留学生 生活サポート
International Student Life Support


Hiroshima University Co-op International Student Committee (HUCISC) presents a short movie on how to use the Co-op.
Halal meals, how to use the cafeteria, how to use electronic money...etc. Please check it out.

  • 欲しいものがあるけど、どこで買えばいいかわからない。
  • 市役所などでの手続きがわからない。
  • ゴミの出し方がわからない。
  • 〇〇したいけど、どうすればいいかわからない。
  • 生協に加入したい。留学生保険に加入したい。
  • 教科書を買いたい。


  • I have something I want, but I don't know where to buy it.
  • What does this letter from the city office or bank say?
  • Don’t know how to throw this trash...
  • I want to start something, but I don't know what or how? What should I do?
  • I want to join Co-op or I want to join an international student insurance.
  • I want to buy textbooks.

Any kinds of questions are welcome!

Please contact us by email first!

Mail :


Please fill in your name and mobile number, and write down your questions and what you want us to support. (English, or Japanese, or Bahasa Indonesia)

The person in charge at the Co-op will email you back.
In some cases, we will support you by calling, talking directly, or accompanying you.

* 医療機関、市役所等には同行しません。

* We are not able to accompany you to non-campus area. Example medical institutions, City office, etc.
