UCLA International Institute
Grants to the two programs by Alianza MX, a University of California program that promotes engagement with Mexico, will be used for student scholarships.
Program on Caribbean Studies
Haiti's crisis stems from entrenched corruption, impunity and the unchecked flow of firearms, which have enabled gangs to seize control of vast portions of the country, said Haitian journalist Widlore Mérancourt.
Political scientist Joseph Wright urged policymakers to consider the political impact of migrant remittances, which support democratization in authoritarian states.
CSEAS Director, Stephen Acabado, reflects on the first 25 years of the center's history as it prepares for a yearlong celebration.
The fall 2024 conference explored the concept of an "Arabicate" world as a predicate to the "Persianate" world in Islamic civilization elucidated by historian Marshall Hodgson.
Two Swedish visiting professors enjoyed teaching courses of their own design at UCLA this fall.
Using first-person European accounts of plantations, drawings, paintings and oral histories, geographer Judith Carney showed that the subsistence plots cultivated by enslaved people on plantations successfully brought African staples to the Americas.
Professor Sixiang Wang in Department of Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC) won the 2024 UC Berkeley Hong Yung Lee Book Award in Korean Studies.
In conjunction with the Academy Museum's exhibition Director՛s Inspiration: Bong Joon Ho, this series is a retrospective of the director՛s...
For more details, click on the title to visit the event page.
Colloquium with Alice Tseng
GETSEA Film Screening followed by Q&A with filmmakers
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