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Two pharmacists stand behind the counter in a well-stocked pharmacy, providing assistance to a customer.

Patient safety in Japan: national reporting and learning system

20 February 2025

In part two of three guest blog posts for HSSIB, Professor Shin Ushiro talks us through the development of the national reporting and learning system in Japan, and its value to frontline healthcare s…
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A smiling health visitor wearing green scrubs helps an older woman to walk in her home.

Report finds there is no 'consistent' approach to managing safety risks when patients' care spans multiple providers

13 February 2025

Our latest report found that integrated care boards (ICBs) do not have visibility of some patient safety risks, which impacts on their ability to effectively deal with those risks to keep patients sa…
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Flag of Japan on the world map.

Patient safety in Japan: a brief history

5 February 2025

In the first of three guest blog posts for HSSIB, Professor Shin Ushiro discusses Japan’s patient safety journey, similarities with other countries and future perspectives.
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Flag of Japan on the world map.

Patient safety in Japan: a brief history

5 February 2025

In the first of three guest blog posts for HSSIB, Professor Shin Ushiro discusses Japan’s patient safety journey, similarities with other countries and future perspectives.
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Two arms clasp hands, you can't see the people's faces.

Report ‘evidences a system still not learning’ from mental health inpatient deaths

30 January 2025

Significant systemic issues, lack of patient and family involvement and cultures of fear and blame contribute to mental health services not learning from inpatient deaths, says our latest report.
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Our response to increased violence against ambulance staff

7 January 2025

Dr Rosie Benneyworth responds to new statistics that show ambulance services are on course for the highest rate of reported incidents of violence.
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Response to National State of Patient Safety Report 2024

19 December 2024

In welcoming the report, its findings and recommendations, Chief Executive, Dr Rosie Benneyworth says:
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A map of north Europe with the flag of Finland.

Consolidating safety investigation: Finland’s journey and the influence of the HSSIB

19 December 2024

In our latest guest blog post, Hanna Tiirinki of the Safety Investigation Authority Finland cites how HSSIB has significantly influenced Finland’s approach at the beginning of its national safety inv…
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An AI generated image of a young person and an adult stood back-to-back, one on a young person's ward and one on an adult ward.

Report explores keeping young people safe when moving between mental health services due to reaching adulthood

12 December 2024

Moving from inpatient children and young people’s mental health services due to a change in age rather than a change in need can have a significant impact on young people, their families and carers, …
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Two ambulances parked outside a hospital emergency department entrance.

Report highlights impact of emergency departments missing or delaying ‘time critical’ medication for patients with existing conditions

5 December 2024

We’ve published a report examining the case of a patient who did not receive time critical Parkinson’s medication whilst attending an emergency department.
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The Swedish flag stuck into a map of the Scandinavian region of Europe.

How HSSIB contributes to patient safety: a view from Sweden

3 December 2024

The leadership team of the Swedish Accident Investigation Authority compare their capacity for healthcare safety investigations to that of HSSIB and highlight how our international counterparts consi…
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Empty chairs outside double doors leading to an outpatients department in an NHS hospital.

Dignity fears contribute to prisoners not attending hospital or clinic appointments

28 November 2024

Our latest report raises concerns over female prisoners privacy and dignity after an investigation found they are often taken to outpatient appointments by male prison officers.
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Silhouette of a man sitting on the edge of a bed, facing away towards a large, bright window.

Harm caused by mental health out of area placements

21 November 2024

Patients experience harm with the continued use of ‘inappropriate’ out of area placements for their mental health inpatient care, says our latest report.
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Social media app icons on a mobile phone screen.

HSSIB stops posting on X

18 November 2024

We have been reviewing the use of our social media channels and have taken the decision to stop posting updates on X from today.
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A map of Australia with the Australian flag pinned to it.

How HSSIB contributes to patient safety: a view from Australia

4 November 2024

Professor Peter Hibbert from the Australian Institute of Health Innovation reflects on how HSSIB contributes to improved patient safety, plus our education offering and areas for improvement.
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Our response to the Care Quality Commission State of Care report 2023/24

25 October 2024

Following the publication of the State of Care report, HSSIB’s Chief Executive, Dr Rosie Benneyworth says:
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A blurred hospital corridor with bright ceiling lights.

Report emphasises importance of therapeutic care in mental health units and wards

24 October 2024

We have published the first of our investigations into mental health inpatient settings and make recommendations to ensure that therapeutic care is a priority.
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Our response to the Dash Review

15 October 2024

Review of patient safety across the health and care landscape.
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A male investigator at work in an office, using a desktop computer.

