Donations to support are made to PayPal Giving Fund, subject to its policies. Founded in 1945 with the creation of the CARE Package\u00ae, CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. CARE places special focus on working alongside women and girls. Equipped with the proper resources women and girls have the power to lift whole families and entire communities out of poverty. In 2022, CARE worked in over 110 countries, reaching more than 170 million people through 1,600 projects.", "url": "", "country": "US", "charity_id": "5153", "state": "GA", "featured": true, "keywords": "poverty, disaster relief, care, children, women, girls", "human_name": "", "logo_url": ""}], "user_charity_id": null, "featuredCharityId": "5153" }, "coupons": [], "ctaKeys": null, "currency": "USD", "currentCountry": "US", "edit_mode": false, "page": {}, "partner_vars": {}, "stripePubKey": "pk_live_5102NGX0Dwp9xek1o5U02pcgmxCAmDYtMnRWubERa7RXrhDP5YZNhtkA8pqNruXLtif7Ea0Qq4NfzRbpBzIlz6AqQ00zaNRMXiO", "wallet": { "balance": "0", "currency": "USD" }, "wishlist": {}, "products_json": [], "viewing_wishlist": {}, "allowed_payment_processors": ["free", "humblewallet", "paypal", "stripe_checkout", "stripe_payment_intent", "klarna"], "default_payment_credentials": null, "request_path": "/store/80-days", "initializeCordial": true, "ipInChina" : false, "showNavigationRedesign": null, "oneMonthSubscriptionPrice|money": {"currency": "USD", "amount": 11.99}, "showHumbleGamesCollectionPdp": true }