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IASP Special Interest Groups offer the opportunity for our community of members, researchers, professionals, lay people and volunteers to focus deeply on a specific aspect of suicide and suicide prevention. Please browse the following links to see the work of these groups:

Clusters and Contagion in Suicidal Behaviour

The Clusters and Contagion in Suicidal Behaviour special interest group brings together people interested in research, prevention and policy, who can share information and expertise in clusters and contagion effects in suicidal behaviour worldwide.

Culture and Suicidal Behaviour

Learn about the special interest group on Culture and Suicidal Behaviour which aims to establish a network of people interested in cultural issues in suicide research and prevention.

Genetics and Neurobiology of Suicide

Discover this Special Interest Group which aims to bring together suicidologists with a clear interest in neurobiological aspects of suicidal behaviour and to stimulate research in this domain.

This SIG aims to integrate lived experience throughout IASP activities, share information and good practice relating to lived experience with national and international suicide prevention organisations, and promote and support the establishment of lived experience networks/communities globally.

Helplines Best Practices

The Helplines Best Practices special interest group was established within IASP to encourage sharing of experience amongst helpline practitioners and utilisation of research/evaluation findings towards improved satisfaction and outcomes for callers.

The Prevention of Intentional Pesticide Poisoning SIG aims to prevent pesticide poisoning and to promote the development and use of evidence on restricting access to means, regulation, training, and improved medical management.


This special interest group aspires to generate an international standardized nomenclature on all terms within the area of suicidology, inclusive of death wishes, assisted suicide and bereavement, which may render research more comparable across the globe.

The main goal of the Suicide Among Older Adults special interest group is to support research and network between researchers dedicated to the study and prevention of suicide in older adults.

Risk, Resilience and Reasons for Living

The purpose of the SIG is to conduct research collaboratively. The studies done by this group will not only explore the process of the cultural adaptation of measures, but will provide clinical information to inform prevention programs within at-risk cultural groups.

Suicide and Self-Harm in Middle Aged Adults

The main goal of this SIG is to enhance understanding of suicide and self-harm in middle adulthood as important health and social problems.

Explore the special interest group focusing on suicide bereavement and the survivors of suicide.

This special interest group establishes guidelines that promote the accurate, responsible and ethical reporting of suicide in the media.

The purpose of this special interest group is to pursue a collective and shared interest in suicide prevention for LGBTQIA+ people by promoting and advocating for existing and emerging research.

Discover this special interest group focusing on issues relating to suicide prevention and boys and men.

Discover this special interest group focusing on issues relating to suicide prevention in primary care.

Suicide and the Workplace

Discover this special interest group focusing on issues relating to suicide and the workplace.

Education and Training SIG

The aim of the Education and Training in Suicide Prevention special interest group is to support the development of high-quality education and training in suicide prevention around the world.

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