The investigator’s toolkit: FRAM

9 October 2024

David Fassam, Senior Safety Investigator, continues our series of blogs that take a look at the methods we use in our patient safety investigations. Next up is the Functional Resonance Analysis Metho…
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Our response to the Lord Darzi Review

12 September 2024

Following the publication of Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation into the NHS in England, HSSIB’s Chief Executive, Dr Rosie Benneyworth says:
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A female British Asian healthcare worker makes a hospital bed.

Discrimination stops temporary workers speaking up about safety concerns

5 September 2024

Our latest investigation report reveals there is widespread discrimination against temporary staff in the NHS and this creates a culture of fear that stops them speaking up about patient safety.
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Aerial view of a prison site in the English countryside.

Unnecessary 999 calls from prisons lead to a ‘significant’ loss in ambulance crew time

29 August 2024

Ambulance crews spend significant time diverting resources to 999 callouts in prisons that are cancelled or not a serious enough medical emergency, says our latest report.
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An older man wearing glasses sits using a laptop.

Patient and staff concerns over GP online consultation tools

25 July 2024

Our latest report says that patient safety must be prioritised as online consultation tools in general practice continue to be implemented.
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Annual report 2023-24 cover

Annual report sets out progress in our first six months

22 July 2024

Our first annual report and accounts, published today, covers the six months from our launch to 31 March 2024 and sets out our priorities as a new organisation, with achievements and progress to date.
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A young girl with an unhappy look on her face lies on her side in a hospital bed, hugging her teddy.

Safer mental health environment needed in paediatric wards

23 May 2024

Our latest report has called for improvements and changes in the design of paediatric wards to ensure they provide a therapeutic environment.
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A sad looking woman lies awake on a hospital bed.

Self-harm risk of patients under continuous observation in hospital wards

9 May 2024

Our latest investigation has found ‘limited evidence’ that the current approach to continuous observation of adult patients at risk of self-harm when on hospitals wards is effective.
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A man packs supplies into crates at a food bank.

Tackling health inequity: observations from an investigation visit

30 April 2024

Nichola Crust, Senior Safety Investigator, shares how one primary care network in the north of England is tackling health inequity by building relationships beyond traditional healthcare boundaries, …
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A nurse wearing scrubs prepares surgical instruments including swabs.

Risk of surgical swabs being left inside patients

16 April 2024

We've investigated the risk of unintentional ‘retained’ swabs after invasive procedures. The investigation was launched after we examined the case of a patient who had two swabs left in her ches…
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A tired hospital doctor rests his head on his hand as he sits at a desk.

Share your experience of healthcare staff fatigue

26 March 2024

We’ve just launched an investigation to look at fatigue risk in healthcare and its impact on patient safety.
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Healthcare professionals in a busy hospital corridor.

Temporary NHS staff a ‘lost voice’ in crucial patient safety investigations

14 March 2024

Our latest investigation has found that not involving temporary NHS staff in serious incident investigations may ‘undermine’ its ability to improve patient safety.
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A surgical team wearing blue scrubs perform an operation in a hospital theatre.

Elective care recovery: taking a systems approach

5 March 2024

Senior Safety Investigator, Neil Alexander, blogs about the challenges facing the NHS in tackling the elective care backlog and how learning from our investigation reports may be able to help the NHS…
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A male patient's hand rests on a nurse call button in a hospital bed

New learning report brings together learning on patient misidentification

8 February 2024

Our latest report reiterates that the misidentification of patients remains a persistent safety risk across the NHS but is one that is under-recognised and under-researched.
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An anaesthetist performs a nasotracheal intubation of a child.

New report charts safety risks associated with managing patients with known ‘difficult airways’ in emergency situations

25 January 2024

Our latest report shows improvement is needed at a national level in the communication, preparation and planning for patients who may have ‘a difficult airway’ – that is the anatomy of their mouth, t…
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An illustration showing the many parts that make up the healthcare system, including healthcare staff, diagnostics, medication and different services like emergency care.

The investigator's toolkit: SEIPS

17 January 2024

Continuing our series of blogs that look at the range of investigation methods we use, Deinniol Owens and Dr Helen Vosper highlight how SEIPS can be the investigator’s ‘swiss army knife’ when plannin…
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200 guests sit watching panel speakers in a large hall.

Reflecting on three months as HSSIB

21 December 2023

This week marks three months since an event was held at Kings College London to formally recognise our formal establishment as the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB).
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A female pharmacist stands behind a pharmacy counter using a desktop computer. Medicines line the shelves behind her.

