Marc Christie

Marc Christie
Assistant Professor, University of Rennes 1
Member of the INRIA Mimetic team

IRISA/INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique
Campus de Bealieu, 35042, Cedex 3

Contact: marc.christie (at)
tel: +33 2 99 84 75 25 (Rennes)
tel: +33 6 50 01 29 22 (Mobile)

Research Interests

My research interest focuses on smart tools to assist the creation of complex 3D contents by mixing Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence techniques.

I am currently working on automated and assistive camera control techniques for interactive environments. More precisely:

We have a website dedicated to our research, with data, research activities, and recent news here:
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2019 Results of our joint LabCom with SolidAnim company (France) and Ecole Georges Melies was presented during FMX 2019!
2019 Our systems paper describing how VR can be used in modern previsualisation pipelines has been accepted for presentation at IEEE VR 2019! "VR as a Content Creation Tool for Film Previsualisation" . Access the PAPER
2018 Our journal paper describing the research led by Hui-Yin Wu "Thinking Like a Director: Film Editing Patterns for Virtual Cinematographic Storytelling" was accepted in ACM Transactions in Multimedia (TOMM). Access the PAPER
2018 Our collaboration on CineCast with Unity was presented at the Unite Los Angeles event (a video viewed over 40k times). See video starting at 41m42 here! And thanks to Adam and Gregory for the fantastic time working together Unity Cinecast 2018 Our paper " Directing the Photography Combining Cinematic Rules, Indirect Light Controls and Lighting-by-Example was presented at Pacific Graphics 2018! See the VIDEO and access the PAPER 2018 Our paper " Creating and Chaining Camera Moves for Quadrotor Videography ", has been accepted at SIGGRAPH 2018! Check out the VIDEO (PDF available soon).


Projects and Collaborations

ANR LabCom Cineviz ANR LabCom . Joint Research Laboratory with SolidAnim company on next generation tools for the movie industry (2016-2019)
ANR CINECITTA ANR Cinecitta . Intelligent virtual cinematography systems for film previsualisation (2012-2016).
ANR CHROME ANR Chrome. Populating large 3D environments with virtual characters and designing camera control techniques inspired from real movies (2012-2015).
IRIS FP7 NoE FP7 Network of Excellence IRIS. Integrating Research in Interactive Storytelling Network of Excellence (2009-2011).
CNRS NSC CNRS-NSC. International Collaboration with Pr. Tsai-Yen Li (National Chengchi University) in Taiwan on Smart Motion Planning (2010-2011)
FUI SUSTAINS FUI Sustains. Constraint-based Prototyping of Urban Environments (2010-2013)