Built on CouchDB technology with compatible API and replication protocols, IBM Cloudant supports flexible, schema-free JSON document storage, which is ideal for applications that require rapid, iterative development and dynamic data structures.
It’s high availability and automated failover ensure 99.99% SLA reliability and minimal downtime.
Instantly deploy an instance, create databases and independently scale throughput capacity and data storage to meet your application requirements.
Encrypt all data, with optional user-defined encryption key management through IBM Key Protect, and integrate with IBM Identity and Access Management.
Get continuous availability as Cloudant distributes data across availability zones and 6 regions for app performance and disaster recovery requirements.
IBM Cloudant has layered additional open-source technologies for full text search and geospatial indexing capabilities.
The Ticket Fairy leveraged global distribution to enhance scalability and performance. With IBM Cloudant, it was able to handle large volumes of ticket transactions during peak times to offer a more reliable and efficient service to its clients and users.