendation ITU-R M.1890: Intelligent transport systems
ITU-R Land Mobile Handbook: Vol.4 – Intelligent Transport System

AI in Broadcasting

Examples of potential applications of AI in broadcasting

Programme production: Data mining, big data analysis, Language translation, Text-voice/voice-text translation, Visual/speech recognition, Metadata extraction, Assisted editing, Autonomous, robotic shooting, Object tracking, Format conversion for video and sound, Semantic annotation of content, Automated summarization, System monitoring and diagnosis,

Audio and visual quality evaluation: Subjective evaluation, Quality of Experience metrics

Programme assembling and access: Audio and video data compression, Early warning of emergencies, disaster prevention and relief, Recommendation to audience, Access service for people with disabilities, System monitoring and diagnosis

Broadcast emission: Network planning, System monitoring and diagnosis

Report ITU-R BT.2447: Artificial intelligence systems for programme production and exchange