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The aim of this Special Interest Group is to promote collaboration and evidence in research and practice in the fields of suicide exposure and bereavement and postvention services.


  1. To hold a meeting of members at biannual world congress, to evaluate past activities and plan future goals and activities.
  2. To ensure appropriate representation of postvention at IASP and similar conferences.
  3. To contribute to the IASP newsletter.
  4. To ensure appropriate communication between members, with the TF established under the SIG umbrella.
  5. To identify initiatives to be undertaken by TFs, to be subsequently reported to the Board of IASP.


Preventing Suicide – How to Start a Survivors’ Group 

(IASP/WHO publication)

Estonian  | Flemish  | French  | Japanese  | Polish  | Serbian  | Spanish |

National Suicide Survivors Organisations

Suicide and Bereavement Outreach Brief

On September 15, 2011, some of the world’s leading experts in suicide crisis response gathered together to explore some of the difficult aspects in “postvention” (what we do after a suicide to provide psychological first aid and minimizing the tragic impact in individuals and communities). In this video representatives from Australia, Thailand, Slovenia, New Zealand, UK, Japan, Belgium, and the USA discuss some of the goals and strategies of postvention work that appear to sometimes work against each other or cause confusion. This conversation was part of the International Association of Suicide Prevention’s Annual Congress held in Beijing, China.

Tensions in Postvention Part I: How Do We Honor Loss While Preventing Contagion After Suicide?

The aftermath of Suicide Tensions in Postvention


(This review offers a complete list of papers (N=443) (published between 1965 and February 2015) representing the results described in the study by Maple et al (2017). A Systematic Mapping of Suicide Bereavement and Postvention Research and a Proposed Strategic Research Agenda, as published in IASP’s journal Crisis.)

Andriessen K: How to increase suicide survivor support? Experiences from the national survivor programme in Flanders – Belgium (pdf)
Grad O: Guidelines to Assist Clinical Staff After the Suicide of a Patient (pdf)

If you would like to join this SIG, please contact us.

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