How To Reset My ADT Panel After Battery Replacement
If you have an ADT security system in your home, you'll need to do a few things to take care of it and ensure it keeps working as it should. A basic component of a home security system is a master control panel, and when its battery is low, you my get an alert or see a low battery message that says "Lo Bat" or "LB" on the panel's display.
To replace the battery, you'll need to get a new one of the exact same kind. ADT alarm panels vary, but each one will need a sealed lead acid battery of one size or another. Before replacing the battery, you'll need to put the system in test mode by logging into or calling 800-ADT-ASAP. You'll then take it back out of test mode before resetting the system. Test mode can also be useful if you need to troubleshoot ADT home security.
If you've already replaced the battery, you may find it necessary to reset the panel. This is usually a pretty straightforward process, but can help ensure your system is working properly. A reset may be needed if the alarm has gone off for some reason but also may be useful if you have just replaced the battery or if the system is not being armed as it should be. Keep in mind that you may get called by ADT if the process doesn't go smoothly or if anything happens with your system that seems suspicious.
How to correctly reset your ADT panel
There are many different ADT panels and the process for resetting them varies. You may need to check your system's user manual or log into to determine the exact model you have and the steps you'll need to take to reset it. Many ADT panels can be reset by putting in your security code and pressing "off" twice. Other common ways to reset a panel include entering your security code and then simply pressing "off" or "1". Other panels are more unique. For example, with the DSC Impassa security system, you'll press "*" and then "3". With the Simon XT, you'll need to press "status" and then "disarm". Call customer service at 800-ADT-ASAP if you need additional help when resetting your panel.
Keep in mind that you shouldn't worry if the screen still says "Lo Bat" or "low battery" after replacing and resetting the system. It may take as long as 48 hours for the new battery to charge and for your home to become burglar-proof once again. The message should go away on its own soon after you've made the replacement.