Feng Shui Says Wall-Facing Desks Are A No-Go. Should You Do It Anyway?

Feng shui is a popular design concept that comes with quite a few guidelines — one of which is that you should never place a desk facing a wall. In fact, it's one of the feng shui home basics. But for those of us with limited space, sometimes concessions have to be made. The good thing is that there are some workarounds to this common problem that can help you make the best of your work situation without abandoning the concept of feng shui altogether. 

The Feng Shui Society defines the practice like this: "Feng shui is the art and philosophy of designing harmonious environments based on the Chinese understanding (and Chinese metaphysics) of how people are connected to and affected by their close surroundings." The goal behind the practice being to maximize the positive energy of an environment so that it supports rather than drains you. Now if you're thinking this sounds a bit far-fetched, you wouldn't be the only one. Feng shui has been a controversial topic with many experts still arguing over its validity. 

One study conducted in the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology found that subjects exposed to a virtual feng shui environment actually did produce more positive emotions than those exposed to an environment that did not align with feng shui ideologies. That said, studies like this are still relatively subjective, and while feng shui is certainly a helpful concept to explore when redecorating, breaking the rules and opting for a wall-facing-desk could actually be the best option for your office. 

So what's the deal with the desk?

According to the practice, facing the desk to the wall can limit potential growth by putting you out of command — meaning you are not aware of the majority of the room to your back. While moving it to a more feng-shui-approved location is ideal, an alternative is to add mirrors in front of the desk if you are pressed for options as this at least serves to expand your view. These feng shui home office ideas could make your work zone feel balanced.

But sometimes — like your desk — you're up against the wall, and putting it exactly where you "shouldn't" could actually be the best choice for you. Luckily, there are still some feng shui tips you can try that can help you work around it. As we mentioned above, one of the best ways to combat this setup is with a mirror, but you can also decorate your wall and environment with things like photos, inspirational quotes, artwork, and on a larger scale even lighting or a new wall color. Consider feng shui-inspired aromatherapy ideas for your work desk

Another option is to combat the position by filling the room with plants. Feng shui teachings suggest that plants symbolize growth and prosperity, and bringing them into a space can help to reduce stress and boost your mood. There are even certain plants that are recommended, some of which are a jade plant, money tree, snake plant, and bird of paradise. Plus, you get the added benefit of natural air filtration.

Are there pros to a desk facing the wall?

Ultimately, you may not have a choice except to face your desk to the wall, but it's not all bad. One of the most obvious pros is that it could be the most logical option. If having your desk face a wall is the only way that it is usable and doesn't waste space, then there's not really anything you can do about it. In some spaces, it may also be the most aesthetically pleasing and make the most sense design-wise. Especially if you aren't using your desk super frequently, you may want to prioritize your overall space — particularly if you are working with limited quarters.

Facing the wall can also help you focus. If you have a window in view or are able to see the expanse of your room, it can be easier to get distracted by what's happening outside, or even just see all the little messes around you area that you may have left behind. Putting your desk against a wall is also useful if you have a desktop, or need to be near an outlet. Not only will you be closer to the power source, but you won't have to worry about hiding or stepping over wires — and while it may not be feng-shui-friendly, sometimes the more practical answer is the best one. 
