Two women stand in a field of crops. They are smiling, One is holding seeds, the other is holding beans picked from the fields.

IKEA Foundation Week 2024 Can you spot the link?

Two men stand in a large greenhouse type industrial facility. They are holding packets of products as they smile at the camera.
Three people work with yellow boxes in a tent. They are rearing black soldier flies.
Two workers in a food production facility work at their station. They wear protective clothing. Behind them is a blue metal staircase and the rest of the facility.
A worker sorts through nuts and nut shells. She is wearing a mask and protective clothing.
Four people walk in a field in Uganda. One of them walks in front of the oxes, while three people walk behind a group of oxes. Part of the field has been ploughed.
A woman standing in front of a filing shelf and behind a laptop smiles at the camera. She is the Secretary of the Kenya Peasants League.
A woman wearing an orange floral sari turns a potters wheel as she makes a clay vessel. She smiles as she works.
Three men tip water from a bucket onto a solar panel. There are palm trees in the background..
Two women wearing COVID masks prepare food in a food truck.
Women work with plants on a production line. They are wearing overals and headware.
The roofs of a healthcare facility. In the foreground the roof is covered in solar panels. In the background they are covered in tiles.