Electronic patient record systems: recurring themes arising from safety investigations

19 December 2023

Senior Safety Investigator, Helen Jones, blogs about some of the key benefits and risks of electronic patient record (EPR) systems used in healthcare, sharing what we are learning from our safety inv…
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An older male patient talks to a GP, sat either side of a desk in a consulting room.

Change needed in how GP continuity of care is prioritised at a national level

30 November 2023

Making continuity of care an ‘essential requirement’ for GP practices could reduce the risk of a delay in diagnosing serious health conditions, and ease significant pressure on GP’s workload and welf…
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A nurse speaks to a cancer patient.

Investigation explores risk of patients not receiving crucial medication through a portable medical device

14 November 2023

Alarms on a portable medical device may not notify staff that medication is not being delivered as it should, creating a ‘hazardous situation’ and increasing the risk of harm to patients.
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A nurse helps an older male patient to stand up from his hospital bed.

New report shows needs of learning disability patients ‘not consistently met’ when they are in hospital

2 November 2023

Despite national efforts to address inequity, the health and care system is not always meeting the needs of people with a learning disability when they are cared for in hospital, says our latest repo…
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A middle aged woman gazes out of a window.

The impact of menopause on mental health

30 October 2023

Amber Sargent and Helen Jones blog about the patient safety issues that arise when the impact of menopause on mental health is not considered during clinical assessments.
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White speech bubble on a pink background.

Our response to the Care Quality Commission State of Care report 2022/23

20 October 2023

State of Care is the annual assessment of healthcare and social care in England by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
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200 guests sit watching panel speakers in a large hall.

HSSIB officially launches with aim to drive radical change in patient safety

18 October 2023

As our newly formed investigation body officially launched today, clear messages came from our leadership team that we will aim to drive ‘radical’ change in how patient safety is managed across healt…
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A space shuttle launches into a blue sky.

Report explores ‘proactive and integrated approach’ to managing safety in healthcare

18 October 2023

Today we publish our first report as the Health Services Safety Investigations Body, exploring the use of safety management systems and how they could contribute to more effective safety management i…
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Back view of a female employee speaking on a video call with diverse team of colleagues.

Philippa Styles appointed as Director of Investigations

16 October 2023

Philippa Styles will join our team shortly as Director of Investigations. This is a critical role within the leadership team, overseeing all investigations undertaken by the Health Services Safety In…
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Close up of the gloved hands of a laboratory assistant as they carry out blood tests.
HSIB legacy content

The importance of non-patient facing NHS services in patient safety

19 July 2023

Senior Safety Investigators Russell Evans and Craig Hadley highlight how behind-the-scenes services are crucial to help the NHS operate effectively and safely, in our latest blog.
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A healthcare professional looks at notes at the hospital bedside of a patient lying on a bed behind them.
HSIB legacy content

Helping NHS staff to do their jobs: design of information in the workplace

29 June 2023

Senior Safety Investigators Clare Crowley and Nick Woodier blog about the simple but often overlooked measures that NHS staff and organisations can take to improve the design and display of informati…
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Three colleagues engage in an animated conversation in an open plan office space.
HSIB legacy content

The investigator's toolkit: Using Appreciative Inquiry in safety investigations

5 June 2023

In the first in a series of blogs looking at the range of investigation methods we use, Nichola Crust reflects on how Appreciative Inquiry can be used to examine patient safety and identify opportuni…
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A Norwegian ambulance drives with it's blue lights flashing along a road in Oslo.
HSIB legacy content

Building an international network for patient safety investigation

4 May 2023

Our Chief Investigator, Rosie Benneyworth, writes about exciting developments in the world of international patient safety investigation.
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A female clinician sits at a desk using a desktop computer.
HSIB legacy content

Failing to communicate: challenges with electronic communication systems

18 April 2023

Matt Mansbridge and Melanie Ottewill blog about the patient safety issues that arise when systems are unable to communicate with each other, as highlighted in three of our national investigations to …
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A tired surgeon sits on the floor of a hospital corridor with their head hanging down.
HSIB legacy content

The impact of staff fatigue on patient safety: how do we manage the risk

17 March 2023

We facilitated a half-day event on 17 March 2023 to ask how healthcare can understand and start to manage the risk of staff fatigue.
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A Black male healthcare professional sits outside in front of a brick wall, drinking a coffee.
HSIB legacy content

Starting the conversation around NHS staff fatigue and patient safety

8 March 2023

Laura Pickup blogs about NHS staff fatigue in the run up to World Sleep Day and our fatigue event on 17 March 2023.
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