Travel Grants

The IRTF is pleased to be able to provide a limited number of diversity travel grants, plus a number of fee waivers, to attend research group meetings and workshops.

Diversity Travel Grants

We are pleased to offer a number of Diversity Travel Grants to support early-career academics and PhD students from under-represented groups to attend the IRTF meetings co-located with the IETF-123 Meeting in Madrid, Spain, in July 2025.

The selection criteria for IRTF Diversity Grants will prioritize people who:

Interested applicants should submit an application letter and up-to-date CV as PDF documents. The application letter should be clearly state the following information:

We recognise that effective engagement with IRTF research groups may require ongoing rather than one-off participation and encourage repeat applications from those who previously received diversity travel grants. When applying for such repeat awards, applicants must 1) outline how they contributed to previous IRTF meetings; 2) explain why an additional travel grant is needed and what specific IRTF contributions it will enable; and 3) if their work in IRTF is likely to require long-term engagement, describe steps they are taking to obtain funding from other sources. Repeat awards are not guaranteed and depend on available funds and evidence of strong engagement with IRTF.

Send application materials »

If the applicant is a PhD student, their adviser must also send a letter of support verifying the applicant’s good standing in the institution, and confirming that they have completed at least one year of full-time (or equivalent part-time) PhD study.

Send support letter »

We will confirm receipt of travel grant applications by email. If you do not receive confirmation within 48 hours of submission please contact the IRTF Chair to confirm.

Applicants will be reviewed by a selection committee comprising:

Sofía Celi Brave
Colin Perkins University of Glasgow
Lars Eggert Mozilla
Reese Enghardt Netflix
Brian Trammell Google
Allison Mankin Salesforce
Jane Coffin Connect Humanity
Marie-Jose Montpetit  
Melinda Shore No Mountain Software
Lixia Zhang UCLA

Important dates are as follows:

Diversity grant application deadline March 21, 2025
Diversity grant notification deadline April 2, 2025
IETF-123 Meeting in Madrid July 19-25, 2025

IRTF diversity travel grants are supported by Netflix, Comcast, Akamai, and Google.


  Netflix       Comcast       Comcast       Google        


Support for remote attendance during the COVID-19 pandemic: The focus of the diversity travel grants is on in-person attendance at IRTF meetings co-located with the IETF since we believe this offers the best opportunity to connect with the community. We recognise that the COVID-19 pandemic is still causing difficultiess with travel for many, however, and so will also consider applications to offset reasonable costs incurred to support remote attendance (e.g., childcare, travel to a local meeting hub, etc.) where such would encourage diversity of participation. Such applications should be submitted following the process for diversity travel grants outlined above. We are grateful to Comcast for this support.

Fee waivers for remote attendance are available under a separate programme and are not covered by these diversity grants.