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To date, the Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group have 48 international members:

  • 31% Australia       
  • 19% Canada
  • 13% USA
  • 10% Asia
  • 10% Europe
  • 3% South America
  • 10% Unknown
The four main objectives and related accomplishments for the SIG are:

1) To expand scholarship exploring suicide and workplace issues;
– 28 professional conference and meeting presentations in five countries reported
– 9 peer-reviewed journal articles reported.
– Over $1M (Australian) in grant funding secured

2) To develop model policies and protocols for workplaces to adapt;
– New efforts in the US for National Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention underway (a partnership among the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, and United Suicide Survivors International)

3) To share promising practices of suicide prevention programs and training;
-New Construction Suicide Prevention efforts in the US: Construction Working Minds and the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention

4) To develop a community of researchers and practitioners interested in workplace suicide prevention.
– Podcasts, webinars and blogs emerging highlighting workplace suicide prevention efforts.

Open Letter on work related suicides

“As international researchers and experts in the field of suicide prevention, we are calling on public health authorities, workplace health and safety regulators, trade unions, employers, suicide prevention associations, and other stakeholders to take urgent action to recognise, investigate and prevent work-related suicides”.

Workplace Suicide Prevention Podcast

Hosted by the IASP Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group, this podcast series aims to spark meaningful conversations around the topic of workplace suicide prevention.

Discussions of suicide can be overwhelming; if you are struggling and would like to seek further support, we encourage you to visit Find A Helpline, where you can connect to helpline support near you.

Living Authentically - Work-Related Suicide and Our LGBTQ Communities

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas with guest speakers, Kim Fortin and Lyseria Kursave as they discuss the impact of discrimination and prejudice in the workplace. 

This episode contains strong language that some listeners may find offensive.

This podcast episode also contains discussions that include mentions of methods of suicide. We understand that this content may be distressing for some listeners. Please prioritise your well-being; you may choose not to listen if you feel it could be upsetting. If you or someone you know is struggling, we encourage you to reach out to a trusted support network or a local crisis helpline. 

Toxic Co-Workers Can Drive Despair - A Lived Experience Perspective

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas with guest speaker, Kimberly Williams, spokesperson for End Workplace Abuse as they discuss workplace abuse and its connection to suicidal intensity. 

Work-Related Suicide: Health and Safety Regulators’ Perspectives

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas and Jorgen Gullestrup with guests, Dr John Fitzgerald, Registered Clinical Psychologist and Lead at “Mentally Healthy Work” alongside Timothy Irving, Deputy Director, Directorate of Construction, US DOL/Occupational Safety and Health Administration as they discuss work-related suicide. Hosted by the IASP Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group

Work-Related Suicide: An Occupational Health & Safety Perspective

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas and guests, Dr Tania King and Professor Anthony LaMontagne as they discuss work-related suicide. Hosted by the IASP Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group

The Globalized Workforce, Deteriorating Workplace Conditions & Work-Related Suicides

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas and guests, Jorgen Gullestrup and Professor Sarah Waters as they discuss suicide prevention in the workplace. Hosted by the IASP Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group.  Music by Maestro Music

Workplace Suicide Prevention

Join Dr Sally Spencer-Thomas and guests, Jorgen Gullestrup and Professor Sarah Waters as they discuss suicide prevention in the workplace. Hosted by the IASP Suicide and the Workplace Special Interest Group
Music by Maestro Music.

Browse this link to find: Suicide and the Workplace Resources

If you would like to join this SIG, please contact us.

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